Village: उंदीरगाव - Undirgaon
[67] id = 63440 ✓ बोधक गंगु - Bodhak Gangu | लेकाच परीस सुन करिते देखणी दरवाजात उभी राहते दउत लेखणी lēkāca parīsa suna karitē dēkhaṇī daravājāta ubhī rāhatē dauta lēkhaṇī | ✎ I choose a daughter-in-law more beautiful than the son She (my daughter-in-law) moves around in the house like a pen and an ink-pot (she adds repute to her family) ▷ (लेकाच)(परीस)(सुन) I_prepare (देखणी) ▷ (दरवाजात) standing (राहते)(दउत)(लेखणी) | pas de traduction en français |