Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Songs in village:
माळेवाडी - Malewadi
(471 records)

278 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.1 (A01-01-01) - Sītā / Discovery in a furrow

Cross-references:A:I-1.17ai (A01-01-17a01) - Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī / Discovery of Sītā / While ploughing, Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī finds a box
A:I-1.17aii (A01-01-17a02) - Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī / Discovery of Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī takes the box home
A:I-1.23c (A01-01-23c) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Sītā is found in a box
A:I-1.23d (A01-01-23d) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Who is the owner of the box?
A:I-1.23e (A01-01-23e) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Tātobā takes the box home
[42] id = 52746
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सिता म्हणे मला नाही माता पिता
घेतीला जनम राजा जनक होता
sitā mhaṇē malā nāhī mātā pitā
ghētīlā janama rājā janaka hōtā
Sita says, I have no mother, no father
When I was found born, King Janak was there
▷  Sita (म्हणे)(मला) not (माता)(पिता)
▷ (घेतीला)(जनम) king Janak (होता)
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[107] id = 89970
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
जनक राजा बोले पोटी नयी माझ्या बेटी
अशा नांगराच्या तास सिता सापडली पेटी
janaka rājā bōlē pōṭī nayī mājhyā bēṭī
aśā nāṅgarācyā tāsa sitā sāpaḍalī pēṭī
King Janak says, I don’t have a daughter
Sita was found in a furrow while ploughing the field
▷  Janak king (बोले)(पोटी)(नयी) my (बेटी)
▷ (अशा)(नांगराच्या)(तास) Sita (सापडली)(पेटी)
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[108] id = 89971
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
जनक राजा बोले पोटी नाही माझ्या पोर
अशा नांगराच्या तास सिता सापडली धर
janaka rājā bōlē pōṭī nāhī mājhyā pōra
aśā nāṅgarācyā tāsa sitā sāpaḍalī dhara
King Janak says, I don’t have a daughter
Sita was found in a furrow while ploughing the field
▷  Janak king (बोले)(पोटी) not my (पोर)
▷ (अशा)(नांगराच्या)(तास) Sita (सापडली)(धर)
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A:I-1.5ai (A01-01-05a01) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / A matching couple at home / Sītā, a charming housewife

[37] id = 53288
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
सिताबाई गोरी हिन गोंधील नाकावरी
रामराया साज सिता तुझ्या नथावरी
sitābāī gōrī hina gōndhīla nākāvarī
rāmarāyā sāja sitā tujhyā nathāvarī
Sita is fair, she tattooed on her nose
Sita, the figure of Ramraya looks nice on your nose-ring
▷  Goddess_Sita (गोरी)(हिन)(गोंधील)(नाकावरी)
▷ (रामराया)(साज) Sita your (नथावरी)
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[164] id = 65823
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पडतो पाऊस औरंगाबाद काळा कोट
सिताच्या न्हानीवर रामचंद्र हाकी मोट
paḍatō pāūsa auraṅgābāda kāḷā kōṭa
sitācyā nhānīvara rāmacandra hākī mōṭa
It is raining continuously, it is a scary blinding rain
Near Sita’s bathroom, Ramchandra is drawing water from the well in a leather bucket
▷  Falls rain (औरंगाबाद)(काळा)(कोट)
▷  Of_Sita (न्हानीवर)(रामचंद्र)(हाकी)(मोट)
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A:I-1.5bi (A01-01-05b01) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / With Rām and Lakṣmaṇ in exile / Sītā offers to go with Rām

[14] id = 73679
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
राम चालला वनाला सीता जाऊन देईना
रामा तुझ दुःख हुरदी माईना
rāma cālalā vanālā sītā jāūna dēīnā
rāmā tujha duḥkha huradī māīnā
Ram is going to the forest, Sita doesn’t let him go
Rama, I cannot contain your sorrow in my heart
▷  Ram (चालला)(वनाला) Sita (जाऊन)(देईना)
▷  Ram your (दुःख)(हुरदी) Mina
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[33] id = 93293
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
रामजीची सिता लक्ष्मणाची वहिनी
राजा दशरथाची जेठी सुन ती पहिली
rāmajīcī sitā lakṣmaṇācī vahinī
rājā daśarathācī jēṭhī suna tī pahilī
Ram’s Sita is Lakshman’s sister-in-law
She is the eldest daughter-in-law of King Dashrath
▷ (रामजीची) Sita (लक्ष्मणाची)(वहिनी)
▷  King (दशरथाची)(जेठी)(सुन)(ती)(पहिली)
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A:I-1.5cv (A01-01-05c05) - Sītā / First exile amorous idyll / Rām sent to exile / Arrow and bow

[30] id = 53330
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
राम लक्ष्मण दोन्ही हिंडते वनाला
रेशमाचे गोंडे त्यांच्या धनुष्य बानाला
rāma lakṣmaṇa dōnhī hiṇḍatē vanālā
rēśamācē gōṇḍē tyāñcyā dhanuṣya bānālā
Ram and Lakshman are both wandering in the forest
Their bow and arrow have silk tassels
▷  Ram Laksman both (हिंडते)(वनाला)
▷ (रेशमाचे)(गोंडे)(त्यांच्या)(धनुष्य)(बानाला)
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A:I-1.6b (A01-01-06b) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāvaṇ’s arrogance spells ruin

[62] id = 67724
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लंकेचा रावण अभिमानाला तमतो
रामाजीची सिता एकदा नेईल म्हणतो
laṅkēcā rāvaṇa abhimānālā tamatō
rāmājīcī sitā ēkadā nēīla mhaṇatō
Ravan* from Lanka* speaks with ego and anger
I will take Ramji’s Sita one day
▷ (लंकेचा) Ravan (अभिमानाला)(तमतो)
▷ (रामाजीची) Sita (एकदा)(नेईल)(म्हणतो)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:I-1.6dii (A01-01-06d02) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / In the form of a Gosāvī / Sītā suspects. questions the gosāvī

[23] id = 54432
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
असा जोगडा बोलतो धर्म करा सिताबाई
रेषेच्या बाहेर रामाची आज्ञा नाही
asā jōgaḍā bōlatō dharma karā sitābāī
rēṣēcyā bāhēra rāmācī ājñā nāhī
That Gosavi* says, give me alms, Sitabai
I don’t have Ram’s permission to cross the line
▷ (असा)(जोगडा) says (धर्म) doing goddess_Sita
▷ (रेषेच्या)(बाहेर) of_Ram (आज्ञा) not
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GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.

A:I-1.6diii (A01-01-06d03) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / In the form of a Gosāvī / Sītā gives alms

[35] id = 93249
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लंकेचा रावण भिक्षा मागतो मठात
रामजीची सिता यानी घातली जटात
laṅkēcā rāvaṇa bhikṣā māgatō maṭhāta
rāmajīcī sitā yānī ghātalī jaṭāta
Ravan* from Lanka* pretentiously asks for alms for the hermitage
Ramji’s Sita, he took her away, disguised as a sadhu*, a Gosavi*
▷ (लंकेचा) Ravan (भिक्षा)(मागतो)(मठात)
▷ (रामजीची) Sita (यानी)(घातली)(जटात)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
sadhu ➡ sadhusAn ascetic
GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.
[36] id = 93250
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सिता करीती धरम गोसावी घेत नाही
रेघत्या बाहेर सिताला आज्ञा नाही
sitā karītī dharama gōsāvī ghēta nāhī
rēghatyā bāhēra sitālā ājñā nāhī
Sita gives alms, Gosavi* doesn’t take them
Sita doesn’t have permission to cross the line
▷  Sita wants (धरम)(गोसावी)(घेत) not
▷ (रेघत्या)(बाहेर) Sita (आज्ञा) not
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GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.

A:I-1.6dv (A01-01-06d05) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / In the form of a Gosāvī / Innocent Sītā is taken away

[30] id = 52744
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
आसा लंकेचा रावण भिक्षा मागीतो आळीन
अशी रामाजीची सिता यान घातली झोळीत
āsā laṅkēcā rāvaṇa bhikṣā māgītō āḷīna
aśī rāmājīcī sitā yāna ghātalī jhōḷīta
Ravan* from Lanka* is begging for alms in the lane
Ramji’s Sita, he put her in his sling bag
▷ (आसा)(लंकेचा) Ravan (भिक्षा)(मागीतो)(आळीन)
▷ (अशी)(रामाजीची) Sita (यान)(घातली)(झोळीत)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
[62] id = 92916
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सिता करीतो धरम दोन्ही नेतर लावुनी
लंकेचा रावण आला बैरागी होवुनी
sitā karītō dharama dōnhī nētara lāvunī
laṅkēcā rāvaṇa ālā bairāgī hōvunī
Sita gives alms generously with both her hands
Ravan* from Lanka* came in the guise of a Bairagi* (mendicant*)
▷  Sita (करीतो)(धरम) both (नेतर)(लावुनी)
▷ (लंकेचा) Ravan here_comes (बैरागी)(होवुनी)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
Bairagi ➡ mendicant
[68] id = 55147
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लंकेचा रावण भिक्षा मागतो आळीत
रामजीची सिता यान घातली झोळीत
laṅkēcā rāvaṇa bhikṣā māgatō āḷīta
rāmajīcī sitā yāna ghātalī jhōḷīta
Ravan* from Lanka* is begging for alms in the lane
Ramji’s Sita, he put her in his sling bag
▷ (लंकेचा) Ravan (भिक्षा)(मागतो)(आळीत)
▷ (रामजीची) Sita (यान)(घातली)(झोळीत)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:I-1.6hi (A01-01-06h01) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Mandodarī / Mandodarī tells Rāvaṇ

[7] id = 39357
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
रावणाची राणी मंडोधरी ती शाहणी
लंकेला लागन आग सिता घालवी नेऊनी
rāvaṇācī rāṇī maṇḍōdharī tī śāhaṇī
laṅkēlā lāgana āga sitā ghālavī nēūnī
Ravan*’s Queen Mandodari is wise
Lanka* will be on fire, take Sita back (to Ram)
▷ (रावणाची)(राणी)(मंडोधरी)(ती)(शाहणी)
▷ (लंकेला)(लागन) O Sita (घालवी)(नेऊनी)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:I-1.6hii (A01-01-06h02) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Mandodarī / Mandodarī’s communication with Sītā

[20] id = 39351
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
मंडोधरी बोलं सिता घाल माझी नथ
राज्य रावणाचं भोगल्यानं काय होतं
maṇḍōdharī bōlaṁ sitā ghāla mājhī natha
rājya rāvaṇācaṁ bhōgalyānaṁ kāya hōtaṁ
Mandodari says, Sita, put on my nose-ring
What is the harm in
Enjoying Ravan*’s kingdom
▷ (मंडोधरी)(बोलं) Sita (घाल) my (नथ)
▷ (राज्य)(रावणाचं)(भोगल्यानं) why (होतं)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6hiv (A01-01-06h04) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Mandodarī / Mandodarī’s grief for Indrajīta

Cross-references:B:III-1.10d (B03-01-10d) - Rām cycle / Iṅdrajit: fight and death / Mourning
[3] id = 83598
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मंडवदरी म्हणी इंद्रजीता माझ्या लेका
आणशील रामाजीची सीता बस दौलतीला धका
maṇḍavadarī mhaṇī indrajītā mājhyā lēkā
āṇaśīla rāmājīcī sītā basa daulatīlā dhakā
Mandodari says, Indrajit, my son
If you bring Ramji’s Sita, Lanka* will be in danger
▷ (मंडवदरी)(म्हणी)(इंद्रजीता) my (लेका)
▷ (आणशील)(रामाजीची) Sita (बस)(दौलतीला)(धका)
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LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:I-1.6hvi (A01-01-06h06) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Mandodarī / Mandodarī’s rage

[15] id = 39358
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
रावणाची राणी मंडोदरी ती रागात
आणिली सीता दूर ठेवीली बागत
rāvaṇācī rāṇī maṇḍōdarī tī rāgāta
āṇilī sītā dūra ṭhēvīlī bāgata
Ravan*’s queen Mandodari is boiling with anger
He has brought Sita, and has kept her away in the garden
▷ (रावणाची)(राणी)(मंडोदरी)(ती)(रागात)
▷ (आणिली) Sita far_away (ठेवीली)(बागत)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.6kiii (A01-01-06k03) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāma, Rāvaṇ war / Lakṣmaṇ injured

Cross-references:A:I-1.6kiv (A01-01-06k04) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāma, Rāvaṇ war / Droṇāgīrī was brought
[121] id = 92897
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
लक्ष्मणा शक्ती लागली राम लोळ वाटवरी
राम बडवितो उर याला शुशेण देतो धीर
lakṣmaṇā śaktī lāgalī rāma lōḷa vāṭavarī
rāma baḍavitō ura yālā śuśēṇa dētō dhīra
Shakti (a charmed weapon) hit Lakshman, Ram is rolling with grief on the way
Ram is beating his chest, Sushena is consoling him
▷  Laksman shakti_(charmed_weapon) (लागली) Ram (लोळ)(वाटवरी)
▷  Ram (बडवितो)(उर)(याला)(शुशेण)(देतो)(धीर)
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A:I-1.7b (A01-01-07b) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Kuṅkū, nose-ring, saffron remembered

Vanavās: litt. the stay in forest, actually the forest exile in which Sītā is sent by her husband Rām, with all the physical and moral hardships that this desertion and its solitude carry with them.
The kuṅku on the forehead of Sītā symbolically refers to her absolute faithfulness and innocence.
[35] id = 52745
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सिताला सासुरवास कुंकू कपाळ भरुनी
राम न देखिले दुरुनी नेत्र आले भरुनी
sitālā sāsuravāsa kuṅkū kapāḷa bharunī
rāma na dēkhilē durunī nētra ālē bharunī
Sita had to bear the hardships and suffering, her forehead is full of kunku*
She saw Ram from a distance, her eyes were filled with tears
▷  Sita (सासुरवास) kunku (कपाळ)(भरुनी)
▷  Ram * (देखिले)(दुरुनी)(नेत्र) here_comes (भरुनी)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[74] id = 54700
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सिता वनवासी कुंकू कपाळी भरुनी
राम देखीले दुरुनी आले नेतर भरुनी
sitā vanavāsī kuṅkū kapāḷī bharunī
rāma dēkhīlē durunī ālē nētara bharunī
Sita is leaving for her exile in forest, her forehead is full of kunku*
She saw Ram from a distance, her eyes were filled with tears
▷  Sita (वनवासी) kunku (कपाळी)(भरुनी)
▷  Ram (देखीले)(दुरुनी) here_comes (नेतर)(भरुनी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[100] id = 73682
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
रडती सीता बाई कुकू कपाळ भरुनी
राम देखीले दुरुनी आले नेत्र भरुनी
raḍatī sītā bāī kukū kapāḷa bharunī
rāma dēkhīlē durunī ālē nētra bharunī
Sita is weeping, her forehead is full of kunku*
She saw Ram from a distance, her eyes were filled with tears
▷ (रडती) Sita woman kunku (कपाळ)(भरुनी)
▷  Ram (देखीले)(दुरुनी) here_comes (नेत्र)(भरुनी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

A:I-1.7civ (A01-01-07c04) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Sītā is sitting in a chariot / Sītā weeps over her difficulties

[32] id = 93091
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
रडती सीता बाई हात लावुन कपाळाला
काय गत झाली गोविंद माझ्या गोपाळाला
raḍatī sītā bāī hāta lāvuna kapāḷālā
kāya gata jhālī gōvinda mājhyā gōpāḷālā
Fed up, Sita weeps, holding her forehead ith both the hands
Govind Gopala (Ram), how could you put me in this state
▷ (रडती) Sita woman hand (लावुन)(कपाळाला)
▷  Why (गत) has_come (गोविंद) my (गोपाळाला)
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A:I-1.7g (A01-01-07g) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Rām laments over Sītā’s absence

Vanavās: litt. the stay in forest, actually the forest exile in which Sītā is sent by her husband Rām, with all the physical and moral hardships that this desertion and its solitude carry with them.
[55] id = 93164
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रामाच नाव मीत घेते यळुयळा
मोकळे झाले बंध ह्द्याचे सोहळा
rāmāca nāva mīta ghētē yaḷuyaḷā
mōkaḷē jhālē bandha hdyācē sōhaḷā
I take Ram’s name from time to time
I feel liberated, enoying the bliss of deliverance
▷  Of_Ram (नाव)(मीत)(घेते)(यळुयळा)
▷ (मोकळे) become (बंध)(ह्द्याचे)(सोहळा)
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A:I-1.9b (A01-01-09b) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī is a castrating mother

Cross-references:A:I-1.9ciii (A01-01-09c03) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / Moral vexation, mental pressure
A:I-1.29 ???
A:I-1.30 ???
A:I-1.31 ???
[43] id = 55352
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सीता पतिवर्ता हिला रावणाचा डाग
भोगू नाही दिला रामासारखा जोडा
sītā pativartā hilā rāvaṇācā ḍāga
bhōgū nāhī dilā rāmāsārakhā jōḍā
Sita is a Pativrata*, she carries a blot for having stayed in Ravan*’s house
They didn’t let Sita enjoy her married life with a husband like Ram
▷  Sita (पतिवर्ता)(हिला)(रावणाचा)(डाग)
▷ (भोगू) not (दिला)(रामासारखा)(जोडा)
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PativrataA chaste and dutiful wife who never violates her marriage vow
RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
[71] id = 73684
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
सीताला सासुरवास रांड केगईन केला
रामासारखा जोडा ईन भोगुन नई दिला
sītālā sāsuravāsa rāṇḍa kēgīna kēlā
rāmāsārakhā jōḍā īna bhōguna naī dilā
The whore Kaikeyi made Sita suffer her sasurvas*
She didn’t let Sita enjoy her married life with a husband like Ram
▷  Sita (सासुरवास)(रांड)(केगईन) did
▷ (रामासारखा)(जोडा)(ईन)(भोगुन)(नई)(दिला)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:I-1.9cii (A01-01-09c02) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / No dialogue between Rāma and Sītā

Cross-references:E:XIII-4.2d (E13-04-02d) - Daughter’s feelings towards mother / Attachment / Mother is simple
A:I-1.7i (A01-01-07i) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / This happens by a decision of Rām or Lakṣmaṇ
A:I-1.14 (A01-01-14) - Sītā / Sītā and Garuḍ
[34] id = 45571
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सिता सांगे कथा राम सांगु देईना
सिता तुझे दुःख माझ्या उराही माईना
sitā sāṅgē kathā rāma sāṅgu dēīnā
sitā tujhē duḥkha mājhyā urāhī māīnā
Sita tells her story, Ram does not let her tell it
Sita, your pain and harassment, my heart is overflowing with grief
▷  Sita with (कथा) Ram (सांगु)(देईना)
▷  Sita (तुझे)(दुःख) my (उराही) Mina
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A:I-1.9cv (A01-01-09c05) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / Isolation:no communication

[10] id = 52874
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सीताला सासुरवास चारी दरवाजे लावून
सिताचे आई बाप गोसावी होऊन
sītālā sāsuravāsa cārī daravājē lāvūna
sitācē āī bāpa gōsāvī hōūna
Sita suffers sasurvas* behind all the four doors closed
Sita’s father and mother come disguised as Gosavi*
▷  Sita (सासुरवास)(चारी)(दरवाजे)(लावून)
▷ (सिताचे)(आई) father (गोसावी)(होऊन)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.

