Village: भोकर - Bhokar
[29] id = 109375 ✓ मोटे मुक्ता - Mote Mukta | दुरुन ओळखिते नणंदा मालनीचा ठसा पगडीला संग होता duruna ōḷakhitē naṇandā mālanīcā ṭhasā pagaḍīlā saṅga hōtā | ✎ I recognise the sign my nanand*’s coming from far I could guess from my husband who was with her ▷ (दुरुन)(ओळखिते)(नणंदा)(मालनीचा)(ठसा) ▷ (पगडीला) with (होता) | pas de traduction en français |