Database design: Bernard Bel
= 21126

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Song #21126 by Dabde Hausa

Village: साकरी - Sakari

D:X-3.4 (D10-03-04) - Mother attached to son / Mother prays for child’s long life

[12] id = 21126
दबडे हौसा - Dabde Hausa
तुमच्या जिवासाठी उभी राहिले चिखलात
किती सांगू बाळा तुम्ही शेलाणी सरवलात
tumacyā jivāsāṭhī ubhī rāhilē cikhalāta
kitī sāṅgū bāḷā tumhī śēlāṇī saravalāta
For your sake, I have been standing in the mud
How much can I tell you, son, it’s only due to our hard work, you have got this cultivable Sarava land for farming
▷ (तुमच्या)(जिवासाठी) standing (राहिले)(चिखलात)
▷ (किती)(सांगू) child (तुम्ही)(शेलाणी)(सरवलात)
pas de traduction en français
Notes =>Sarava - a part of land made cultivable by clearing the trees and bushes on it. For land thus made newly useful for cultivation, the word Sarava is used in the second or third year. In the fifth or sixth year, the word used for this land is Padan.

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  1. Mother prays for child’s long life