A:I-1.10aiv (A01-01-10a04) - Sītā / The forest exile, vanavās, of Sītā / Sītā feels forsaken, lonely, helpless / No lamp in forest

[28] id = 55860
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सिताबाई म्हणे वनवाश्या माझ्या जीवा
झाली बारा वर्ष नाही डोंगराला दिवा
sitābāī mhaṇē vanavāśyā mājhyā jīvā
jhālī bārā varṣa nāhī ḍōṅgarālā divā
Sitabai says, this is my life in exile in the forest
Twelve years have passed, there is no lamp in the mountain
▷  Goddess_Sita (म्हणे)(वनवाश्या) my life
▷  Has_come (बारा)(वर्ष) not (डोंगराला) lamp
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A:I-1.10aviii (A01-01-10a08) - Sītā / The forest exile, vanavās, of Sītā / Sītā feels forsaken, lonely, helpless / Mountain hardship

[1] id = 39808
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
झाले बारा वर्ष सीताबाईला जायाला
तापले डोंगर खडे रुतले पायाला
jhālē bārā varṣa sītābāīlā jāyālā
tāpalē ḍōṅgara khaḍē rutalē pāyālā
Twelve years have passed since Sita has gone to the forest in exile
Mountain paths were scorching hot, stones pricked her feet
▷  Become (बारा)(वर्ष) goddess_Sita (जायाला)
▷ (तापले)(डोंगर)(खडे)(रुतले)(पायाला)
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A:I-1.10bi (A01-01-10b01) - Sītā / The forest exile, vanavās, of Sītā / Dwelling / Grass as bed, stone as pillow

[36] id = 52747
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सिता सासुरवाशी दगडाची केली उशी
एवढ्या वनात सिता झोप आली कशी
sitā sāsuravāśī dagaḍācī kēlī uśī
ēvaḍhyā vanāta sitā jhōpa ālī kaśī
Sitabai is a sasurvashin*, she put her head on a stone as pillow
In such a forest, Sita, how could you get sleep
▷  Sita (सासुरवाशी)(दगडाची) shouted (उशी)
▷ (एवढ्या)(वनात) Sita (झोप) has_come how
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sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[88] id = 93394
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
सिता सासुरवाशी दगडाची केली उशी
एवढ्या वनात झोप आली कशी
sitā sāsuravāśī dagaḍācī kēlī uśī
ēvaḍhyā vanāta jhōpa ālī kaśī
Sita is a sasurvashin*, she put her head on a stone as pillow
In such a forest, Sita, how could you get sleep
▷  Sita (सासुरवाशी)(दगडाची) shouted (उशी)
▷ (एवढ्या)(वनात)(झोप) has_come how
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sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family

A:I-1.10e (A01-01-10e) - Sītā / The forest exile, vanavās, of Sītā / Sītā remembers Rām

[6] id = 39809
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
सीता सुकून पाहती वेल सत्वाचा ताटीला
झाले बारा वर्ष राम सख्याच्या भेटीला
sītā sukūna pāhatī vēla satvācā tāṭīlā
jhālē bārā varṣa rāma sakhyācyā bhēṭīlā
Sita is seeing if the creeper of satva* (creepper symbolising the love binding Sita and Ram) has dried
Twelve years have passed since she has met her dear Ram
▷  Sita (सुकून)(पाहती)(वेल)(सत्वाचा)(ताटीला)
▷  Become (बारा)(वर्ष) Ram (सख्याच्या)(भेटीला)
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satvaAll the virtuous and amiable sentiments - Piety, charity, chastity, wisdom, purity, moral goodness, etc.

A:I-1.12ai (A01-01-12a01) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Delivered in the hut of sari

Cross-references:A:I-1.22b (A01-01-22b) - Sītā / Sharing her lot / Sītā complains about her Karma
A:I-1.6 (A01-01-06) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ
A:I-1.7 (A01-01-07) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās
A:I-1.12axi (A01-01-12a11) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Non-availability of things, person-ajwan (ovā), anise, comb, hair oil, black paste for eyes etc.
[76] id = 52748
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
एवढ्या वनात काय दिसे लाल लाल
सिता बाळंतीन दिलं लुगड्याच पाल
ēvaḍhyā vanāta kāya disē lāla lāla
sitā bāḷantīna dilaṁ lugaḍyāca pāla
In such a big forest, what appears so red
Sita has delivered, she used a sari to make a tent
▷ (एवढ्या)(वनात) why (दिसे)(लाल)(लाल)
▷  Sita (बाळंतीन)(दिलं)(लुगड्याच)(पाल)
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A:I-1.12axi (A01-01-12a11) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Non-availability of things, person-ajwan (ovā), anise, comb, hair oil, black paste for eyes etc.

Cross-references:A:I-1.12axii (A01-01-12a12) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Preparing paste of neem leaves
A:I-1.12avi (A01-01-12a06) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Cradle
A:I-1.12ai (A01-01-12a01) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Delivered in the hut of sari
[12] id = 93416
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सिता बाळंतीण जवुळ नाही कोणी
दगडाची केली न्हानी उकळत्या पाणी
sitā bāḷantīṇa javuḷa nāhī kōṇī
dagaḍācī kēlī nhānī ukaḷatyā pāṇī
Sita has delivered, she has no one with her
She made a bathroom with a stone, water (for bath) is boiling
▷  Sita (बाळंतीण)(जवुळ) not (कोणी)
▷ (दगडाची) shouted (न्हानी)(उकळत्या) water,
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A:I-1.15ci (A01-01-15c01) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Māruti meets Sītā in the garden / Mārutī hands over Rām’s ring to Sītā

[23] id = 56003
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
आशोक वनात सिता बसली एकली
मारुती झाडावरती यान मुद्रका झोकली
āśōka vanāta sitā basalī ēkalī
mārutī jhāḍāvaratī yāna mudrakā jhōkalī
In Ashok forest, Sita is sitting alone
Maruti* was sitting on the tree, he threw the ring down
▷ (आशोक)(वनात) Sita sitting alone
▷ (मारुती)(झाडावरती)(यान)(मुद्रका)(झोकली)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu

A:I-1.15g (A01-01-15g) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Māruti attending Rām, Sītā and Lakṣmaṇ

[66] id = 56080
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
अंजनी बोलती माझा मारवती भारी
आणिले द्रोणागीरी याने तळहातावरी
añjanī bōlatī mājhā māravatī bhārī
āṇilē drōṇāgīrī yānē taḷahātāvarī
Anjani says, my Maravati is very strong
He brought Dronagiri on the palm of his hand
▷ (अंजनी)(बोलती) my Maruti (भारी)
▷ (आणिले)(द्रोणागीरी)(याने)(तळहातावरी)
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[143] id = 72812
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
राम लक्ष्मण दोघीचे दोघेजण
राज्या मारवती अंजनीचा पहिलवान
rāma lakṣmaṇa dōghīcē dōghējaṇa
rājyā māravatī añjanīcā pahilavāna
Ram, Lakshman, they are the sons of two different mothers
King Maravati is Anjani’s wrestler son
▷  Ram Laksman (दोघीचे)(दोघेजण)
▷ (राज्या) Maruti (अंजनीचा)(पहिलवान)
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A:I-1.20b (A01-01-20b) - Sītā / Rām brings Sītā, Lav, Aṅkuś home / Father and sons’ recognition

[96] id = 73714
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
लहु ते अंकुश तुम्ही कोणाचे बालक
सिता आमची माता नाही पित्याची ओळख
lahu tē aṅkuśa tumhī kōṇācē bālaka
sitā āmacī mātā nāhī pityācī ōḷakha
Lahu and Ankush, whose sons are you
Our mother is Sita, we don’t know who is our father
▷ (लहु)(ते)(अंकुश)(तुम्ही)(कोणाचे)(बालक)
▷  Sita (आमची)(माता) not (पित्याची)(ओळख)
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A:I-1.22a (A01-01-22a) - Sītā / Sharing her lot / Sītā sends her exile to all women on earth

[57] id = 73874
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
सिताला सासुरवास आती केला केसोकेसी
पाठवुन दिल बाई सयाला देशोदेशी
sitālā sāsuravāsa ātī kēlā kēsōkēsī
pāṭhavuna dila bāī sayālā dēśōdēśī
Sita suffered sasurvas*, in all respects, harassed in the smallest of things
She distributed it to us in each household everywhere
▷  Sita (सासुरवास)(आती) did (केसोकेसी)
▷ (पाठवुन)(दिल) woman (सयाला)(देशोदेशी)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:I-1.22b (A01-01-22b) - Sītā / Sharing her lot / Sītā complains about her Karma

Cross-references:A:I-1.10a (A01-01-10a) - Sītā / The forest exile, vanavās, of Sītā / Sītā feels forsaken, lonely, helpless
A:I-1.64 ???
A:I-1.12aiv (A01-01-12a04) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Darkness-lamp
A:I-1.12avii (A01-01-12a07) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Bed-grass etc.
A:I-1.98 ???
A:I-1.12ai (A01-01-12a01) - Sītā / The delivery of Sītā / Baby’s birth in the forest / Delivered in the hut of sari
[33] id = 53943
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सीताबाई म्हणे खरं नाही करमाचं
उपाशीला झिरा पाणी याला धरमाचं
sītābāī mhaṇē kharaṁ nāhī karamācaṁ
upāśīlā jhirā pāṇī yālā dharamācaṁ
Sitabai says my suffering has no end
My life is like a spring of water bursting through the earth, it has pure and clear water
▷  Goddess_Sita (म्हणे)(खरं) not (करमाचं)
▷ (उपाशीला)(झिरा) water, (याला)(धरमाचं)
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A:I-1.22c (A01-01-22c) - Sītā / Sharing her lot / Sītā’s karma, singer’s denunciation

Cross-references:H:XXIII-6.2a (H23-06-02a) - New consciousness / Abandoned Women / Casual meet of animators
H:XXIII-6.5 (H23-06-05) - New consciousness / Video document / Dudhavre
A:I-1.9cii (A01-01-09c02) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / No dialogue between Rāma and Sītā
[10] id = 53959
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
अंकूश पोटचा लहू बाळ धर्माचा
रचिला पवाडा सीता तुझ्या कर्माचा
aṅkūśa pōṭacā lahū bāḷa dharmācā
racilā pavāḍā sītā tujhyā karmācā
Ankush is born to Sita and Lahu is created by Valmiki from Lavhala grass (this is a myth by monkeys)
This is a ballad describing Sita’s life story
▷ (अंकूश)(पोटचा)(लहू) son (धर्माचा)
▷ (रचिला)(पवाडा) Sita your (कर्माचा)
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[60] id = 94556
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लहु बाळ लव्हाळ्याचा अंकुश बाळ पोटीचा
रचीला पोवाडा सिता तुझ्या करमाचा
lahu bāḷa lavhāḷyācā aṅkuśa bāḷa pōṭīcā
racīlā pōvāḍā sitā tujhyā karamācā
Ankush is born to Sita and Lahu is created by Valmiki from Lavhala grass (this is a myth by monkeys)
This is a ballad describing Sita’s life story
▷ (लहु) son (लव्हाळ्याचा)(अंकुश) son (पोटीचा)
▷ (रचीला)(पोवाडा) Sita your (करमाचा)
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A:I-1.24 (A01-01-24) - Sītā / Stories

[24] id = 94692
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
मारीला रावण धुर लंकेत मावेना
वानराची सैना मागे फिरुनी पाहीना
mārīlā rāvaṇa dhura laṅkēta māvēnā
vānarācī sainā māgē phirunī pāhīnā
Ravan* is killed, the smoke is spilling beyond Lanka*
The army of monkies is refusing to look behind
▷ (मारीला) Ravan (धुर)(लंकेत)(मावेना)
▷ (वानराची)(सैना)(मागे) turning_round (पाहीना)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:II-1.2aiii (A02-01-02a03) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Rāghu and Mynah brother vs. sister

[22] id = 45464
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
राघू ती मैना दोन्ही िंलबाच्या शेंड्याला
राघुची लाल चोच मैना मागती गोंड्याला
rāghū tī mainā dōnhī inlabācyā śēṇḍyālā
rāghucī lāla cōca mainā māgatī gōṇḍyālā
Raghu* and Mina, both are on top of the Neem tree
Raghu*’s beak is red, Mina asks for the bunch
▷ (राघू)(ती) Mina both (िंलबाच्या)(शेंड्याला)
▷ (राघुची)(लाल)(चोच) Mina (मागती)(गोंड्याला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[23] id = 45465
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
राघू ती मैना दोन्ही िंहडते वावरी
राघु मारुनी भरारी मैना कावरी बावरी
rāghū tī mainā dōnhī iṁhaḍatē vāvarī
rāghu mārunī bharārī mainā kāvarī bāvarī
Raghu* and Mina, both are eating from the trees in the fields
Raghu* flies high, Mina is bewildered
▷ (राघू)(ती) Mina both (िंहडते)(वावरी)
▷ (राघु)(मारुनी)(भरारी) Mina (कावरी)(बावरी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[24] id = 45466
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
राघू ती मैना दोन्ही िंहडते उसात
राघु मारुनी भरारी मैना गुतली फाशात
rāghū tī mainā dōnhī iṁhaḍatē usāta
rāghu mārunī bharārī mainā gutalī phāśāta
Raghu* and Mina, both are wandering in the sugarcane fields
Raghu* flies high, Mina is caught in the snare
▷ (राघू)(ती) Mina both (िंहडते)(उसात)
▷ (राघु)(मारुनी)(भरारी) Mina (गुतली)(फाशात)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[161] id = 80247
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
राघु मैना दोन्ही घातले लेयाला
मैना डोकेबाज बोलु देईना रायाला
rāghu mainā dōnhī ghātalē lēyālā
mainā ḍōkēbāja bōlu dēīnā rāyālā
Raghu* and Mina are both enrolled in school
Mina is intelligent, does not allow Raghu* to speak
▷ (राघु) Mina both (घातले)(लेयाला)
▷  Mina (डोकेबाज)(बोलु)(देईना)(रायाला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[162] id = 80248
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बहिण भावंडे दोही घातले शाळेत
राघुच्या हाती पाटी मैना चालली खेळत
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍē dōhī ghātalē śāḷēta
rāghucyā hātī pāṭī mainā cālalī khēḷata
Brother and sister, both are enrolled in school
Raghu* is carrying the slate, Mina goes playing
▷  Sister (भावंडे)(दोही)(घातले)(शाळेत)
▷ (राघुच्या)(हाती)(पाटी) Mina (चालली)(खेळत)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[163] id = 80249
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
राघु मैना दोघाची खिजबीज झाडावरी
दोन्हीचा पिंजरा देते लावुनी वसरी
rāghu mainā dōghācī khijabīja jhāḍāvarī
dōnhīcā piñjarā dētē lāvunī vasarī
Raghu* and Mina keep twittering on the tree
The cage with both of them, I hang in the verandah
▷ (राघु) Mina (दोघाची)(खिजबीज)(झाडावरी)
▷ (दोन्हीचा)(पिंजरा) give (लावुनी)(वसरी)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[164] id = 80250
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
राघु या मैनाचा दोहीचा काही झगडा निमना
मधी बसली यमुना उगी कोणाला म्हणना
rāghu yā mainācā dōhīcā kāhī jhagaḍā nimanā
madhī basalī yamunā ugī kōṇālā mhaṇanā
The fighting between Raghu* and Mina is not ending
Yamuna sits in the middle, doesn’t say stop to either
▷ (राघु)(या) of_Mina (दोहीचा)(काही)(झगडा)(निमना)
▷ (मधी) sitting (यमुना)(उगी)(कोणाला)(म्हणना)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[268] id = 112956
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
यमुनाच्या तेरी चिमण्याची चिवु चिवु
राघु मैनामधी जीव पिंडाला कशी शिवु
yamunācyā tērī cimaṇyācī civu civu
rāghu maināmadhī jīva piṇḍālā kaśī śivu
Chirping of sparrows on the banks of Yamuna
I am worried about Raghu* and Mina, how can I say I am contented
▷ (यमुनाच्या)(तेरी)(चिमण्याची)(चिवु)(चिवु)
▷ (राघु)(मैनामधी) life (पिंडाला) how (शिवु)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

A:II-1.2aiv (A02-01-02a04) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Woman-race is foolish, crow is cunning

[15] id = 106514
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
चंदन चंदन चंदनाच्या बारा फोडी
अस्तुरी जात येडी पुरुषाला मया थोडी
candana candana candanācyā bārā phōḍī
asturī jāta yēḍī puruṣālā mayā thōḍī
The sandalwood was cut into twelve pieces
Womankind is naïve! Man has little affection
▷ (चंदन)(चंदन)(चंदनाच्या)(बारा)(फोडी)
▷ (अस्तुरी) class (येडी)(पुरुषाला)(मया)(थोडी)
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A:II-1.6ci (A02-01-06c01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Brother’s role / Brother’s presence and rites

