Village: कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
[1] id = 27836 ✓ मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama | वाईच्या वैराळा चुडा भर बीगीबीगी एकला बंधुराया बहिण हाये दोघी vāīcyā vairāḷā cuḍā bhara bīgībīgī ēkalā bandhurāyā bahiṇa hāyē dōghī | ✎ Oh Vairal* from Wai, put the bangles quickly on our hand We have only one brother but we are two sisters ▷ (वाईच्या)(वैराळा)(चुडा)(भर)(बीगीबीगी) ▷ (एकला) younger_brother sister (हाये)(दोघी) | pas de traduction en français |