Village: पढेगाव - Padhegaon
[13] id = 44852 ✓ बडाक सकूबाई - Badaka Sakubai | लेकच्या आईला काही करमना पोचरील्या भिंती वर काढील्या मईना lēkacyā āīlā kāhī karamanā pōcarīlyā bhintī vara kāḍhīlyā maīnā | ✎ Daughter is leaving for her in-laws’house, her mother is missing her She plastered the walls with cow dung wash and drew pictures of Maina* ▷ (लेकच्या)(आईला)(काही)(करमना) ▷ (पोचरील्या)(भिंती)(वर)(काढील्या) Mina | pas de traduction en français |