Village: होनवडज - Honvadaj
[64] id = 102658 ✓ जाधव चच्याबाई - Jadhav Chachyabai | जोड मोटच पाणी कांद्या संग लसणाला जोड नारी किसनाला jōḍa mōṭaca pāṇī kāndyā saṅga lasaṇālā jōḍa nārī kisanālā | ✎ Water drawn with two leather buckets from the draw-well for onions as well as garlic God Krishna has two wives ▷ (जोड)(मोटच) water, (कांद्या) with (लसणाला) ▷ (जोड)(नारी)(किसनाला) | pas de traduction en français |