[45] id = 39591
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
गेला माझा जीव याला कळलं थारुळा
असा असाड्याला मोटा पाण्यानं गरली थारुळी
gēlā mājhā jīva yālā kaḷalaṁ thāruḷā
asā asāḍyālā mōṭā pāṇyānaṁ garalī thāruḷī
Life has left me, he came to know about it near the cistern of the draw-well
He pulled the leather buckets with such a jerk, water flowed out to the field
▷  Has_gone my life (याला)(कळलं)(थारुळा)
▷ (असा)(असाड्याला)(मोटा)(पाण्यानं)(गरली)(थारुळी)
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[46] id = 39592
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
गेला माझा जीव याला कळलं येशीत
कपाळाचा गंध आला शेल्यानं पुशीत
gēlā mājhā jīva yālā kaḷalaṁ yēśīta
kapāḷācā gandha ālā śēlyānaṁ puśīta
Life has left me, he came to know near the village boundary
He came wiping the sandalwood mark on the forehead with his scarf
▷  Has_gone my life (याला)(कळलं)(येशीत)
▷ (कपाळाचा)(गंध) here_comes (शेल्यानं)(पुशीत)
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[47] id = 39593
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
गेला माजा जीव सरण जळं गंगाकाठी
बोलतो बंधू माझा घरा यावा कोणासाठी
gēlā mājā jīva saraṇa jaḷaṁ gaṅgākāṭhī
bōlatō bandhū mājhā gharā yāvā kōṇāsāṭhī
Life has left me, the pyre is burning on the banks of Ganga (river)
My brother says, for whom should I come home now
▷  Has_gone (माजा) life (सरण)(जळं)(गंगाकाठी)
▷  Says brother my house (यावा)(कोणासाठी)
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A:II-1.6cii (A02-01-06c02) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Brother’s role / Story of illness and death

[51] id = 112713
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला याला कळाल मळ्यात
आसडील्या मोटा जाड्या बैलाच्या गळ्यात
jīva mājhā gēlā yālā kaḷāla maḷyāta
āsaḍīlyā mōṭā jāḍyā bailācyā gaḷyāta
Life has left me, he (brother) came to know about it in the plantation
He pulled the leather buckets with a jerk around Jadya bullock’s neck
▷  Life my has_gone (याला)(कळाल)(मळ्यात)
▷ (आसडील्या)(मोटा)(जाड्या)(बैलाच्या)(गळ्यात)
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A:II-1.6d (A02-01-06d) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Daughter’s grief

[84] id = 112660
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला मला कळाल येशीत
कंपाळीच गंध आला शेल्यान पुशीत
jīva mājhā gēlā malā kaḷāla yēśīta
kampāḷīca gandha ālā śēlyāna puśīta
Life has left me, he came to know about it near the village boundary
He came rubbing the sandalwood mark on the forehead with his stole
▷  Life my has_gone (मला)(कळाल)(येशीत)
▷ (कंपाळीच)(गंध) here_comes (शेल्यान)(पुशीत)
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[91] id = 112677
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला मला जाळीखाली ठेवा
येतील राघुमैना जागा इंधनाची दावा
jīva mājhā gēlā malā jāḷīkhālī ṭhēvā
yētīla rāghumainā jāgā indhanācī dāvā
Life has left me, keep me under the net
Raghu* (son) and Mina (daughter) will come, show them where the firewood is kept
▷  Life my has_gone (मला)(जाळीखाली)(ठेवा)
▷ (येतील)(राघुमैना)(जागा)(इंधनाची)(दावा)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

A:II-1.6g (A02-01-06g) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Husband’s role and grief

[22] id = 112638
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला चुडा रडतो वसरी
बोलतो माझा दादा देईन दुसरी
jīva mājhā gēlā cuḍā raḍatō vasarī
bōlatō mājhā dādā dēīna dusarī
Life has left me, my husband is weeping in the veranda
My brother says, I will give you another sister
▷  Life my has_gone (चुडा)(रडतो)(वसरी)
▷  Says my (दादा)(देईन)(दुसरी)
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[23] id = 112639
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला चुडा रडतो उशाला
अधुरी संगत देवा घातली कशाला
jīva mājhā gēlā cuḍā raḍatō uśālā
adhurī saṅgata dēvā ghātalī kaśālā
Life has left me, my husband weeps by my side
God, why did you take her away half way through
▷  Life my has_gone (चुडा)(रडतो)(उशाला)
▷ (अधुरी) tells (देवा)(घातली)(कशाला)
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[24] id = 112640
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला चुडा रडतो मनात
अधुरी संगत देवा येवढ्या पणात
jīva mājhā gēlā cuḍā raḍatō manāta
adhurī saṅgata dēvā yēvaḍhyā paṇāta
Life has left me, my husband is weeping silently
God, why did you take her away so early
▷  Life my has_gone (चुडा)(रडतो)(मनात)
▷ (अधुरी) tells (देवा)(येवढ्या)(पणात)
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[25] id = 112641
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला माझ्या उशाला धोतर
नागिणीच्या पानावाणी सुकले भरतार
jīva mājhā gēlā mājhyā uśālā dhōtara
nāgiṇīcyā pānāvāṇī sukalē bharatāra
Life has left me, my husband is sitting by my side
He looks emaciated like a dry betel-leaf
▷  Life my has_gone my (उशाला)(धोतर)
▷ (नागिणीच्या)(पानावाणी)(सुकले)(भरतार)
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A:II-1.6h (A02-01-06h) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Imagining one’s funeral / Mother, father and sister’s grief

[156] id = 112658
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला सरण जळे सावलीला
एवढ्या गोतामधी दुःख एका मावलीला
jīva mājhā gēlā saraṇa jaḷē sāvalīlā
ēvaḍhyā gōtāmadhī duḥkha ēkā māvalīlā
Life has left me, the pyre is burning in the shade
But amidst the whole family, my mother alone is so grieved
▷  Life my has_gone (सरण)(जळे)(सावलीला)
▷ (एवढ्या)(गोतामधी)(दुःख)(एका)(मावलीला)
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A:II-2.2b (A02-02-02b) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Parents’ grief and inverted feelings

Cross-references:A:II-2.3a (A02-02-03a) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Forsaken by her parents
A:II-2.3b (A02-02-03b) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Husband becomes her owner
[62] id = 56431
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बाप बोले लेकी माझी तांब्याची परात
जाशी परघरा सुन लागतं घरात
bāpa bōlē lēkī mājhī tāmbyācī parāta
jāśī paragharā suna lāgataṁ gharāta
no translation in English
▷  Father (बोले)(लेकी) my (तांब्याची)(परात)
▷ (जाशी)(परघरा)(सुन)(लागतं)(घरात)
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[132] id = 76589
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
लाडकी ग लेक बापासंग जेवु नये
जाशी परघरा लई माया लावु नई
lāḍakī ga lēka bāpāsaṅga jēvu nayē
jāśī paragharā laī māyā lāvu naī
My darling daughter, don’t eat with your father
You will go to your in-laws’ family, don’t make us too attached to you
▷ (लाडकी) * (लेक)(बापासंग)(जेवु) don't
▷ (जाशी)(परघरा)(लई)(माया) apply (नई)
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[164] id = 56459
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लाडक्या लेकीचा लाड खायाचा पियाचा
उचलीला वाटा परघराला जायाचा
lāḍakyā lēkīcā lāḍa khāyācā piyācā
ucalīlā vāṭā paragharālā jāyācā
no translation in English
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीचा)(लाड)(खायाचा)(पियाचा)
▷ (उचलीला)(वाटा)(परघराला)(जायाचा)
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A:II-2.2c (A02-02-02c) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Daughter foretold her ruin and disgrace

[71] id = 39225
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बाप म्हणे लेकी माझी हरबार्याची दाळ
जाशील परघरा जीवाची होईल राळ
bāpa mhaṇē lēkī mājhī harabāryācī dāḷa
jāśīla paragharā jīvācī hōīla rāḷa
Father says, my daughter is like split gram
You will go to your in-laws’ family, then, your life will be ruined
▷  Father (म्हणे)(लेकी) my (हरबार्याची)(दाळ)
▷ (जाशील)(परघरा)(जीवाची)(होईल)(राळ)
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A:II-2.3a (A02-02-03a) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Forsaken by her parents

[42] id = 39275
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बापाने दिली लेक नही पाहिला जावई
संपत्तीच्या बळ लेक लोटली हवई
bāpānē dilī lēka nahī pāhilā jāvaī
sampattīcyā baḷa lēka lōṭalī havaī
Father got his daughter married, he did see who his son-in-law was
Tempted by his wealth, he pushed his daughter into thin air
▷ (बापाने)(दिली)(लेक) not (पाहिला)(जावई)
▷ (संपत्तीच्या) child (लेक)(लोटली)(हवई)
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[54] id = 39655
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बाप म्हणे लेकी तूला देऊन सन आलो
तूझ्या नशिबाला जामिन नाही झालो
bāpa mhaṇē lēkī tūlā dēūna sana ālō
tūjhyā naśibālā jāmina nāhī jhālō
Father says, daughter, I have got you married
I have not become a guarantor for your fate
▷  Father (म्हणे)(लेकी) to_you (देऊन)(सन)(आलो)
▷  Your (नशिबाला)(जामिन) not (झालो)
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A:II-2.7b (A02-02-07b) - Woman’s social identity / Hostility / Scornful songs

[24] id = 109899
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गुणाच्या माणसा गुण केले मरायाला
संगती सोबती लावले झुरायाला
guṇācyā māṇasā guṇa kēlē marāyālā
saṅgatī sōbatī lāvalē jhurāyālā
You, good person, what evil qualities did you show
Your friends and companions, what pain you caused them
▷ (गुणाच्या)(माणसा)(गुण)(केले)(मरायाला)
▷ (संगती)(सोबती)(लावले)(झुरायाला)
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A:II-2.12a (A02-02-12a) - Woman’s social identity / Inadequacies / Unable to sing

[48] id = 111040
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
ज्याला येईना गाण त्यान ममईला जावा
नळाच पाणी प्यावा गळा उचलुन घ्यावा
jyālā yēīnā gāṇa tyāna mamaīlā jāvā
naḷāca pāṇī pyāvā gaḷā ucaluna ghyāvā
The one who cannot sing, she should go to Mumbai
She should drink water from the tap and sing in high pitch
▷ (ज्याला)(येईना)(गाण)(त्यान)(ममईला)(जावा)
▷ (नळाच) water, (प्यावा)(गळा)(उचलुन)(घ्यावा)
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[49] id = 111041
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
ज्याला येईना गाण त्यान आरोळी ठोकली
गावाच्या खालती जशी गाढव भुकली
jyālā yēīnā gāṇa tyāna ārōḷī ṭhōkalī
gāvācyā khālatī jaśī gāḍhava bhukalī
The one who cannot sing, sings as if she is shouting
It’s like donkeys braying beyond the village
▷ (ज्याला)(येईना)(गाण)(त्यान)(आरोळी)(ठोकली)
▷ (गावाच्या)(खालती)(जशी)(गाढव)(भुकली)
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[50] id = 111042
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
ज्याला येईना गाण त्यान त्यान आम्हामधी
सपदुन घ्यावा हरळ कुंद्यामधी
jyālā yēīnā gāṇa tyāna tyāna āmhāmadhī
sapaduna ghyāvā haraḷa kundyāmadhī
The one who cannot sing, she should sing with us
Kunda grass will get assimilated in harali grass
▷ (ज्याला)(येईना)(गाण)(त्यान)(त्यान)(आम्हामधी)
▷ (सपदुन)(घ्यावा)(हरळ)(कुंद्यामधी)
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A:II-2.13bii (A02-02-13b02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Maintained despite disapprobation

[131] id = 112049
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझा माझा भावुपणा जन कालवीत श्यापा (शेपा)
सांगते बाई तुला मला काय नफा
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā jana kālavīta śyāpā (śēpā)
sāṅgatē bāī tulā malā kāya naphā
Our close friendship, people brought bitterness to it
I tell you, woman, what do I gain from it
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(जन)(कालवीत)(श्यापा) ( (शेपा) )
▷  I_tell woman to_you (मला) why (नफा)
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[136] id = 112054
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझा माझा भावुपणा जन लोकाला सईना
तुझ्या घराकडे आल्या बिगर राहिना
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā jana lōkālā saīnā
tujhyā gharākaḍē ālyā bigara rāhinā
Our close friendship, people cannot bear to see it
I cannot stop coming to your house
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(जन)(लोकाला)(सईना)
▷  Your (घराकडे)(आल्या)(बिगर)(राहिना)
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[137] id = 112055
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझा माझा भावुपणा जन कालवित मीठ
सांगते बाई तुला वाड्या माझ्या यावा नीट
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā jana kālavita mīṭha
sāṅgatē bāī tulā vāḍyā mājhyā yāvā nīṭa
Our close friendship, people try to create a problem
I tell you, woman, come straight to my house
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(जन)(कालवित)(मीठ)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (वाड्या) my (यावा)(नीट)
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[138] id = 112056
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझा माझा भावुपणा जन लोकाला चोरुन
जेवनाच ताट देईन माळदावरुन
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā jana lōkālā cōruna
jēvanāca tāṭa dēīna māḷadāvaruna
You and me, we are close friends, hiding it from people
I shall give your plate with food from the loft
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(जन)(लोकाला)(चोरुन)
▷ (जेवनाच)(ताट)(देईन)(माळदावरुन)
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A:II-2.13biii (A02-02-13b03) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / Mutual fondness

[144] id = 112062
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझा माझा भावुपणा भाऊपणाला काय देवु
सांगते बाई तुला एक लवंग दोघी खावु
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā bhāūpaṇālā kāya dēvu
sāṅgatē bāī tulā ēka lavaṅga dōghī khāvu
You and me, we are close friends, what shall I give you for our friendship
I tell you, woman, we shall both share one clove and eat
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(भाऊपणाला) why (देवु)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (एक)(लवंग)(दोघी)(खावु)
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A:II-2.13bvii (A02-02-13b07) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / “Your, mine fraternity” / “Break your silence”

[132] id = 112077
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझा माझा भावुपणा कुणी कालविल ववा
सांगते बाई तुला आबुल्यात गेली गावा
tujhā mājhā bhāvupaṇā kuṇī kālavila vavā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā ābulyāta gēlī gāvā
Our close friendship, who tried to mix salt in it (tried to spoil it)
I tell you, woman, she went away without breaking the silence
▷  Your my (भावुपणा)(कुणी)(कालविल)(ववा)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (आबुल्यात) went (गावा)
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A:II-2.13ci (A02-02-13c01) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Neighbour’s children / Children play together

[29] id = 87359
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
शेजारीन सकु नको येवु दाती काती
माझ बाळ खेळ तूझ्या पानईची माती
śējārīna saku nakō yēvu dātī kātī
mājha bāḷa khēḷa tūjhyā pānīcī mātī
Saku, my neighbour woman, don’t start a quarrel
Your children and mine are bound to play together
▷ (शेजारीन)(सकु) not (येवु)(दाती)(काती)
▷  My son (खेळ) your (पानईची)(माती)
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A:II-2.13cvi (A02-02-13c06) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Neighbour’s children / Rite to dispel the bad eye

[17] id = 87358
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
शेजे तूझ बाळ माझ्या बाळा बरोबरी
उतरीते बाई एक लिंबु दोन्हीवरी
śējē tūjha bāḷa mājhyā bāḷā barōbarī
utarītē bāī ēka limbu dōnhīvarī
Neighbour woman, your son is the same age as mine
I wave one lemon around both of them to ward off the influence of an evil eye
▷ (शेजे) your son my child (बरोबरी)
▷ (उतरीते) woman (एक)(लिंबु)(दोन्हीवरी)
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A:II-2.13d (A02-02-13d) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Attractive songs

[34] id = 106921
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझा माझा गळा जशी तुणतुण्याची तार
तुझ्या गळ्यासाठी उभी राहते सव्वापार
tujhā mājhā gaḷā jaśī tuṇatuṇyācī tāra
tujhyā gaḷyāsāṭhī ubhī rāhatē savvāpāra
Your voice and mine, it’s like a one-stringed instrument
For your singing, I stand for a long time
▷  Your my (गळा)(जशी)(तुणतुण्याची) wire
▷  Your (गळ्यासाठी) standing (राहते)(सव्वापार)
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A:II-2.14cii (A02-02-14c02) - Woman’s social identity / Sterility / Pity for defect / “Evening” / “sterility”

[14] id = 110990
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
वांझ सवसांज दोन्ही बसले निचिता
सांगते बाई तुला देवा पाळण्याला चिंता
vāñjha savasāñja dōnhī basalē nicitā
sāṅgatē bāī tulā dēvā pāḷaṇyālā cintā
A barren woman and’Evening ’, both are sitting without worries
I tell you, woman, God is worried about their getting a child
▷ (वांझ) twilight both (बसले)(निचिता)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (देवा)(पाळण्याला)(चिंता)
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[15] id = 110991
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
काय करितेबाई वांझ नारीच्या लेण्याला
वनात बारव नाही खरच (खर्च) पाण्याला
kāya karitēbāī vāñjha nārīcyā lēṇyālā
vanāta bārava nāhī kharaca (kharca) pāṇyālā
What can one do to a barren woman’s ornament
A well in the forest, there is no one to use the water
▷  Why (करितेबाई)(वांझ)(नारीच्या)(लेण्याला)
▷ (वनात)(बारव) not (खरच) ( (खर्च) ) (पाण्याला)
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A:II-2.16 (A02-02-16) - Woman’s social identity / Whom to share one’s grief with?

