Village: आजिवली - Ajiwali
Hamlet: जाधववाडी - Jadhavwadi
[20] id = 32343 ✓ जाधव फुला - Jadhav Phula | आहेव मेली गोरी आहेव नवमीला पाव्हणी तिच्या ना भरतारानी केली ताडाची लावणी āhēva mēlī gōrī āhēva navamīlā pāvhaṇī ticyā nā bharatārānī kēlī tāḍācī lāvaṇī | ✎ The woman died as an Ahev*, she will come as a guest on Ahev* navami Her husband planted toddy palm ▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(गोरी)(आहेव)(नवमीला)(पाव्हणी) ▷ (तिच्या) * (भरतारानी) shouted (ताडाची)(लावणी) | pas de traduction en français |
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Notes => | Ahev* Navami is the ninth day in the second fortnight in the month of Bhadrapad when Ahev* ancestors in the family are remembered and a Savashin woman in offered a sari, a coconut is put in her lap in the name of the deceased Ahev* woman in the family. |