Village: चाचीवली - Chachiwali
[7] id = 32483 ✓ मराठे जना - Marathe Jana | सून करावी लेका परीस देखनी घरात नांदती जशी दऊत लेखणी sūna karāvī lēkā parīsa dēkhanī gharāta nāndatī jaśī daūta lēkhaṇī | ✎ One should choose a daughter-in-law more beautiful than the son She (my daughter-in-law) moves around in the house like a pen and an ink-pot (she adds repute to her family) ▷ (सून)(करावी)(लेका)(परीस)(देखनी) ▷ (घरात)(नांदती)(जशी)(दऊत)(लेखणी) | pas de traduction en français |