Cross-references:E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide
A:II-1.7b (A02-01-07b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Call Vaida
A:II-1.1 (A02-01-01) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Woman’s birth is unwanted / Unhappiness at girl’s birth
[26] id = 56677
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सुख दुःखाची दोही वाट बरोबरी
सुख आले वरच्यावरी दुःख आल जीवावरी
sukha duḥkhācī dōhī vāṭa barōbarī
sukha ālē varacyāvarī duḥkha āla jīvāvarī
Joys and sorrows go hand in hand
Joys remain superficial, sorrows affect life
▷ (सुख)(दुःखाची)(दोही)(वाट)(बरोबरी)
▷ (सुख) here_comes (वरच्यावरी)(दुःख) here_comes (जीवावरी)
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[27] id = 56678
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सुखया दुःखायाचे मडके होती
दुध आले उतू पाण्याचे सडके देती
sukhayā duḥkhāyācē maḍakē hōtī
dudha ālē utū pāṇyācē saḍakē dētī
A pot of joy in one hand and a pot of grief in the other
If milk (either of the two) overflows, throwing cool water helps keep the balance
▷ (सुखया)(दुःखायाचे)(मडके)(होती)
▷  Milk here_comes (उतू)(पाण्याचे)(सडके)(देती)
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[66] id = 97514
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सुख सांगते बापाला दुःख सांगते आईला
लागल भिरुड माझ्या कवळ्या देहीला
sukha sāṅgatē bāpālā duḥkha sāṅgatē āīlā
lāgala bhiruḍa mājhyā kavaḷyā dēhīlā
I tell my father about my happiness and mother about my sorrows
It’s like a pest eating up my tender body
▷ (सुख) I_tell (बापाला)(दुःख) I_tell (आईला)
▷ (लागल)(भिरुड) my (कवळ्या)(देहीला)
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[109] id = 112911
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दुःख या सुख कोण पुसती बिजली
नेतराला पाणी आल धरतरी भिजली
duḥkha yā sukha kōṇa pusatī bijalī
nētarālā pāṇī āla dharatarī bhijalī
Who is this lightening who asks about my joys ad sorrows
Tears flowed from the eyes, the earth was soaked
▷ (दुःख)(या)(सुख) who (पुसती)(बिजली)
▷ (नेतराला) water, here_comes (धरतरी)(भिजली)
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A:II-3.3di (A02-03-03d01) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life / Mother teaches

Cross-references:A:II-3.5kii (A02-03-05k02) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To keep the name of father, mother
[75] id = 56697
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
लाडकी ग लेक लई दिस ठेवू नही माहेरी
धन्याची कोथंबीर वास मळ्याच्या बाहेरी
lāḍakī ga lēka laī disa ṭhēvū nahī māhērī
dhanyācī kōthambīra vāsa maḷyācyā bāhērī
Darling daughter should not stay in her maher* for many days
Coriander leaves, their aroma spreads outside the plantation
(She should be with her husband and no one else)
▷ (लाडकी) * (लेक)(लई)(दिस)(ठेवू) not (माहेरी)
▷ (धन्याची)(कोथंबीर)(वास)(मळ्याच्या)(बाहेरी)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

A:II-3.3dii (A02-03-03d02) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life / Father, mother, brother teach

[33] id = 39285
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बाप म्हणे लेकी माझ्या नावाला मरावा
बनामधी बारऊ लाघन जीवाला मारावा
bāpa mhaṇē lēkī mājhyā nāvālā marāvā
banāmadhī bārū lāghana jīvālā mārāvā
Father says, daughter, you bear with everything for the sake of my reputation
The well is in the forest (we are away from you), you may have to kill your feelings
▷  Father (म्हणे)(लेकी) my (नावाला)(मरावा)
▷ (बनामधी)(बारऊ)(लाघन)(जीवाला)(मारावा)
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[63] id = 87240
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लाडक्या लेकीची करमाची खटखट
शेवाळली इट (विट) पाय द्यावा बळकट
lāḍakyā lēkīcī karamācī khaṭakhaṭa
śēvāḷalī iṭa (viṭa) pāya dyāvā baḷakaṭa
My dear daughter, you are a botheration
Moss has gathered on the brick, put your foot firmly on it
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीची)(करमाची)(खटखट)
▷ (शेवाळली)(इट) ( (विट) ) (पाय)(द्यावा)(बळकट)
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A:II-5.3bi (A02-05-03b01) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Come ō Viṭṭhal!

[283] id = 70220
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
जनीने जाते दळिले पीठ मी भरीले
सासु पुढे ठेविले ये रे बा विठ्ठल
janīnē jātē daḷilē pīṭha mī bharīlē
sāsu puḍhē ṭhēvilē yē rē bā viṭhṭhala
no translation in English
▷ (जनीने) am_going (दळिले)(पीठ) I (भरीले)
▷ (सासु)(पुढे)(ठेविले)(ये)(रे)(बा) Vitthal
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Cross references for this song:A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani
[305] id = 77816
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दुसरी माझी ववी माझ्या मायी बापाला
चोळी दिली पाठवुन ये रे बा विठ्ठला
dusarī mājhī vavī mājhyā māyī bāpālā
cōḷī dilī pāṭhavuna yē rē bā viṭhṭhalā
no translation in English
▷ (दुसरी) my (ववी) my (मायी)(बापाला)
▷  Blouse (दिली)(पाठवुन)(ये)(रे)(बा) Vitthal
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[318] id = 83542
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सासु ते सासरे दिर तो तिसरा
वह्या गावु भरताला येरे बा विठ्ठला
sāsu tē sāsarē dira tō tisarā
vahyā gāvu bharatālā yērē bā viṭhṭhalā
no translation in English
▷ (सासु)(ते)(सासरे)(दिर)(तो)(तिसरा)
▷ (वह्या)(गावु)(भरताला)(येरे)(बा) Vitthal
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[363] id = 111809
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दुसरी माझी ओवी ग मनी नही कुठ
जानीमधे पांडुरंग भेट ये रे बा विठ्ठला
dusarī mājhī ōvī ga manī nahī kuṭha
jānīmadhē pāṇḍuraṅga bhēṭa yē rē bā viṭhṭhalā
no translation in English
▷ (दुसरी) my verse * (मनी) not (कुठ)
▷ (जानीमधे)(पांडुरंग)(भेट)(ये)(रे)(बा) Vitthal
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A:II-5.3bi (A02-05-03b01) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Come ō Viṭṭhal!

[283] id = 70220
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
जनीने जाते दळिले पीठ मी भरीले
सासु पुढे ठेविले ये रे बा विठ्ठल
janīnē jātē daḷilē pīṭha mī bharīlē
sāsu puḍhē ṭhēvilē yē rē bā viṭhṭhala
no translation in English
▷ (जनीने) am_going (दळिले)(पीठ) I (भरीले)
▷ (सासु)(पुढे)(ठेविले)(ये)(रे)(बा) Vitthal
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Cross references for this song:A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani
[305] id = 77816
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दुसरी माझी ववी माझ्या मायी बापाला
चोळी दिली पाठवुन ये रे बा विठ्ठला
dusarī mājhī vavī mājhyā māyī bāpālā
cōḷī dilī pāṭhavuna yē rē bā viṭhṭhalā
no translation in English
▷ (दुसरी) my (ववी) my (मायी)(बापाला)
▷  Blouse (दिली)(पाठवुन)(ये)(रे)(बा) Vitthal
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[318] id = 83542
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सासु ते सासरे दिर तो तिसरा
वह्या गावु भरताला येरे बा विठ्ठला
sāsu tē sāsarē dira tō tisarā
vahyā gāvu bharatālā yērē bā viṭhṭhalā
no translation in English
▷ (सासु)(ते)(सासरे)(दिर)(तो)(तिसरा)
▷ (वह्या)(गावु)(भरताला)(येरे)(बा) Vitthal
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[363] id = 111809
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दुसरी माझी ओवी ग मनी नही कुठ
जानीमधे पांडुरंग भेट ये रे बा विठ्ठला
dusarī mājhī ōvī ga manī nahī kuṭha
jānīmadhē pāṇḍuraṅga bhēṭa yē rē bā viṭhṭhalā
no translation in English
▷ (दुसरी) my verse * (मनी) not (कुठ)
▷ (जानीमधे)(पांडुरंग)(भेट)(ये)(रे)(बा) Vitthal
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A:II-5.3biii (A02-05-03b03) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Together with other gods, holy places

Cross-references:B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
[59] id = 56746
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जाते इसवरा तुला सुपारीचा डावू
पारवतीसाठी नवरे झाले महादेवू
jātē isavarā tulā supārīcā ḍāvū
pāravatīsāṭhī navarē jhālē mahādēvū
no translation in English
▷  Am_going (इसवरा) to_you (सुपारीचा)(डावू)
▷ (पारवतीसाठी)(नवरे) become (महादेवू)
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A:II-5.3gvii (A02-05-03g07) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Memory of Viṭṭhal, Rukminī, Jani

Cross-references:A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani
[55] id = 110941
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जात्याच्या पाळुला दुरडी भरली गव्हाची
उठ रुखमीणी जनी दळती कवाची
jātyācyā pāḷulā duraḍī bharalī gavhācī
uṭha rukhamīṇī janī daḷatī kavācī
no translation in English
▷ (जात्याच्या)(पाळुला)(दुरडी)(भरली)(गव्हाची)
▷ (उठ)(रुखमीणी)(जनी)(दळती)(कवाची)
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A:II-5.3gxiv (A02-05-03g14) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Thankful recollection of several gods

Cross-references:H:XXI-1.2 (H21-01-02) - Buddha / Buddha’s ornaments
[105] id = 87291
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
सरल दळण पीठ भराने थाळ्यात
सोन्याची साकळी मारवतीच्या गळ्यात
sarala daḷaṇa pīṭha bharānē thāḷyāta
sōnyācī sākaḷī māravatīcyā gaḷyāta
no translation in English
▷ (सरल)(दळण)(पीठ)(भराने)(थाळ्यात)
▷ (सोन्याची) morning (मारवतीच्या)(गळ्यात)
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A:II-5.3gxx (A02-05-03g20) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Other relatives

[27] id = 87294
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
सरल दळण पदराला देते झोका
आवुक मागते माझ्या कपळीच्या कुका
sarala daḷaṇa padarālā dētē jhōkā
āvuka māgatē mājhyā kapaḷīcyā kukā
no translation in English
▷ (सरल)(दळण)(पदराला) give (झोका)
▷ (आवुक)(मागते) my (कपळीच्या)(कुका)
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[28] id = 87295
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
सरल दळण जात्या ठेवते झाकण
कपाळीच्या कुंकावरचे राखण
sarala daḷaṇa jātyā ṭhēvatē jhākaṇa
kapāḷīcyā kuṅkāvaracē rākhaṇa
no translation in English
▷ (सरल)(दळण)(जात्या)(ठेवते)(झाकण)
▷ (कपाळीच्या)(कुंकावरचे)(राखण)
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A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani

Cross-references:A:II-5.3gvi (A02-05-03g06) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Bhīmā-Śaṅkar
B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[42] id = 111193
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गव्हाची पाटी विठ्ठल उचली स्वतः अग
जनीला दळु लाग सावळा पांडुरंग
gavhācī pāṭī viṭhṭhala ucalī svataḥ aga
janīlā daḷu lāga sāvaḷā pāṇḍuraṅga
no translation in English
▷ (गव्हाची)(पाटी) Vitthal (उचली)(स्वतः) O
▷ (जनीला)(दळु)(लाग)(सावळा)(पांडुरंग)
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A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother

Cross-references:A:II-5.3ai (A02-05-03a01) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Exhortation to shed slugishness and join
A:II-5.3aii (A02-05-03a02) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Hard work
A:II-5.3gviii (A02-05-03g08) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Moon and sun
A:II-5.3gxvi (A02-05-03g16) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Brother and his wife remembered
B:VI-5.4a (B06-05-04a) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Brother during Hoḷī / He comes to singer’s home
B:VI-5.5 (B06-05-05) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Daughter during Hoḷī
G:XIX-3.1 (G19-03-01) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband’s meals
[82] id = 70349
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जाते ईशवरा तुला सुपारीचा दावु
पारबती साठी नवरे झाले महादेव
jātē īśavarā tulā supārīcā dāvu
pārabatī sāṭhī navarē jhālē mahādēva
no translation in English
▷  Am_going (ईशवरा) to_you (सुपारीचा)(दावु)
▷  Parvati for (नवरे) become (महादेव)
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[100] id = 87296
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जाते इश्वरा तीळ तांदळाचा दाणा
लग्नाच्या दिवशी कन्यादान ओती मामा
jātē iśvarā tīḷa tāndaḷācā dāṇā
lagnācyā divaśī kanyādāna ōtī māmā
no translation in English
▷  Am_going (इश्वरा)(तीळ)(तांदळाचा)(दाणा)
▷ (लग्नाच्या)(दिवशी)(कन्यादान)(ओती) maternal_uncle
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[104] id = 87324
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जाते ईश्वरा तूला सुपारी बांधीली
बाळाला माझ्या नवर्या हळद लाविली
jātē īśvarā tūlā supārī bāndhīlī
bāḷālā mājhyā navaryā haḷada lāvilī
no translation in English
▷  Am_going (ईश्वरा) to_you (सुपारी)(बांधीली)
▷ (बाळाला) my (नवर्या)(हळद)(लाविली)
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Cross references for this song:D:XII-4.1a (D12-04-01a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Rituals performed by bridegroom / Applying turmeric on the whole body
D:XII-4.10ai (D12-04-10a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s distinction:reknown lineage / He is son of an eminent person
D:XII-4.1aiii ???

A:II-5.3l (A02-05-03l) - Labour / Grinding / Sister remembers her brother

Cross-references:A:II-5.3ai (A02-05-03a01) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Exhortation to shed slugishness and join
A:II-5.3aii (A02-05-03a02) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly / Hard work
A:II-5.3gviii (A02-05-03g08) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Moon and sun
A:II-5.3gxvi (A02-05-03g16) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Brother and his wife remembered
B:VI-5.4a (B06-05-04a) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Brother during Hoḷī / He comes to singer’s home
B:VI-5.5 (B06-05-05) - From Hoḷī to Pāḍvā / Daughter during Hoḷī
G:XIX-3.1 (G19-03-01) - Wife’s concern for husband / Husband’s meals
[82] id = 70349
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जाते ईशवरा तुला सुपारीचा दावु
पारबती साठी नवरे झाले महादेव
jātē īśavarā tulā supārīcā dāvu
pārabatī sāṭhī navarē jhālē mahādēva
no translation in English
▷  Am_going (ईशवरा) to_you (सुपारीचा)(दावु)
▷  Parvati for (नवरे) become (महादेव)
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[100] id = 87296
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जाते इश्वरा तीळ तांदळाचा दाणा
लग्नाच्या दिवशी कन्यादान ओती मामा
jātē iśvarā tīḷa tāndaḷācā dāṇā
lagnācyā divaśī kanyādāna ōtī māmā
no translation in English
▷  Am_going (इश्वरा)(तीळ)(तांदळाचा)(दाणा)
▷ (लग्नाच्या)(दिवशी)(कन्यादान)(ओती) maternal_uncle
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[104] id = 87324
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जाते ईश्वरा तूला सुपारी बांधीली
बाळाला माझ्या नवर्या हळद लाविली
jātē īśvarā tūlā supārī bāndhīlī
bāḷālā mājhyā navaryā haḷada lāvilī
no translation in English
▷  Am_going (ईश्वरा) to_you (सुपारी)(बांधीली)
▷ (बाळाला) my (नवर्या)(हळद)(लाविली)
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Cross references for this song:D:XII-4.1a (D12-04-01a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Rituals performed by bridegroom / Applying turmeric on the whole body
D:XII-4.10ai (D12-04-10a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s distinction:reknown lineage / He is son of an eminent person
D:XII-4.1aiii ???

A:II-5.3oiii (A02-05-03o03) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s bond of love / Mother is coaching her daughter

[26] id = 113063
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझा माझा गळा जशी कोयल कोकती
पाणुट्याच्या बाया गलोगलीन थोपती (थांबणे)
tujhā mājhā gaḷā jaśī kōyala kōkatī
pāṇuṭyācyā bāyā galōgalīna thōpatī (thāmbaṇē)
no translation in English
▷  Your my (गळा)(जशी)(कोयल)(कोकती)
▷ (पाणुट्याच्या)(बाया)(गलोगलीन)(थोपती) ( (थांबणे) )
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B:III-1.5a (B03-01-05a) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Within one’s heart

[162] id = 98017
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
राम म्हणु राम राम संगतीला चांगला
माझ्या हुरद्यात यानी बांधीला बंगला
rāma mhaṇu rāma rāma saṅgatīlā cāṅgalā
mājhyā huradyāta yānī bāndhīlā baṅgalā
no translation in English
▷  Ram say Ram Ram (संगतीला)(चांगला)
▷  My (हुरद्यात)(यानी)(बांधीला)(बंगला)
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B:III-1.5c (B03-01-05c) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / In the morning

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.7a (H21-05-07a) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / Taking Bhīm’s name
[173] id = 91915
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सकाळी उठुनी रामाच नाव घ्याव
धरणी मातेवर मग पाऊल टाकाव
sakāḷī uṭhunī rāmāca nāva ghyāva
dharaṇī mātēvara maga pāūla ṭākāva
no translation in English
▷  Morning (उठुनी) of_Ram (नाव)(घ्याव)
▷ (धरणी)(मातेवर)(मग)(पाऊल)(टाकाव)
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B:III-1.5f (B03-01-05f) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Before setting to work

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.7a (H21-05-07a) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness / Taking Bhīm’s name
B:III-1.5c (B03-01-05c) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / In the morning
[37] id = 39708
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सकाळी उठून राम, राम संभारणं
धरणी मातेवर मंग माझं वावरणं
sakāḷī uṭhūna rāma, rāma sambhāraṇaṁ
dharaṇī mātēvara maṅga mājhaṁ vāvaraṇaṁ
no translation in English
▷  Morning (उठून) Ram (,) Ram (संभारणं)
▷ (धरणी)(मातेवर)(मंग)(माझं)(वावरणं)
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[106] id = 92288
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रामाच नाव घ्याया गोर्याबाई विसरली
धरणी मातावरी मग तशी वापरली
rāmāca nāva ghyāyā gōryābāī visaralī
dharaṇī mātāvarī maga taśī vāparalī
no translation in English
▷  Of_Ram (नाव)(घ्याया)(गोर्याबाई)(विसरली)
▷ (धरणी)(मातावरी)(मग)(तशी)(वापरली)
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[108] id = 98014
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रामाच नावु आज मी नाही घेतल
हुरद माझ सुन कोण्या धंद्याला गुंतल
rāmāca nāvu āja mī nāhī ghētala
hurada mājha suna kōṇyā dhandyālā guntala
no translation in English
▷  Of_Ram (नावु)(आज) I not (घेतल)
▷ (हुरद) my (सुन)(कोण्या)(धंद्याला)(गुंतल)
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[113] id = 39253
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
राम तुझे नाव मी आज नाही घेतलं
वेडं माझं मन कोण्या धंद्याला गुंतलं
rāma tujhē nāva mī āja nāhī ghētalaṁ
vēḍaṁ mājhaṁ mana kōṇyā dhandyālā guntalaṁ
no translation in English
▷  Ram (तुझे)(नाव) I (आज) not (घेतलं)
▷ (वेडं)(माझं)(मन)(कोण्या)(धंद्याला)(गुंतलं)
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B:III-1.5h (B03-01-05h) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Holy blessing

