Village: सारोळे - Sarole
[46] id = 102688 ✓ धामणे राधाबाई - Dhamane Radhabai | वाटवरल्या नाग वाट वाईला लवंड साळाईला माझ्या हिला वाणीच भावंड vāṭavaralyā nāga vāṭa vāīlā lavaṇḍa sāḷāīlā mājhyā hilā vāṇīca bhāvaṇḍa | ✎ Cobra on the road, move aside from the road and go somewhere My daughter has brothers who will do anything for her ▷ (वाटवरल्या)(नाग)(वाट)(वाईला)(लवंड) ▷ (साळाईला) my (हिला)(वाणीच) brother | pas de traduction en français |
Notes => | This refers to unknown persons who tease women, pass comments on them. They are a danger for the daughter. In this song, there is a warning to such persons. |