Village: गडले - Gadale
Hamlet: दुधवण - Dudhawan
[7] id = 40692 ✓ ढेबे ठकु - Dhebe Thaku | नव्या मांडवाच्या दारी कोण बोलती गौळण मागती माडीवर जानवसा नवर्या बाळाची मावळण navyā māṇḍavācyā dārī kōṇa bōlatī gauḷaṇa māgatī māḍīvara jānavasā navaryā bāḷācī māvaḷaṇa | ✎ At the entrance of the new shed for marriage, who is this person taking a lead for demanding She is the bridegroom’s paternal aunt (father’s sister) asking for a house with an upper floor for the marriage party ▷ (नव्या)(मांडवाच्या)(दारी) who (बोलती)(गौळण) ▷ (मागती)(माडीवर)(जानवसा)(नवर्या)(बाळाची)(मावळण) | pas de traduction en français |