[14] id = 39714
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
राम राम म्हणू राम गळ्याचा ताईत
रामाचा घेते नांव हातो देहीचा उध्दार
rāma rāma mhaṇū rāma gaḷyācā tāīta
rāmācā ghētē nāmva hātō dēhīcā udhdāra
no translation in English
▷  Ram Ram say Ram (गळ्याचा)(ताईत)
▷  Of_Ram (घेते)(नांव)(हातो)(देहीचा)(उध्दार)
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[23] id = 39723
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
राम राम म्हणू राम कौशल्याबाईचा
रामाचं घेते नाव झाला उध्दार देहीचा
rāma rāma mhaṇū rāma kauśalyābāīcā
rāmācaṇa ghētē nāva jhālā udhdāra dēhīcā
no translation in English
▷  Ram Ram say Ram (कौशल्याबाईचा)
▷ (रामाचं)(घेते)(नाव)(झाला)(उध्दार)(देहीचा)
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[97] id = 91919
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
राम म्हणु राम राम कौशल्या माईचा
रामाच घेता नाव झाला उध्दार देहीचा
rāma mhaṇu rāma rāma kauśalyā māīcā
rāmāca ghētā nāva jhālā udhdāra dēhīcā
no translation in English
▷  Ram say Ram Ram (कौशल्या)(माईचा)
▷  Of_Ram (घेता)(नाव)(झाला)(उध्दार)(देहीचा)
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B:III-1.5ji (B03-01-05j01) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Similes / Sugar, gūḷ, supārī, āmṛt

Cross-references:B:III-1.5i (B03-01-05i) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Effects
[84] id = 92287
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
राम म्हणु रामा इतक गोड काही
साखर्याबाईला जरा कडुपणा नाही
rāma mhaṇu rāmā itaka gōḍa kāhī
sākharyābāīlā jarā kaḍupaṇā nāhī
no translation in English
▷  Ram say Ram (इतक)(गोड)(काही)
▷ (साखर्याबाईला)(जरा)(कडुपणा) not
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[201] id = 98015
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
राम म्हणु राम राम गुळायाच्या थेळ्या (ढेपा)
आले साधुसंत यानी प्रसादाला नेल्या
rāma mhaṇu rāma rāma guḷāyācyā thēḷyā (ḍhēpā)
ālē sādhusanta yānī prasādālā nēlyā
no translation in English
▷  Ram say Ram Ram (गुळायाच्या)(थेळ्या) ( (ढेपा) )
▷  Here_comes (साधुसंत)(यानी)(प्रसादाला)(नेल्या)
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B:III-1.5k (B03-01-05k) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Sinners disregard it

[36] id = 92286
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रामाजीच नाव घ्याया कंटाळा करीतो
नितळ टाकुनी पाणी गढुळ भरीतो
rāmājīca nāva ghyāyā kaṇṭāḷā karītō
nitaḷa ṭākunī pāṇī gaḍhuḷa bharītō
no translation in English
▷ (रामाजीच)(नाव)(घ्याया)(कंटाळा)(करीतो)
▷ (नितळ)(टाकुनी) water, (गढुळ)(भरीतो)
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B:III-1.10b (B03-01-10b) - Rām cycle / Iṅdrajit: fight and death / Lakṣmaṇ kills Iṅdrajit

[18] id = 39335
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
मारीले इंद्रजित लंकेत झाली आवई
वळकू नही आला लक्षीमणाला जावई
mārīlē indrajita laṅkēta jhālī āvaī
vaḷakū nahī ālā lakṣīmaṇālā jāvaī
no translation in English
▷ (मारीले)(इंद्रजित)(लंकेत) has_come (आवई)
▷ (वळकू) not here_comes (लक्षीमणाला)(जावई)
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B:III-1.10h (B03-01-10h) - Rām cycle / Iṅdrajit: fight and death / Fighting

[9] id = 39775
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बाणावरी बाण बाणाची रचली भिंत
बाराच्या आडून मारीले इंद्रजित
bāṇāvarī bāṇa bāṇācī racalī bhinta
bārācyā āḍūna mārīlē indrajita
no translation in English
▷ (बाणावरी)(बाण)(बाणाची)(रचली)(भिंत)
▷ (बाराच्या)(आडून)(मारीले)(इंद्रजित)
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B:III-2.1ai (B03-02-01a01) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Gokulpur / Joy of birth

[74] id = 98007
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जन्मले कृष्ण नाथ गोकुळी झाला आनंद
हत्तीवर साखर वाटीतो राजा नंद
janmalē kṛṣṇa nātha gōkuḷī jhālā ānanda
hattīvara sākhara vāṭītō rājā nanda
no translation in English
▷ (जन्मले)(कृष्ण)(नाथ)(गोकुळी)(झाला)(आनंद)
▷ (हत्तीवर)(साखर)(वाटीतो) king (नंद)
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B:III-2.1aiii (B03-02-01a03) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Gokulpur / Maternal uncles and aunts

[13] id = 98008
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जनमले कृष्ण देव गोकुळी दिवा लावा
मांडीवर घेऊनी मामा मावशीला दावा
janamalē kṛṣṇa dēva gōkuḷī divā lāvā
māṇḍīvara ghēūnī māmā māvaśīlā dāvā
no translation in English
▷ (जनमले)(कृष्ण)(देव)(गोकुळी) lamp put
▷ (मांडीवर)(घेऊनी) maternal_uncle (मावशीला)(दावा)
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B:III-2.1aiv (B03-02-01a04) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Gokulpur / Yaśoda

[26] id = 98010
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
यशोदाबाई तुझा हारी कोण्यावाणी
सावळे याच रुप जवसाच्या फुलावाणी
yaśōdābāī tujhā hārī kōṇyāvāṇī
sāvaḷē yāca rupa javasācyā phulāvāṇī
no translation in English
▷ (यशोदाबाई) your (हारी)(कोण्यावाणी)
▷ (सावळे)(याच) form (जवसाच्या)(फुलावाणी)
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[36] id = 113317
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
यशोदेबाई एक हरीच गार्हाण
गवळ्याच्या राहीच लुगड फाडील मिरान
yaśōdēbāī ēka harīca gārhāṇa
gavaḷyācyā rāhīca lugaḍa phāḍīla mirāna
no translation in English
▷ (यशोदेबाई)(एक)(हरीच)(गार्हाण)
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(राहीच)(लुगड)(फाडील)(मिरान)
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B:III-2.1cii (B03-02-01c02) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Devaki-Vasudev / In the prison

[26] id = 98009
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जलमले कृष्ण नाथ आडव घेतल बापान
बंदीशाळेचे कवाडे याने लोटले लाथान
jalamalē kṛṣṇa nātha āḍava ghētala bāpāna
bandīśāḷēcē kavāḍē yānē lōṭalē lāthāna
no translation in English
▷ (जलमले)(कृष्ण)(नाथ)(आडव)(घेतल)(बापान)
▷ (बंदीशाळेचे)(कवाडे)(याने)(लोटले)(लाथान)
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B:III-2.5a (B03-02-05a) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Stealing curd, milk, butter

[47] id = 98006
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
यशोदेबाई तुझा हारी माझ्या वाड्या येतो
दही दुध खातो ताक लवंडुन देतो
yaśōdēbāī tujhā hārī mājhyā vāḍyā yētō
dahī dudha khātō tāka lavaṇḍuna dētō
no translation in English
▷ (यशोदेबाई) your (हारी) my (वाड्या)(येतो)
▷ (दही) milk (खातो)(ताक)(लवंडुन)(देतो)
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[48] id = 98559
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
यशोदेबाई तुझा हरी लई चोर
नेला रवी दोर मग झाला शिरजोर
yaśōdēbāī tujhā harī laī cōra
nēlā ravī dōra maga jhālā śirajōra
no translation in English
▷ (यशोदेबाई) your (हरी)(लई)(चोर)
▷ (नेला)(रवी)(दोर)(मग)(झाला)(शिरजोर)
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B:III-2.5b (B03-02-05b) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Stealing churning instruments

[34] id = 110761
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गवळणी म्हणती चोर धरु आपुण
गेले धार्यावाटे कान्हा गेला निघुन
gavaḷaṇī mhaṇatī cōra dharu āpuṇa
gēlē dhāryāvāṭē kānhā gēlā nighuna
no translation in English
▷ (गवळणी)(म्हणती)(चोर)(धरु)(आपुण)
▷  Has_gone (धार्यावाटे)(कान्हा) has_gone (निघुन)
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B:III-2.5e (B03-02-05e) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Cow-women following one another

[41] id = 110770
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गवळणी गवळणी विचार करितो मनाला
यशोदेचा कान्हा बांधी घुसळखांबाला
gavaḷaṇī gavaḷaṇī vicāra karitō manālā
yaśōdēcā kānhā bāndhī ghusaḷakhāmbālā
no translation in English
▷ (गवळणी)(गवळणी)(विचार)(करितो)(मनाला)
▷ (यशोदेचा)(कान्हा)(बांधी)(घुसळखांबाला)
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B:III-2.5f (B03-02-05f) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Hanging pot for milk and butter

[25] id = 110769
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
यशोदेबाई हरि तुझा लई धट
शिक्या पुरेणा हात मांडीतो पिटे पाठ
yaśōdēbāī hari tujhā laī dhaṭa
śikyā purēṇā hāta māṇḍītō piṭē pāṭha
no translation in English
▷ (यशोदेबाई)(हरि) your (लई)(धट)
▷ (शिक्या)(पुरेणा) hand (मांडीतो)(पिटे)(पाठ)
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B:III-2.5i (B03-02-05i) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / While fetching water

[84] id = 110775
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गवळ्याच्या वाड्या करी गवळ्याच्या खोड्या
यशोदेच्या कान्हाने गवळणी केल्या येड्या
gavaḷyācyā vāḍyā karī gavaḷyācyā khōḍyā
yaśōdēcyā kānhānē gavaḷaṇī kēlyā yēḍyā
no translation in English
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(वाड्या)(करी)(गवळ्याच्या)(खोड्या)
▷ (यशोदेच्या)(कान्हाने)(गवळणी)(केल्या)(येड्या)
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[87] id = 110778
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
यशोदेबाई एक हरीच्या रण गाड्या
गवळ्याच्या राहीला बळी भरतो बांगड्या
yaśōdēbāī ēka harīcyā raṇa gāḍyā
gavaḷyācyā rāhīlā baḷī bharatō bāṅgaḍyā
no translation in English
▷ (यशोदेबाई)(एक)(हरीच्या)(रण)(गाड्या)
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(राहीला)(बळी)(भरतो)(बांगड्या)
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B:IV-1.4 (B04-01-04) - Ambābāī / The dear one

Cross-references:B:V-26 (B05-26) - Village deities / Tukāī / Tukāī
[27] id = 78956
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
देवीच्या देवळात मी गेले होते काल
आईच्या होमामधी मला सापडले लाल (मुलगा)
dēvīcyā dēvaḷāta mī gēlē hōtē kāla
āīcyā hōmāmadhī malā sāpaḍalē lāla (mulagā)
no translation in English
▷ (देवीच्या)(देवळात) I has_gone (होते)(काल)
▷ (आईच्या)(होमामधी)(मला)(सापडले)(लाल) ( (मुलगा) )
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B:IV-1.5 (B04-01-05) - Ambābāī / Support

Cross-references:B:V-26 (B05-26) - Village deities / Tukāī / Tukāī
[19] id = 78957
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
देवी आई देवुळात नंदी देवळा बाहेरी
बाईला माझ्या सेवा पडती दोहयरी
dēvī āī dēvuḷāta nandī dēvaḷā bāhērī
bāīlā mājhyā sēvā paḍatī dōhayarī
no translation in English
▷ (देवी)(आई)(देवुळात)(नंदी)(देवळा)(बाहेरी)
▷ (बाईला) my (सेवा)(पडती)(दोहयरी)
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B:IV-1.7 (B04-01-07) - Ambābāī / Festival / Festival

[8] id = 109035
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
देवीच्या देवळात मी गेले होते राती
बाई अंबाच्या होमामधी मला सापडले मोती
dēvīcyā dēvaḷāta mī gēlē hōtē rātī
bāī ambācyā hōmāmadhī malā sāpaḍalē mōtī
no translation in English
▷ (देवीच्या)(देवळात) I has_gone (होते)(राती)
▷  Woman (अंबाच्या)(होमामधी)(मला)(सापडले)(मोती)
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B:IV-2.1a (B04-02-01a) - Mārutī cycle / Birth / Añjanābāī’s delivery pains

[23] id = 40439
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
अंजनी नारीचे पोट दुःख निम्म्या राती
जन्मीला मारवती चैती पोरणीमेच्या दिवसी
añjanī nārīcē pōṭa duḥkha nimmyā rātī
janmīlā māravatī caitī pōraṇīmēcyā divasī
no translation in English
▷ (अंजनी)(नारीचे)(पोट)(दुःख)(निम्म्या)(राती)
▷ (जन्मीला) Maruti (चैती)(पोरणीमेच्या)(दिवसी)
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B:IV-2.1b (B04-02-01b) - Mārutī cycle / Birth / Aṅjanābāī’s religious austerity

[15] id = 39795
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बारा वर्षे तप केले आंजनी नारीना
जन्मीले मारवती पिंड आणिले घारीना
bārā varṣē tapa kēlē āñjanī nārīnā
janmīlē māravatī piṇḍa āṇilē ghārīnā
no translation in English
▷ (बारा)(वर्षे)(तप)(केले)(आंजनी)(नारीना)
▷ (जन्मीले) Maruti (पिंड)(आणिले)(घारीना)
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[20] id = 39803
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बारा वर्षे तिथ कशाची निकट
जन्मीले मारवती लगुट बनाच्या सकट
bārā varṣē titha kaśācī nikaṭa
janmīlē māravatī laguṭa banācyā sakaṭa
no translation in English
▷ (बारा)(वर्षे)(तिथ) of_how (निकट)
▷ (जन्मीले) Maruti (लगुट)(बनाच्या)(सकट)
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B:IV-2.1e (B04-02-01e) - Mārutī cycle / Birth / First child

Cross-references:A:I-1.15g (A01-01-15g) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Māruti attending Rām, Sītā and Lakṣmaṇ
[24] id = 88931
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
राम नी लक्ष्मण दोघीचे दोघेजन
तिसरा मारवती अंजनाचा पैलवान
rāma nī lakṣmaṇa dōghīcē dōghējana
tisarā māravatī añjanācā pailavāna
no translation in English
▷  Ram (नी) Laksman (दोघीचे)(दोघेजन)
▷ (तिसरा) Maruti (अंजनाचा)(पैलवान)
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B:IV-2.3 (B04-02-03) - Mārutī cycle / Celibate

[37] id = 60368
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
दुसरी माझी ओवी मारवती ब्रम्हचारी
अस्तुरीच पाणी नाही घेत पायावरी
dusarī mājhī ōvī māravatī bramhacārī
asturīca pāṇī nāhī ghēta pāyāvarī
no translation in English
▷ (दुसरी) my verse Maruti (ब्रम्हचारी)
▷ (अस्तुरीच) water, not (घेत)(पायावरी)
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B:IV-2.5a (B04-02-05a) - Mārutī cycle / Distinctive signs / Red powder, flag, cotton string

[48] id = 60373
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
मारवती राजा तुझी शेंडी शेंदराची
हेलवा देती बाई वर फांदी लिभांर्याची
māravatī rājā tujhī śēṇḍī śēndarācī
hēlavā dētī bāī vara phāndī libhāṇryācī
no translation in English
▷  Maruti king (तुझी)(शेंडी)(शेंदराची)
▷ (हेलवा)(देती) woman (वर)(फांदी)(लिभांर्याची)
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B:IV-2.7 (B04-02-07) - Mārutī cycle / The dear one

[87] id = 60364
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
पहिली माझी ओवी मारवती ब्राम्हणाला
मोती याच्या जानवाला
pahilī mājhī ōvī māravatī brāmhaṇālā
mōtī yācyā jānavālā
no translation in English
▷ (पहिली) my verse Maruti (ब्राम्हणाला)
▷ (मोती) of_his_place (जानवाला)
pas de traduction en français

B:IV-2.8b (B04-02-08b) - Mārutī cycle / Son and Maruti / Mārutī’s support to son

Cross-references:D:X-2.5bxix (D10-02-05b19) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / In god’s company, other relatives
[22] id = 60363
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
मारवती राजा माझ्या बाळाच्या मैतर
पांघराया देतो अंगावरले धोतर
māravatī rājā mājhyā bāḷācyā maitara
pāṅgharāyā dētō aṅgāvaralē dhōtara
no translation in English
▷  Maruti king my (बाळाच्या)(मैतर)
▷ (पांघराया)(देतो)(अंगावरले)(धोतर)
pas de traduction en français
[33] id = 62253
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
मारवती राजा बाळाचा संगती
पांघराया देतो अंगावरच्या बंनती
māravatī rājā bāḷācā saṅgatī
pāṅgharāyā dētō aṅgāvaracyā bannatī
no translation in English
▷  Maruti king (बाळाचा)(संगती)
▷ (पांघराया)(देतो)(अंगावरच्या)(बंनती)
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B:IV-2.9b (B04-02-09b) - Mārutī cycle / Vow / Fullfilling vow

[8] id = 60327
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
देवामधी देव मारवती न्हाला
तान्हा माझा राघू त्यात हिरा सापडला
dēvāmadhī dēva māravatī nhālā
tānhā mājhā rāghū tyāta hirā sāpaḍalā
no translation in English
▷ (देवामधी)(देव) Maruti (न्हाला)
▷ (तान्हा) my (राघू)(त्यात)(हिरा)(सापडला)
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B:IV-2.10 (B04-02-10) - Mārutī cycle / Support to oneself

[57] id = 60362
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
वनामधी वस्ती मरदाची
राजा मारुतीची बाजू मला सरदाराची
vanāmadhī vastī maradācī
rājā mārutīcī bājū malā saradārācī
no translation in English
▷ (वनामधी)(वस्ती)(मरदाची)
▷  King (मारुतीची)(बाजू)(मला)(सरदाराची)
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B:IV-3.5 (B04-03-05) - Dattatraya cycle / Anusaya

[21] id = 111485
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
चाड्या वरी मुठ देवा घरी राग राग
अनुसयाच सत्व साडी उगवल्या पाठीमाग
cāḍyā varī muṭha dēvā gharī rāga rāga
anusayāca satva sāḍī ugavalyā pāṭhīmāga
no translation in English
▷ (चाड्या)(वरी)(मुठ)(देवा)(घरी)(राग)(राग)
▷ (अनुसयाच)(सत्व)(साडी)(उगवल्या)(पाठीमाग)
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B:IV-4.5 (B04-04-05) - God Śaṅkar / Vow

