Village: चित्तरखेड - Chittarkhed
[28] id = 45848 ✓ पठारे साळू धर्माजी - Pathare Salu | लेकाच्या परिस सुन करिती देखणी घरामध्ये हिंडे माझी दवूत लेखणी lēkācyā parisa suna karitī dēkhaṇī gharāmadhyē hiṇḍē mājhī davūta lēkhaṇī | ✎ I choose a daughter-in-law more beautiful than the son She (my daughter-in-law) moves around in the house like a pen and an ink-pot (she adds repute to her family) ▷ (लेकाच्या)(परिस)(सुन) asks_for (देखणी) ▷ (घरामध्ये)(हिंडे) my (दवूत)(लेखणी) | pas de traduction en français |