Village: तळवडी - Talwadi
[59] id = 101732 ✓ यमघर इंदू - Yamghar Indu | दोन्ही मोटचे पाणी चालते नागावानी मोर दारुळ्या वाघावानी dōnhī mōṭacē pāṇī cālatē nāgāvānī mōra dāruḷyā vāghāvānī | ✎ Water drawn with two leather buckets from the draw-well flows like a cobra The one who distributes water in the furrows like a tiger is ahead ▷ Both (मोटचे) water, (चालते)(नागावानी) ▷ (मोर)(दारुळ्या)(वाघावानी) | pas de traduction en français |