[10] id = 39149
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
नवस बोलले महादेवाच्या देवळी
भावाला पुत्र बहिण बोलली
navasa bōlalē mahādēvācyā dēvaḷī
bhāvālā putra bahiṇa bōlalī
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (महादेवाच्या)(देवळी)
▷ (भावाला)(पुत्र) sister (बोलली)
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B:IV-4.6av (B04-04-06a05) - God Śaṅkar / Girijā Parvati / Girijā / Playing cards

[20] id = 57490
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
सोकटी खेळता पहिला डाव गिरीजाचा
जिंकून नेला ढवळा नंदी शंकराचा
sōkaṭī khēḷatā pahilā ḍāva girījācā
jiṅkūna nēlā ḍhavaḷā nandī śaṅkarācā
no translation in English
▷ (सोकटी)(खेळता)(पहिला)(डाव)(गिरीजाचा)
▷ (जिंकून)(नेला)(ढवळा)(नंदी)(शंकराचा)
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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/songs.php on line 732

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(B05-03-08a) -

[45] id = 89041
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
देवी आईच देवुळ वल्या केसानी झाडीते
भाऊच्या माझ्या केले नवस फेडीते
dēvī āīca dēvuḷa valyā kēsānī jhāḍītē
bhāūcyā mājhyā kēlē navasa phēḍītē
no translation in English
▷ (देवी)(आईच)(देवुळ)(वल्या)(केसानी)(झाडीते)
▷ (भाऊच्या) my (केले)(नवस)(फेडीते)
pas de traduction en français

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/songs.php on line 732

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Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/songs.php on line 737

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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ccrssovhrp/www/database/songs.php on line 741

(B05-03-08b) -

[65] id = 89040
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
नवस बोलते परण्याला येता जाता
देव बयरीबाबा लिंबाखाली उभा होता
navasa bōlatē paraṇyālā yētā jātā
dēva bayarībābā limbākhālī ubhā hōtā
no translation in English
▷ (नवस)(बोलते)(परण्याला)(येता) class
▷ (देव)(बयरीबाबा)(लिंबाखाली) standing (होता)
pas de traduction en français

B:V-50 (B05-50) - Village deities / Mhāsobā / Mhāsobā

[15] id = 38844
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
नवस बोलले वाटावरच्या म्हसोबाला
असं मोलामोली काम नको माझ्या नशिबाला
navasa bōlalē vāṭāvaracyā mhasōbālā
asaṁ mōlāmōlī kāma nakō mājhyā naśibālā
no translation in English
▷ (नवस) says (वाटावरच्या)(म्हसोबाला)
▷ (असं)(मोलामोली)(काम) not my (नशिबाला)
pas de traduction en français

B:VI-1.4c (B06-01-04c) - Dasarā, Diwāḷī / Āratī / Mothers to son

[14] id = 103553
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दिवाळी दिवशी माझा थाळा आहे जड
नादान माझ्या बाळा तुला ववाळील शाही घड
divāḷī divaśī mājhā thāḷā āhē jaḍa
nādāna mājhyā bāḷā tulā vavāḷīla śāhī ghaḍa
On Diwali* day, my plate has become heavy
My little son, you wave the lamps in front of the prestigious people from the village
▷ (दिवाळी)(दिवशी) my (थाळा)(आहे)(जड)
▷ (नादान) my child to_you (ववाळील)(शाही)(घड)
pas de traduction en français
DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[17] id = 103552
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दिवाळी दिवशी तु तर भाग्याचा झाला
नादान राघु माझा कड पुत्र न्हानी केला
divāḷī divaśī tu tara bhāgyācā jhālā
nādāna rāghu mājhā kaḍa putra nhānī kēlā
On Diwaly day, you are the fortunate one
My little son Raghu*, I gave you the special bath (with oil and aromatic pastes)
▷ (दिवाळी)(दिवशी) you wires (भाग्याचा)(झाला)
▷ (नादान)(राघु) my (कड)(पुत्र)(न्हानी) did
pas de traduction en français
RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu

B:VI-2.1b (B06-02-01b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Description of the road

Cross-references:B:VI-2.3e (B06-02-03e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Daughter
B:VI-2.1 (B06-02-10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected
B:VI-2.3g (B06-02-03g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Brother
B:VI-2.3 (B06-02-03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions
[373] id = 72125
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरीची वाट कशीयान ओली झाली
रुक्मीण न्हाली केस वाळवत गेली
paṇḍharīcī vāṭa kaśīyāna ōlī jhālī
rukmīṇa nhālī kēsa vāḷavata gēlī
With what has the road to Pandhari become wet
Rukmini* just had a bath and walked on it, drying her hair
▷ (पंढरीची)(वाट)(कशीयान)(ओली) has_come
▷ (रुक्मीण)(न्हाली)(केस)(वाळवत) went
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.3a (B06-02-03a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Parents

[12] id = 87823
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरीला गेल वेड जायच दिल भाड
आईबाप ठेवले घरी कशयाच तिर्थ घड
paṇḍharīlā gēla vēḍa jāyaca dila bhāḍa
āībāpa ṭhēvalē gharī kaśayāca tirtha ghaḍa
This fool went to Pandhari, paid the fare
Kept his parents at home, what kind of pilgrimage will he have
▷ (पंढरीला) gone (वेड)(जायच)(दिल)(भाड)
▷ (आईबाप)(ठेवले)(घरी)(कशयाच)(तिर्थ)(घड)
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B:VI-2.3c (B06-02-03c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Mother

[140] id = 84734
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जाते पंढरीला संग आईच लुगड
चंद्रभागेमधी नई धुवायाला दगड
jātē paṇḍharīlā saṅga āīca lugaḍa
candrabhāgēmadhī naī dhuvāyālā dagaḍa
I go to Pandhari, I have my mother’s sari with me
Not a single stone in Chandrabhaga* for washing
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला) with (आईच)(लुगड)
▷ (चंद्रभागेमधी)(नई)(धुवायाला)(दगड)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
[141] id = 84735
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीला जाया संग नेते आईला
चंद्रभागेमधी कडबा सोडीला गाईला
paṇḍharīlā jāyā saṅga nētē āīlā
candrabhāgēmadhī kaḍabā sōḍīlā gāīlā
To go to Pandhari, I take my mother along
On the banks of Chandrabhaga*, I offer fodder to the cow
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) with (नेते)(आईला)
▷ (चंद्रभागेमधी)(कडबा)(सोडीला)(गाईला)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

B:VI-2.3g (B06-02-03g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Brother

Cross-references:B:VI-2.831 ???
[117] id = 84738
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीला जाया संग नेते भावाला
चांदीचा गिल्हास पाणी कुंडलिक देवाला
paṇḍharīlā jāyā saṅga nētē bhāvālā
cāndīcā gilhāsa pāṇī kuṇḍalika dēvālā
I shall go to Pandhari, I shall take my brother along
From silver glass, I shall offer water to god Kundlik
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया) with (नेते)(भावाला)
▷ (चांदीचा)(गिल्हास) water, (कुंडलिक)(देवाला)
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B:VI-2.3j (B06-02-03j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Friends

[26] id = 84746
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीला गेले माझ्या आळीचे गोपाळ
विठ्ठलाला पितांबर रूखमीणीला पातळ
paṇḍharīlā gēlē mājhyā āḷīcē gōpāḷa
viṭhṭhalālā pitāmbara rūkhamīṇīlā pātaḷa
All the young boys from my lane are going to Pandhari
A Pitambar* for Itthal*, a sari for Rukhmini*
▷ (पंढरीला) has_gone my (आळीचे)(गोपाळ)
▷ (विठ्ठलाला)(पितांबर)(रूखमीणीला)(पातळ)
pas de traduction en français
PitambarA yellow dhotar
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[44] id = 79005
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीला गेल्या माझ्या आळीच्या बायका
माझा नमस्कार विटेवरल्या नायका
paṇḍharīlā gēlyā mājhyā āḷīcyā bāyakā
mājhā namaskāra viṭēvaralyā nāyakā
Women from my lane have gone to Pandhari
My Namaskar* to the God on the brick
▷ (पंढरीला)(गेल्या) my (आळीच्या)(बायका)
▷  My (नमस्कार)(विटेवरल्या)(नायका)
pas de traduction en français
NamaskarFolding hands as a mark of respect
[45] id = 84741
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरला जाया संगे नेते आयाबाया
चंद्रभागा न्हाया धुया राऊळात बाबाबया
paṇḍharapuralā jāyā saṅgē nētē āyābāyā
candrabhāgā nhāyā dhuyā rāūḷāta bābābayā
To go to Pandhari, I take other women along
There are men and women to bathe in Chandrabhaga* and at the temple
▷ (पंढरपुरला)(जाया) with (नेते)(आयाबाया)
▷ (चंद्रभागा)(न्हाया)(धुया)(राऊळात)(बाबाबया)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi

Cross-references:B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
B:VI-2.3d (B06-02-03d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Son
B:VI-2.20 ???
VI-2.7d24 ???
VI-2.25 ???
B:VI-2.825 ???
B:VI-2.38 ???
B:VI-2.11fi (B06-02-11f01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal
[93] id = 91613
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आषाढी कार्तीकी एकादशी कर दोन्ही
श्रावणाच्या महिन्यामधी घाल मारुतीला पाणी
āṣāḍhī kārtīkī ēkādaśī kara dōnhī
śrāvaṇācyā mahinyāmadhī ghāla mārutīlā pāṇī
Ashadh* and Kartik Ekadashi*, observe both
In the month of Shravan, pour water on Maruti*
▷ (आषाढी)(कार्तीकी)(एकादशी) doing both
▷ (श्रावणाच्या)(महिन्यामधी)(घाल)(मारुतीला) water,
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
[326] id = 85627
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
एकादशीबाई माझ्या काय कामा येशी
सरगीच्या वाट माझी मायबहिण होशी
ēkādaśībāī mājhyā kāya kāmā yēśī
saragīcyā vāṭa mājhī māyabahiṇa hōśī
Ekadashi* woman, how can you be useful to me
On the way to heaven, you will be my mother and sister
▷ (एकादशीबाई) my why (कामा)(येशी)
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट) my (मायबहिण)(होशी)
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[328] id = 85629
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
एकादशीबाई पंधरा दिसाला पाव्हणी
तुळशीच्या बनी दिल भरड लावुनी (कळ)
ēkādaśībāī pandharā disālā pāvhaṇī
tuḷaśīcyā banī dila bharaḍa lāvunī (kaḷa)
Ekadashi* woman is a guest every fifteen days
I set up her household in the tulasi* grove
▷ (एकादशीबाई)(पंधरा)(दिसाला)(पाव्हणी)
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(बनी)(दिल)(भरड)(लावुनी) ( (कळ) )
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[340] id = 87705
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपूरीत एक म्हतारी उपासी
देवा विठ्ठलाच्या प्रगटीला एकादशी
paṇḍharapūrīta ēka mhatārī upāsī
dēvā viṭhṭhalācyā pragaṭīlā ēkādaśī
In Pandharpur, an old woman is hungry
God Vitthal*’s Ekadashi* has come
▷ (पंढरपूरीत)(एक)(म्हतारी)(उपासी)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(प्रगटीला)(एकादशी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[348] id = 89205
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरात घरोघरी एकादशी
रताळाची पाटी गरुडखांबापाशी
paṇḍharapurāta gharōgharī ēkādaśī
ratāḷācī pāṭī garuḍakhāmbāpāśī
In Pandharpur, Ekadashi* fast is observed in each household
There are basketful of sweet potatoes near Garud Khamb*
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(घरोघरी)(एकादशी)
▷ (रताळाची)(पाटी)(गरुडखांबापाशी)
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex
[351] id = 89208
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
एकादशीबाई यग यग माझ्या आळी
दादा वृत पाळी पाणी तुळशीला घाली
ēkādaśībāī yaga yaga mājhyā āḷī
dādā vṛta pāḷī pāṇī tuḷaśīlā ghālī
Ekadashi* woman, come to my lane
My brother observes the vow, burns camphor in front of the tulasi*
▷ (एकादशीबाई)(यग)(यग) my has_come
▷ (दादा)(वृत)(पाळी) water, (तुळशीला)(घाली)
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.

B:VI-2.4b (B06-02-04b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Meeting the couple Viṭṭhal, Rukminī

Cross-references:A:II-5.3biii (A02-05-03b03) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Together with other gods, holy places
[40] id = 85642
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
पंढरी पंढरी विचारी गुराख्याच्या पोराला
विठ्ठलाची रुखमीण ऊभी परस दाराला
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī vicārī gurākhyācyā pōrālā
viṭhṭhalācī rukhamīṇa ūbhī parasa dārālā
I ask a cowherd boy, where is Pandhari
Vitthal*’s Rukhmin* is standing in the backyard
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(विचारी)(गुराख्याच्या)(पोराला)
▷  Of_Vitthal (रुखमीण) standing (परस)(दाराला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.4c (B06-02-04c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Viṭṭhal’s invitation

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.1b (H21-05-01b) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Priority to education
H:XXI-5.7 (H21-05-07) - Ambedkar / Bhīm’s name spells happiness
B:VI-2.10g (B06-02-10g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal keeps evidence of his visit
[172] id = 89224
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीला जाया औंदा नव्हत माझ्या मन
विठ्ठलाने देवानी चिठ्ठ्या पाठविल्या दोन
paṇḍharīlā jāyā aundā navhata mājhyā mana
viṭhṭhalānē dēvānī ciṭhṭhyā pāṭhavilyā dōna
It was not in my mind to go to Pandhari this year
God Vitthal* has sent me two messages
▷ (पंढरीला)(जाया)(औंदा)(नव्हत) my (मन)
▷ (विठ्ठलाने)(देवानी)(चिठ्ठ्या)(पाठविल्या) two
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.5c (B06-02-05c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Ornaments

Cross-references:B:VI-2.6a (B06-02-06a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Description
[51] id = 89357
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जाते पंढरीला उभी राहते चिर्यावरी
नदर माझी गेली विठ्ठलाच्या तुर्यावरी
jātē paṇḍharīlā ubhī rāhatē ciryāvarī
nadara mājhī gēlī viṭhṭhalācyā turyāvarī
In Pandharpur, I stood on the stone
My eyes fell on God Ithu*’s feather
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला) standing (राहते)(चिर्यावरी)
▷ (नदर) my went (विठ्ठलाच्या)(तुर्यावरी)
pas de traduction en français
IthuVitthal pronounced locally

B:VI-2.6a (B06-02-06a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7d19 ???
[95] id = 93639
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीच्या वाट मी होईल चिमणी
बसना कमानी पाहील विठ्ठलाची राणी
paṇḍharīcyā vāṭa mī hōīla cimaṇī
basanā kamānī pāhīla viṭhṭhalācī rāṇī
To go to Pandhari, I shall become a sparrow
I shall sit on the arch and look at Vitthal*’s queen
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(वाट) I (होईल)(चिमणी)
▷ (बसना)(कमानी)(पाहील) of_Vitthal (राणी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[96] id = 93640
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीच्या वाट मी होईल कावळा
बसील रावळा विठ्ठल पाहील सावळा
paṇḍharīcyā vāṭa mī hōīla kāvaḷā
basīla rāvaḷā viṭhṭhala pāhīla sāvaḷā
On the way to Pandhari, I shall become a crow
I shall sit in the temple and look at dark-complexioned Vitthal*
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(वाट) I (होईल)(कावळा)
▷ (बसील)(रावळा) Vitthal (पाहील)(सावळा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[97] id = 93641
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीच्या वाट मी होईन माथन (पाणी)
येतील साधुसंत पाणी पेतील वतुन
paṇḍharīcyā vāṭa mī hōīna māthana (pāṇī)
yētīla sādhusanta pāṇī pētīla vatuna
When I go to Pandhari, I shall become an earthen water pot
Varkaris* will come, pour water and drink
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(वाट) I (होईन)(माथन) ( water, )
▷ (येतील)(साधुसंत) water, (पेतील)(वतुन)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
[104] id = 94158
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
जाते पंढरीला मी तर होईल चिमणी
बसल कमानीवर पाहील विठ्ठलाची राणी
jātē paṇḍharīlā mī tara hōīla cimaṇī
basala kamānīvara pāhīla viṭhṭhalācī rāṇī
To go to Pandhari, I shall become a sparrow
I shall sit on the arch and look at Vitthal*’s queen
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला) I wires (होईल)(चिमणी)
▷ (बसल)(कमानीवर)(पाहील) of_Vitthal (राणी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[105] id = 94159
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
जाते पंढरीला मी होईन कावळा
बसन देवळा पाहीन विठ्ठल सावळा
jātē paṇḍharīlā mī hōīna kāvaḷā
basana dēvaḷā pāhīna viṭhṭhala sāvaḷā
To go to Pandhari, I shall become a crow
I shall sit in the temple, I shall see dark-complexioned Vitthal*
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला) I (होईन)(कावळा)
▷ (बसन)(देवळा)(पाहीन) Vitthal (सावळा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ

Cross-references:B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi
B:VI-2.7a17 ???
B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan
B:VI-2.32 ???
B:VI-2.7c136 ???
B:VI-2.155 ???
B:VI-2.220 ???
[19] id = 39940
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरपूरात पहिली पायरी नामाची
विठ्ठलाच्या आधी भेट गरुड खांबाची
paṇḍharapūrāta pahilī pāyarī nāmācī
viṭhṭhalācyā ādhī bhēṭa garuḍa khāmbācī
In Pandharpur, Namdev’s step* comes first
Before Vitthal*, I visit Garud Khamb*
▷ (पंढरपूरात)(पहिली)(पायरी)(नामाची)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या) before (भेट)(गरुड)(खांबाची)
pas de traduction en français
Namdev’s stepAmong the steps that lead to the shrine of Vitthal, the first step is called Namdev’s step. Namdev was a fervent devotee of Vitthal.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex
[171] id = 89230
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जाते पंढरीला पहिली पायरी नामाची
विठ्ठलाच्या आधी भेट गरुडखांबाची
jātē paṇḍharīlā pahilī pāyarī nāmācī
viṭhṭhalācyā ādhī bhēṭa garuḍakhāmbācī
I go to Pandhari, Namdev’s step* comes first
Before Vitthal*, I visit Garud Khamb*
▷  Am_going (पंढरीला)(पहिली)(पायरी)(नामाची)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या) before (भेट)(गरुडखांबाची)
pas de traduction en français
Namdev’s stepAmong the steps that lead to the shrine of Vitthal, the first step is called Namdev’s step. Namdev was a fervent devotee of Vitthal.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex

