Village: धामारी - Dhamari
Hamlet: शेळके वस्ती - Shelke Vasti
[35] id = 35254 ✓ साळुंखे सावित्रा - Salunkhe Savitra ◉ UVS-03-05 start 18:51 ➡ listen to section | दोघी आम्ही बहिणी दोन गावाच्या पलायण सांगते बंधु तुला वाघ मारावा भिलवान dōghī āmhī bahiṇī dōna gāvācyā palāyaṇa sāṅgatē bandhu tulā vāgha mārāvā bhilavāna | ✎ We, two sisters, live in villages two kos* away I tell you, brother, you become a Bhil* and kill the tiger ▷ (दोघी)(आम्ही)(बहिणी) two (गावाच्या)(पलायण) ▷ I_tell brother to_you (वाघ)(मारावा)(भिलवान) | pas de traduction en français | ||
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Notes => | Bhil - A race of people that inhabit hills, forests and subsist by hunting |