Village: वरघड - Vargad
[3] id = 23730 ✓ भरेकर कासाबाई - Bharekar Kasabai | लगनाच्या वेळी नवरा खेळ्यांनी अडवीला हवशा चुलत्यानी असा बटवा खोलला laganācyā vēḷī navarā khēḷyānnī aḍavīlā havaśā culatyānī asā baṭavā khōlalā | ✎ At the time of the wedding, the groom was stopped by drum and lezim* players (demanding their customary gift of money) His uncle opens his purse and give them money and makes them happy ▷ (लगनाच्या)(वेळी)(नवरा)(खेळ्यांनी)(अडवीला) ▷ (हवशा)(चुलत्यानी)(असा)(बटवा)(खोलला) | pas de traduction en français |