Village: घरणी - Gharani
Cross-references: | B:VII-5.5 (B07-05-05) - Surrounding Nature / Drought |
[37] id = 60636 ✓ शिंदे प्रभावती - Shinde Prabhavati | आईची माया मोठी जशी वडाची सावली बयेच्या पंखाखाली विसावली रोपवेली āīcī māyā mōṭhī jaśī vaḍācī sāvalī bayēcyā paṅkhākhālī visāvalī rōpavēlī | ✎ Mother’s love and affetion is like the huge shade of a Banyan* tree Under her wings, small plants and creepers (children) can rest comfortably ▷ (आईची)(माया)(मोठी)(जशी)(वडाची) wheat-complexioned ▷ (बयेच्या)(पंखाखाली)(विसावली)(रोपवेली) | pas de traduction en français |