Village: पुणतांबा - Puntamba
[2] id = 39499 ✓ धनवटे गोदावरी - Dhanwate Godhavari | भरला मांडव माझ्या येही भाईयाना आणल देऊक माझ्या लेकी जावयानं bharalā māṇḍava mājhyā yēhī bhāīyānā āṇala dēūka mājhyā lēkī jāvayānaṁ | ✎ The shed for marriage is full of people, my brother is my Vyahi* My daughter and son-in-law have brought the Devak* ▷ (भरला)(मांडव) my (येही)(भाईयाना) ▷ (आणल)(देऊक) my (लेकी)(जावयानं) | pas de traduction en français | ||