Village: वाजवणे - Vajvane
[131] id = 104002 ✓ आंद्रे राधा - Andre Radha | लक्ष्मीबाई आली शेताचा बांध चढ असा माझा बंधु हाती गोफण पाया पड lakṣmībāī ālī śētācā bāndha caḍha asā mājhā bandhu hātī gōphaṇa pāyā paḍa | ✎ Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, has come, she is climbing the field bund My dear brother, with a sling in hand, touches her feet ▷ Goddess_Lakshmi has_come (शेताचा)(बांध)(चढ) ▷ (असा) my brother (हाती)(गोफण)(पाया)(पड) | pas de traduction en français |