B:VI-2.7a (B06-02-07a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Palanquin, chariot

Cross-references:B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī
B:VI-2.1a (B06-02-01a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Halts on the way
B:VI-2.1c (B06-02-01c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Dindi
B:VI-2.7c153 ???
B:VI-2.175 ???
B:VI-2.201 ???
[20] id = 78989
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भरली चंद्रभागा वाळु उडती खंडोखंडी
देव माझ्या विठ्ठलाची म्होर पालखी मागे दिंडी
bharalī candrabhāgā vāḷu uḍatī khaṇḍōkhaṇḍī
dēva mājhyā viṭhṭhalācī mhōra pālakhī māgē diṇḍī
Chandrabhaga* river is full, sand flies (in the air) in great quantities
My God Vitthal*’s chariot is ahead, Dindi* behind
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(वाळु)(उडती)(खंडोखंडी)
▷ (देव) my of_Vitthal (म्होर)(पालखी)(मागे)(दिंडी)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Dindi ➡ DindisProcession of an idol with flags, drums, cymbals, etc.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.1c (B06-02-01c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Dindi

B:VI-2.7c (B06-02-07c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Visiting idols in temple

Cross-references:B:VI-2.4dx (B06-02-04d10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / It came to my mind
B:VI-2.7d40 ???
[186] id = 86255
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीला जाते लोक पैसैचे बळी
माझा नमस्कार काकड आरतीच्या वेळ
paṇḍharīlā jātē lōka paisaicē baḷī
mājhā namaskāra kākaḍa āratīcyā vēḷa
People who have money, go to Pandhari
My Namaskar* (to God) at the time of early morning Arati*
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going (लोक)(पैसैचे)(बळी)
▷  My (नमस्कार)(काकड)(आरतीच्या)(वेळ)
pas de traduction en français
NamaskarFolding hands as a mark of respect
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[187] id = 86284
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जाईन पंढरी उभी राहिन बारीला
माझ्या दर्शनाची चिंता पडली हरीला
jāīna paṇḍharī ubhī rāhina bārīlā
mājhyā darśanācī cintā paḍalī harīlā
I go to Pandhari, I stand in the queue
Hari* is worried, how I will get Darshan*
▷ (जाईन)(पंढरी) standing (राहिन)(बारीला)
▷  My (दर्शनाची)(चिंता)(पडली)(हरीला)
pas de traduction en français
HariName of God Vishnu
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God

B:VI-2.7d (B06-02-07d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Holy men come to temple

Cross-references:B:VI-2.815 ???
B:VI-2.9g14 ???
[25] id = 84722
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आली एकादस पापी म्हणीतो (खर्च) मोल झाला
देवा विठ्ठलाचा साधुचा सण येतो
ālī ēkādasa pāpī mhaṇītō (kharca) mōla jhālā
dēvā viṭhṭhalācā sādhucā saṇa yētō
Ekadashi* has come, the sinner says, a lot of money has been spent
It is the festival of God Vitthal*
▷  Has_come (एकादस)(पापी)(म्हणीतो) ( (खर्च) ) (मोल)(झाला)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाचा)(साधुचा)(सण)(येतो)
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi

B:VI-2.9g (B06-02-09g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Katha, Kirtan, Vina

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan
[26] id = 78954
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीच्या वाट मी निशीत होते मेथी
ऐकु येत कानी देवा विठ्ठलाची पोथी
paṇḍharīcyā vāṭa mī niśīta hōtē mēthī
aiku yēta kānī dēvā viṭhṭhalācī pōthī
On way to Pandhari, I was plucking Methi
I could hear God Vitthal*’s Pothi* (the sacreal book)
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(वाट) I (निशीत)(होते)(मेथी)
▷ (ऐकु)(येत)(कानी)(देवा) of_Vitthal pothi
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
[27] id = 78955
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीच्या वाट मी निशीत होते डाळ
ऐकु येत कानी देवा विठ्ठलाचे टाळ
paṇḍharīcyā vāṭa mī niśīta hōtē ḍāḷa
aiku yēta kānī dēvā viṭhṭhalācē ṭāḷa
On way to Pandhari, I was cleaning lentils
I could hear God Vitthal*’s cymbals
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(वाट) I (निशीत)(होते)(डाळ)
▷ (ऐकु)(येत)(कानी)(देवा)(विठ्ठलाचे)(टाळ)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[35] id = 84699
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरी पंढरी लांब पल्याला गाजती
देवी विठ्ठलाची टाळ मृंदुग वाजती
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī lāmba palyālā gājatī
dēvī viṭhṭhalācī ṭāḷa mṛnduga vājatī
Pandhari, Pandhari, is well-known over a long distance
God Vitthal*’s cymbals and lutes are playing
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(लांब)(पल्याला)(गाजती)
▷ (देवी) of_Vitthal (टाळ)(मृंदुग)(वाजती)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.10a (B06-02-10a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Sāsuravāsīṇa remembers Paṅḍharpur

Cross-references:B:VI-2.9 (B06-02-09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one
[7] id = 93937
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
संसारी येवुनी पंढरी कर येड्या
संग नही येती गाडी बैलाच्या जोड्या
saṇsārī yēvunī paṇḍharī kara yēḍyā
saṅga nahī yētī gāḍī bailācyā jōḍyā
Having born in this world, visit Pandhari, you ignorant one
Carts harnessed with a pair of bullocks do not come with us (after death)
▷ (संसारी)(येवुनी)(पंढरी) doing (येड्या)
▷  With not (येती)(गाडी)(बैलाच्या)(जोड्या)
pas de traduction en français

B:VI-2.10bii (B06-02-10b02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal father

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10eii (B06-02-10e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Viṭṭhal’s meals
[87] id = 84612
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल माझा बाप रुखमीण माझी आई
कुंडलीक माझा भाऊ भिमा माझी भाऊजई
viṭhṭhala mājhā bāpa rukhamīṇa mājhī āī
kuṇḍalīka mājhā bhāū bhimā mājhī bhāūjaī
Vitthal* is my father, Rukhmin*, my mother
Kundalik* is my brother, Bhima*, my sister-in-law
▷  Vitthal my father (रुखमीण) my (आई)
▷ (कुंडलीक) my brother Bhim my (भाऊजई)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
KundalikPopular name of Pundalik, devotee of Vitthal
Bhima(missing definition)
[89] id = 84614
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल माझा पिता रुखमीण माझी माता
शीण नाही आला त्याना ओव्या गाता
viṭhṭhala mājhā pitā rukhamīṇa mājhī mātā
śīṇa nāhī ālā tyānā ōvyā gātā
Vitthal* is my father, Rukhmin*, my mother
Singing their verses, my fatigue is gone
▷  Vitthal my (पिता)(रुखमीण) my (माता)
▷ (शीण) not here_comes (त्याना)(ओव्या)(गाता)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[121] id = 84618
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल पाव्हणा हिने दुरुनी पाहिला
साळीच्या भाताला जाळ मंजुळ लाविला
viṭhṭhala pāvhaṇā hinē durunī pāhilā
sāḷīcyā bhātālā jāḷa mañjuḷa lāvilā
She saw Vitthal* coming as a guest from far
She put the sali variety of rice to cook on a low fire
▷  Vitthal (पाव्हणा)(हिने)(दुरुनी)(पाहिला)
▷ (साळीच्या)(भाताला)(जाळ)(मंजुळ)(लाविला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.10l (B06-02-10l) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal’s daughter goes to in-laws, daughters come to māhēr

[3] id = 40280
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरपूरात घरोघरी पोळ्या होती
देवा विठ्ठलाची लेक सासरला जाती
paṇḍharapūrāta gharōgharī pōḷyā hōtī
dēvā viṭhṭhalācī lēka sāsaralā jātī
Flattened bread is cooked in all households in Pandharpur
God Vitthal*’s daughter is going to her in-laws’ home
▷ (पंढरपूरात)(घरोघरी)(पोळ्या)(होती)
▷ (देवा) of_Vitthal (लेक)(सासरला) caste
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[11] id = 89641
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरात घरोघरी पोळ्या होती
भिमाशंकराच्या लेकी सासर्याला जाती
paṇḍharapurāta gharōgharī pōḷyā hōtī
bhimāśaṅkarācyā lēkī sāsaryālā jātī
Flattened bread is cooked in all households in Pandharpur
Bhimashankar*’s daughters are going to their in-laws’ home
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(घरोघरी)(पोळ्या)(होती)
▷ (भिमाशंकराच्या)(लेकी)(सासर्याला) caste
pas de traduction en français
Bhimashankar(missing definition)

B:VI-2.11ai (B06-02-11a01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Father and clan

[167] id = 89237
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लाडकी रुखमीण वर पुसती आईला
द्वारकेचा हरी आहे कोणाच्या ववीला (वयाला)
lāḍakī rukhamīṇa vara pusatī āīlā
dvārakēcā harī āhē kōṇācyā vavīlā (vayālā)
Rukmini*, her mother’s darling, asks her about the bridegroom
Hari* of Dwarka, how old is he
▷ (लाडकी)(रुखमीण)(वर)(पुसती)(आईला)
▷ (द्वारकेचा)(हरी)(आहे)(कोणाच्या)(ववीला) ( (वयाला) )
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
HariName of God Vishnu
[168] id = 89238
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लाडकी रुखमीण वर पुसती बापाला
शामकर्ण वारु आहे कोणाच्या रथाला
lāḍakī rukhamīṇa vara pusatī bāpālā
śāmakarṇa vāru āhē kōṇācyā rathālā
Rukmini*, her father’s darling, asks her father about the bridegroom
He, whose chariot has a white horse with black ears
▷ (लाडकी)(रुखमीण)(वर)(पुसती)(बापाला)
▷ (शामकर्ण)(वारु)(आहे)(कोणाच्या)(रथाला)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
B:III-2.2f (B03-02-02f) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Fond and Pride / Kṛṣṇa marriage
A:II-5.3biii (A02-05-03b03) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Together with other gods, holy places
[13] id = 39873
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरपूरात काय वाजतं गाजतं
सोनेचे बासींग लग्न देवाचं लागतं
paṇḍharapūrāta kāya vājataṁ gājataṁ
sōnēcē bāsīṅga lagna dēvācaṁ lāgataṁ
In Pandharpur, what is this music playing
God is getting married, he wears a gold bashing*
▷ (पंढरपूरात) why (वाजतं)(गाजतं)
▷ (सोनेचे)(बासींग)(लग्न)(देवाचं)(लागतं)
pas de traduction en français
bashingAn ornament of paper worn by the bride and the bridegroom on the head during the wedding
[332] id = 93803
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शिशुपाल नवरा याचा मुकुट पडला
रुखमीण नेली कृष्णानी अपशकुन घडला
śiśupāla navarā yācā mukuṭa paḍalā
rukhamīṇa nēlī kṛṣṇānī apaśakuna ghaḍalā
Shishupal is the bridegroom, his crown fell down
Krishna eloped with Rukhmini*, it was ill omen for him
▷ (शिशुपाल)(नवरा)(याचा)(मुकुट)(पडला)
▷ (रुखमीण)(नेली)(कृष्णानी)(अपशकुन)(घडला)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[335] id = 86031
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुळश्याबाई आल्या कुणा कुणाला लावुनी
देवा विठ्ठलानी घेतल लग्न लावुनी
tuḷaśyābāī ālyā kuṇā kuṇālā lāvunī
dēvā viṭhṭhalānī ghētala lagna lāvunī
Tulashibai, the holy basil grows anywhere
Yet God Vitthal* married her
▷ (तुळश्याबाई)(आल्या)(कुणा)(कुणाला)(लावुनी)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलानी)(घेतल)(लग्न)(लावुनी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[340] id = 89241
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शिशुपाल नवरा मिरवतो तोर्याने
नेली रुखमीण एका गवळ्याच्या पोराने
śiśupāla navarā miravatō tōryānē
nēlī rukhamīṇa ēkā gavaḷyācyā pōrānē
Shishupal, the bridegroom, goes around in pomp
A cowherd’s son eloped with Rukhmini*
▷ (शिशुपाल)(नवरा)(मिरवतो)(तोर्याने)
▷ (नेली)(रुखमीण)(एका)(गवळ्याच्या)(पोराने)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[342] id = 89243
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शिशुपाल नवरा येईल रुखमीणीच्या मना
इला वर दिला हरि द्वारकेचे आणा
śiśupāla navarā yēīla rukhamīṇīcyā manā
ilā vara dilā hari dvārakēcē āṇā
Rukhmini* is not happy with Shishupal as the bridegroom
Bring Hari* of Dwaraka here as her bridegroom
▷ (शिशुपाल)(नवरा)(येईल) of_Rukhmini (मना)
▷ (इला)(वर)(दिला)(हरि)(द्वारकेचे)(आणा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
HariName of God Vishnu

B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
[60] id = 40290
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
राही रुक्मीन मोतीच्या सोनं नानं
वजनी घातले तुळशीचे दोन पानं
rāhī rukmīna mōtīcyā sōnaṁ nānaṁ
vajanī ghātalē tuḷaśīcē dōna pānaṁ
Rahi Rukhmin*’s pearl and gold ornaments
And two leaves of tulasi* are equal in weight
▷  Stays (रुक्मीन)(मोतीच्या)(सोनं)(नानं)
▷ (वजनी)(घातले)(तुळशीचे) two (पानं)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[289] id = 78403
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीण लेईना शिशुपालाचे (शिशुफळा) तोडे
अंबिकेच्या देवळात कृष्णानी सोडीले घोडे
rukhamīṇa lēīnā śiśupālācē (śiśuphaḷā) tōḍē
ambikēcyā dēvaḷāta kṛṣṇānī sōḍīlē ghōḍē
Rukhmin* refuses to wear tode* (type of bracelets) given by Shishupal
Krishna let the horses (of his chariot) loose in the temple of Ambika
▷ (रुखमीण)(लेईना)(शिशुपालाचे) ( (शिशुफळा) ) (तोडे)
▷ (अंबिकेच्या)(देवळात)(कृष्णानी)(सोडीले)(घोडे)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
todeThick anklets or bracelets
[315] id = 85478
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
इथुन दिसते पंढरी पसार्याची
रुकमीनी भरी चुडा उंच माडी कसाराची
ithuna disatē paṇḍharī pasāryācī
rukamīnī bharī cuḍā uñca māḍī kasārācī
From here, Pandhari looks sprawling
Rukhmin* wears handful of bangles, the bangle seller’s storey is tall
▷ (इथुन)(दिसते)(पंढरी)(पसार्याची)
▷ (रुकमीनी)(भरी)(चुडा)(उंच)(माडी)(कसाराची)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[320] id = 85909
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीण लेईना शिशिपालाची (िशशुफाळ) नथ
आंबिकेच्या देवुळात कृष्णानी सोडिला रथ
rukhamīṇa lēīnā śiśipālācī (iśaśuphāḷa) natha
āmbikēcyā dēvuḷāta kṛṣṇānī sōḍilā ratha
Rukhmin* refuses to wear a nose-ring given by Shishupal
Krishna unharnessed the horses of his chariot in the temple of Ambika
▷ (रुखमीण)(लेईना)(शिशिपालाची) ( (िशशुफाळ) ) (नथ)
▷ (आंबिकेच्या)(देवुळात)(कृष्णानी)(सोडिला)(रथ)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[343] id = 93804
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीण लेईना शिशुपालाच्या (शिशुफाळ) बाहुट्या (बाजुबंद)
अबिंकेच्या देवुळात दिल्या कृष्णानी राहुट्या
rukhamīṇa lēīnā śiśupālācyā (śiśuphāḷa) bāhuṭyā (bājubanda)
abiṅkēcyā dēvuḷāta dilyā kṛṣṇānī rāhuṭyā
Rukhmin* refuses to wear armlets given by Shishupal
Krishna has set up his camp in the temple of Ambika
▷ (रुखमीण)(लेईना)(शिशुपालाच्या) ( (शिशुफाळ) ) (बाहुट्या) ( (बाजुबंद) )
▷ (अबिंकेच्या)(देवुळात)(दिल्या)(कृष्णानी)(राहुट्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11d (B06-02-11d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s saris

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7g (B06-02-07g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Harīpāṭh
B:VI-2.2 (B06-02-02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Means of transport
B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments
[111] id = 78365
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीनीची चोळी सत्यभामाच्या धुण्यात
वघाळले मोती चंद्रभागेच्या पाण्यात
rukhamīnīcī cōḷī satyabhāmācyā dhuṇyāta
vaghāḷalē mōtī candrabhāgēcyā pāṇyāta
Rukhmini*’s blouse is in Satyabhama’s washing
Pearls fell in the waters of Chandrabhaga*
▷ (रुखमीनीची) blouse (सत्यभामाच्या)(धुण्यात)
▷ (वघाळले)(मोती)(चंद्रभागेच्या)(पाण्यात)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself

B:VI-2.11eiv (B06-02-11e04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc

[251] id = 60109
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
रुसली रुखमीनी जाऊन बसली बागात
तुझी सोन्याची पंढरी नाही मजला लागत
rusalī rukhamīnī jāūna basalī bāgāta
tujhī sōnyācī paṇḍharī nāhī majalā lāgata
Rukhmini* is sulking, she goes and sits in the garden
She says, I don’t need your Pandhari rich with gold
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीनी)(जाऊन) sitting (बागात)
▷ (तुझी)(सोन्याची)(पंढरी) not (मजला)(लागत)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[333] id = 86306
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
रुसली रुखमीण जाऊन बसली वावरी
देव ते विठ्ठल रथ पालख्या सावरी
rusalī rukhamīṇa jāūna basalī vāvarī
dēva tē viṭhṭhala ratha pālakhyā sāvarī
Rukhmini* is sulking, she goes and sits in the field
Her dear Pandurang* is balancing the palanquin on his shoulder
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीण)(जाऊन) sitting (वावरी)
▷ (देव)(ते) Vitthal (रथ)(पालख्या)(सावरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11ev (B06-02-11e05) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Like a fire

[20] id = 60107
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
रुसली रुखमीनी जणू आगीन तापली
विठ्ठलाच्या मांडीवर यीनं राधीका देखीली
rusalī rukhamīnī jaṇū āgīna tāpalī
viṭhṭhalācyā māṇḍīvara yīnaṁ rādhīkā dēkhīlī
Rukhmin* is angry, she is burning like fire
She saw Radhika sitting on Vitthal*’s lap
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीनी)(जणू)(आगीन)(तापली)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(मांडीवर)(यीनं)(राधीका)(देखीली)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[23] id = 60108
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
रुसली रुखमीनी जणू आगीनाचा लोळा
विठ्ठलाच्या मांडीवर राधीकाचा मिर्या घोळ
rusalī rukhamīnī jaṇū āgīnācā lōḷā
viṭhṭhalācyā māṇḍīvara rādhīkācā miryā ghōḷa
Rukhmin* is angry, she is like a blazing fire
She saw pleats of Radhika’s sari rolling on Vitthal*’s lap
▷ (रुसली)(रुखमीनी)(जणू)(आगीनाचा)(लोळा)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(मांडीवर)(राधीकाचा)(मिर्या)(घोळ)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11fi (B06-02-11f01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11gx (B06-02-11g10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal satisfied with food served by her
B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi
[124] id = 89256
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आळंदी नगरीत साधु झाले बखळ
वाघाट्याचे कालवण कर रुखमीणी मोकळ
āḷandī nagarīta sādhu jhālē bakhaḷa
vāghāṭyācē kālavaṇa kara rukhamīṇī mōkaḷa
Rukhmini* prepared dry waghata* vegetable
Many Varkaris* from Alandi* have all come together
▷  Alandi (नगरीत)(साधु) become (बखळ)
▷ (वाघाट्याचे)(कालवण) doing (रुखमीणी)(मोकळ)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
waghataName of a plant
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[125] id = 89257
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीणीबाई मोजीती सोन नान
वजनी घालती पाच तुळशी पान
rukhamīṇībāī mōjītī sōna nāna
vajanī ghālatī pāca tuḷaśī pāna
Rukhminibai weighs her ornaments
She puts five tulasi* leaves as weight
▷ (रुखमीणीबाई)(मोजीती) gold (नान)
▷ (वजनी)(घालती)(पाच)(तुळशी)(पान)
pas de traduction en français
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.

