Database design: Bernard Bel
= 100190

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Song #100190 by Bhosale Mangal

Village: बोंबळी - Bobali

D:X-2.5g (D10-02-05g) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / In foreign place:hardships and bad habits

[12] id = 100190
भोसले मंगल - Bhosale Mangal
पराया मुलखात येळराम जाती जड
आईबापाच्या खुळीसाठी हसुनी केलं गोड
parāyā mulakhāta yēḷarāma jātī jaḍa
āībāpācyā khuḷīsāṭhī hasunī kēlaṁ gōḍa
In the distant land, it is difficult to pass time
For the sake of my parents’ happiness, I live through this difficult time with a smile
▷ (पराया)(मुलखात)(येळराम) caste (जड)
▷ (आईबापाच्या)(खुळीसाठी)(हसुनी)(केलं)(गोड)
pas de traduction en français
Notes =>In this song, a Sasurvashin* expresses her feelings. In a distant land where she has no one. it is very difficult to pass time. She feels lost. Passing days becomes a burden. But for the sake of her parents’ wishes, their happiness and satisfaction, she faces this phase with a smile in order not to displease them.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. In foreign place:hardships and bad habits