Village: बहुली - Bahuli
Hamlet: भगतवाडी - Bhagatwadi
[8] id = 80 ✓ भगत पारु - Bhagat Paru | रामचंदर नवरा दशरथ वरबाप मोत्याची बाशिंग लग्न रामाच्या नगरात rāmacandara navarā daśaratha varabāpa mōtyācī bāśiṅga lagna rāmācyā nagarāta | ✎ Ramchandra is the bridegroom, Dashrath is the father of the groom A pearl bashing* is tied on Ram’s head, the wedding is taking place in his city ▷ (रामचंदर)(नवरा)(दशरथ)(वरबाप) ▷ (मोत्याची)(बाशिंग)(लग्न) of_Ram (नगरात) | pas de traduction en français |