B:VI-2.11giv (B06-02-11g04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / Matching couple

Cross-references:B:VI-2.9b56 ???
[27] id = 93802
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीण लेईना शिशुपालाच पातळ
द्वारकेचे हरी जोडा सृष्टीचा निताळ
rukhamīṇa lēīnā śiśupālāca pātaḷa
dvārakēcē harī jōḍā sṛṣṭīcā nitāḷa
Rukhmin* refuses to wear a sari given by Shishupal
Hari* of Dwarka, her husband is a picture of purity on this earth
▷ (रुखमीण)(लेईना)(शिशुपालाच)(पातळ)
▷ (द्वारकेचे)(हरी)(जोडा)(सृष्टीचा)(निताळ)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
HariName of God Vishnu

B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal

Cross-references:B:VI-2.12r (B06-02-12r) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani
[163] id = 73562
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
रुक्मीन बोलती शेला कशानी फाटला
गेलो होतो इंद्रावनी तुळशी बेटाला गुतला
rukmīna bōlatī śēlā kaśānī phāṭalā
gēlō hōtō indrāvanī tuḷaśī bēṭālā gutalā
Rukmin* asks, God, with what did your stole get torn
I had gone to Indraban, it got caught in tulasi* plants
▷ (रुक्मीन)(बोलती)(शेला)(कशानी)(फाटला)
▷ (गेलो)(होतो)(इंद्रावनी)(तुळशी)(बेटाला)(गुतला)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[181] id = 78358
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल म्हणीतो माझी तुळस गुणाची
तप करीती उन्हाची
viṭhṭhala mhaṇītō mājhī tuḷasa guṇācī
tapa karītī unhācī
Vitthal* says, my tulasi* is virtuous
She does penance in the hot sun
▷  Vitthal (म्हणीतो) my (तुळस)(गुणाची)
▷ (तप) asks_for (उन्हाची)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[192] id = 73563
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
रुक्मीन बोलती शेल्याला कशाचे डाग
गेलो होतो इंद्रावनी तुळशीची काळी माती
rukmīna bōlatī śēlyālā kaśācē ḍāga
gēlō hōtō indrāvanī tuḷaśīcī kāḷī mātī
Rukmin* asks, what are these marks on your stole
I had gone to Indraban, it’s the black soil of tulasi*
▷ (रुक्मीन)(बोलती)(शेल्याला)(कशाचे)(डाग)
▷ (गेलो)(होतो)(इंद्रावनी)(तुळशीची) Kali (माती)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.

B:VI-2.11i (B06-02-11i) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s delivery

[4] id = 86009
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
ल्योक झाला रुखमीणीला राग आला
गोकुळपुरात विठ्ठल बारशाला गेला
lyōka jhālā rukhamīṇīlā rāga ālā
gōkuḷapurāta viṭhṭhala bāraśālā gēlā
A son is born, Rukhmini* is angry
Vitthal* has gone for the naming ceremony in Gokulpur
▷ (ल्योक)(झाला)(रुखमीणीला)(राग) here_comes
▷ (गोकुळपुरात) Vitthal (बारशाला) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11j (B06-02-11j) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Selling kuṅku black powder, other things with Viṭṭhal

[57] id = 40883
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरपूरात कुकू इकतं शेराना
विठ्ठलाशेजारी रुक्मीण बसली भाराना
paṇḍharapūrāta kukū ikataṁ śērānā
viṭhṭhalāśējārī rukmīṇa basalī bhārānā
In Pandharpur, kunku* is sold by kilos
Rukhmin* sits near Vitthal* with a balance in hand
▷ (पंढरपूरात) kunku (इकतं)(शेराना)
▷ (विठ्ठलाशेजारी)(रुक्मीण) sitting (भाराना)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[157] id = 90135
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठलाशेजारी काही रुक्मीन बसेना
आबीर बुक्याची इला गरदी सोसेना
viṭhṭhalāśējārī kāhī rukmīna basēnā
ābīra bukyācī ilā garadī sōsēnā
Rukhmin* is reluctant to sit near Vitthal*
She cannot stand heaps of abir* and bukka* in front of her
▷ (विठ्ठलाशेजारी)(काही)(रुक्मीन)(बसेना)
▷ (आबीर)(बुक्याची)(इला)(गरदी)(सोसेना)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
abirA fragrant powder composed of sandal, zedoary, cyperus rotundus etc.
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances

B:VI-2.11oi (B06-02-11o01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Sixteen, seventeen, three hundred sixty, thousand women etc

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
[140] id = 72196
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
सोळा सतरा नारी कशा घालीत्या धिंगाना
रुक्मीनी वाचुनी विडा देवाचा रंगाना
sōḷā satarā nārī kaśā ghālītyā dhiṅgānā
rukmīnī vāṭunī viḍā dēvācā raṅgānā
God revelled with sixteen-seventeen women boisterously
Without Rukhmini*, God cannot find any pleasure
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी) how (घालीत्या)(धिंगाना)
▷ (रुक्मीनी)(वाचुनी)(विडा)(देवाचा)(रंगाना)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[141] id = 72197
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
सोळा सतरा नारी भोगुनी आले देवु
शेजीची रुक्मीण पाणी आंघोळीला ठेवु
sōḷā satarā nārī bhōgunī ālē dēvu
śējīcī rukmīṇa pāṇī āṅghōḷīlā ṭhēvu
God has come back after revelling sixteen-seventeen women
My dear wife Rukhmin*, keep water for my bath
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(भोगुनी) here_comes (देवु)
▷ (शेजीची)(रुक्मीण) water, (आंघोळीला)(ठेवु)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11oiii (B06-02-11o03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Satyabhama

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11i (B06-02-11i) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s delivery
[6] id = 39894
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
राही रुक्मीण सती भामा तुमची कोण
देवा विठ्ठलानं केले मागूनी लगीन
rāhī rukmīṇa satī bhāmā tumacī kōṇa
dēvā viṭhṭhalānaṁ kēlē māgūnī lagīna
How are Rahi Rukhmini* Satyabhama related to you
God Vitthal* got married afterwards
▷  Stays (रुक्मीण)(सती)(भामा)(तुमची) who
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलानं)(केले)(मागूनी)(लगीन)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11oiv (B06-02-11o04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Tuḷas

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11i (B06-02-11i) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s delivery
[46] id = 84626
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीणी हटेली गेली तुळशीला खेटुनी
जरीचा पदर आल्या मंजुळा तुटुनी
rukhamīṇī haṭēlī gēlī tuḷaśīlā khēṭunī
jarīcā padara ālyā mañjuḷā tuṭunī
Rukhmini*, the obstinate, went, brushing against the tulasi* plant
The brocade end of her sari got caught in the flowers
▷ (रुखमीणी)(हटेली) went (तुळशीला)(खेटुनी)
▷ (जरीचा)(पदर)(आल्या)(मंजुळा)(तुटुनी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.

B:VI-2.11ovii (B06-02-11o07) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Kanhopatra

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11gvii (B06-02-11g07) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / Husband is given away by other wives
B:VI-2.11oi (B06-02-11o01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Sixteen, seventeen, three hundred sixty, thousand women etc
[11] id = 72195
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
कान्हुपातरेचे झाड सतीभामा तुझ्या दारी
पडतील फुल रुक्मीनीच्या शेजावरी
kānhupātarēcē jhāḍa satībhāmā tujhyā dārī
paḍatīla fula rukmīnīcyā śējāvarī
Kanhopatra’s tree is in front of Satyabhama’s door
But the flowers fall on Rukhmini*’s bed
▷ (कान्हुपातरेचे)(झाड)(सतीभामा) your (दारी)
▷ (पडतील) flowers (रुक्मीनीच्या)(शेजावरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11oix (B06-02-11o09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Differential treatment

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11oiv (B06-02-11o04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Tuḷas
[39] id = 61527
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीनीला चोळी सत्यभामाला लुगड
तुळश्याबाईच सदा सयवार उघड
rukhamīnīlā cōḷī satyabhāmālā lugaḍa
tuḷaśyābāīca sadā sayavāra ughaḍa
A fine sari and blouse for Rukhmini*, ordinary sari is for Satyabhama
Tulasi* in front of the door always has nothing
▷ (रुखमीनीला) blouse (सत्यभामाला)(लुगड)
▷ (तुळश्याबाईच)(सदा)(सयवार)(उघड)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
[40] id = 61528
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीणीला पैजण सत्यभामाला तोडे
तुळश्याबाईच सदा पांघरती कडे
rukhamīṇīlā paijaṇa satyabhāmālā tōḍē
tuḷaśyābāīca sadā pāṅgharatī kaḍē
Anklets for Rukhmini*, tode* (thick bracelets) for Satyabhama
Tulasibai* always covers herself with ghongade (a coarse blanket)
▷ (रुखमीणीला)(पैजण)(सत्यभामाला)(तोडे)
▷ (तुळश्याबाईच)(सदा)(पांघरती)(कडे)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
todeThick anklets or bracelets
[41] id = 61529
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीणीला चोळी सत्यभामाला पातळ
तुळश्याबाईला पाणी गंगेच नितळ
rukhamīṇīlā cōḷī satyabhāmālā pātaḷa
tuḷaśyābāīlā pāṇī gaṅgēca nitaḷa
A blouse for Rukhmini*, a plain sari for Satyabhama
Clear water from Ganga (river) for Tulasabai*
▷ (रुखमीणीला) blouse (सत्यभामाला)(पातळ)
▷ (तुळश्याबाईला) water, (गंगेच)(नितळ)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[42] id = 61530
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रुखमीणीला चोळी सत्यभामाला दोरवा
तुळश्याबाईला थंड पाण्याचा गारवा
rukhamīṇīlā cōḷī satyabhāmālā dōravā
tuḷaśyābāīlā thaṇḍa pāṇyācā gāravā
A fine sari and blouse for Rukhmini*, an ordinary sari for Satyabhama
The coolness of cool water for Tulasabai*
▷ (रुखमीणीला) blouse (सत्यभामाला)(दोरवा)
▷ (तुळश्याबाईला)(थंड)(पाण्याचा)(गारवा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.12c (B06-02-12c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s bath

[27] id = 62373
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जनी बसली न्हायाला पाणी नाही इसनाया
कावड घेऊनी देव निघाले लहुलाया
janī basalī nhāyālā pāṇī nāhī sināyā
kāvaḍa ghēūnī dēva nighālē lahulāyā
Jana* has sat down for her bath, there is no cold water to add to hot water
Vitthal* carries two pitchers on a bamboo pole and goes in a hurry
▷ (जनी) sitting (न्हायाला) water, not (इसनाया)
▷ (कावड)(घेऊनी)(देव)(निघाले)(लहुलाया)
pas de traduction en français
JanaSaint Janabai
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[28] id = 62374
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जनी बसली न्हायाला पाणी जळत पोळत
इच्या सत्वाने वरुनी इसन गळत
janī basalī nhāyālā pāṇī jaḷata pōḷata
icyā satvānē varunī isana gaḷata
Jana* has sat down for her bath, the water is scorching hot
Jani’s righteousness serves as cold water (to adjust the bath water)
▷ (जनी) sitting (न्हायाला) water, (जळत)(पोळत)
▷ (इच्या)(सत्वाने)(वरुनी)(इसन)(गळत)
pas de traduction en français
JanaSaint Janabai

B:VI-2.12e (B06-02-12e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani washes cloth

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself
[58] id = 85944
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल बसला जेवाया जनी निघाली धुवाया
तापली केवळ (बारीक) वाळु फोड आलेत पायाला
viṭhṭhala basalā jēvāyā janī nighālī dhuvāyā
tāpalī kēvaḷa (bārīka) vāḷu phōḍa ālēta pāyālā
Vitthal* is having his meal, Jani is leaving to do the washing
The fine sand has become very hot, she has boils on her feet
▷  Vitthal (बसला)(जेवाया)(जनी)(निघाली)(धुवाया)
▷ (तापली)(केवळ) ( (बारीक) ) (वाळु)(फोड)(आलेत)(पायाला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.12g (B06-02-12g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s work

[93] id = 73569
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठल बोलतो चल ग जने गवताला
चंदन गेला वेली राऊळ भवताला
viṭhṭhala bōlatō cala ga janē gavatālā
candana gēlā vēlī rāūḷa bhavatālā
Vitthal* says, come, Jani, let’s go to fetch grass
Chandanvel creeper has grown around the temple
▷  Vitthal says let_us_go * (जने)(गवताला)
▷ (चंदन) has_gone (वेली)(राऊळ)(भवताला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[160] id = 85824
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
बोलतो विठ्ठल जनी माझी सुगरण
लाटीती पापड चांद सूर्याची घडण
bōlatō viṭhṭhala janī mājhī sugaraṇa
lāṭītī pāpaḍa cānda sūryācī ghaḍaṇa
Vitthal* says, Jani is an expert cook
She rolls thin crispies, round in shape like the sun and the moon
▷  Says Vitthal (जनी) my (सुगरण)
▷ (लाटीती)(पापड)(चांद)(सूर्याची)(घडण)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[161] id = 85825
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
विठ्ठल म्हणतो चल जने गवताला
पवन येई गेला रामाच्या भोवताला
viṭhṭhala mhaṇatō cala janē gavatālā
pavana yēī gēlā rāmācyā bhōvatālā
Vitthal* says, Jani, let’s go and cut the grass
Pavana* grass has grown wild around the temple
▷  Vitthal (म्हणतो) let_us_go (जने)(गवताला)
▷ (पवन)(येई) has_gone of_Ram (भोवताला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[193] id = 90217
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठल बोलतो जनी माझी सासुरवासी
दळणाची पाटी झोपी गेली जात्यापासी
viṭhṭhala bōlatō janī mājhī sāsuravāsī
daḷaṇācī pāṭī jhōpī gēlī jātyāpāsī
God Itthal* says, my Jani is a sasurvashin*
A basketful of grains for grinding, she fell asleep near the grinding mill
▷  Vitthal says (जनी) my (सासुरवासी)
▷ (दळणाची)(पाटी)(झोपी) went (जात्यापासी)
pas de traduction en français
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
Cross references for this song:A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani

B:VI-2.12g (B06-02-12g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s work

[93] id = 73569
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठल बोलतो चल ग जने गवताला
चंदन गेला वेली राऊळ भवताला
viṭhṭhala bōlatō cala ga janē gavatālā
candana gēlā vēlī rāūḷa bhavatālā
Vitthal* says, come, Jani, let’s go to fetch grass
Chandanvel creeper has grown around the temple
▷  Vitthal says let_us_go * (जने)(गवताला)
▷ (चंदन) has_gone (वेली)(राऊळ)(भवताला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[160] id = 85824
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
बोलतो विठ्ठल जनी माझी सुगरण
लाटीती पापड चांद सूर्याची घडण
bōlatō viṭhṭhala janī mājhī sugaraṇa
lāṭītī pāpaḍa cānda sūryācī ghaḍaṇa
Vitthal* says, Jani is an expert cook
She rolls thin crispies, round in shape like the sun and the moon
▷  Says Vitthal (जनी) my (सुगरण)
▷ (लाटीती)(पापड)(चांद)(सूर्याची)(घडण)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[161] id = 85825
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
विठ्ठल म्हणतो चल जने गवताला
पवन येई गेला रामाच्या भोवताला
viṭhṭhala mhaṇatō cala janē gavatālā
pavana yēī gēlā rāmācyā bhōvatālā
Vitthal* says, Jani, let’s go and cut the grass
Pavana* grass has grown wild around the temple
▷  Vitthal (म्हणतो) let_us_go (जने)(गवताला)
▷ (पवन)(येई) has_gone of_Ram (भोवताला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[193] id = 90217
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठल बोलतो जनी माझी सासुरवासी
दळणाची पाटी झोपी गेली जात्यापासी
viṭhṭhala bōlatō janī mājhī sāsuravāsī
daḷaṇācī pāṭī jhōpī gēlī jātyāpāsī
God Itthal* says, my Jani is a sasurvashin*
A basketful of grains for grinding, she fell asleep near the grinding mill
▷  Vitthal says (जनी) my (सासुरवासी)
▷ (दळणाची)(पाटी)(झोपी) went (जात्यापासी)
pas de traduction en français
ItthalVitthal pronounced locally
sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
Cross references for this song:A:II-5.3h (A02-05-03h) - Labour / Grinding / Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani

B:VI-2.12i (B06-02-12i) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Theft in Jani’s house

[115] id = 72245
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरपुरात चोरी होती जव्हा तव्हा
जनीचा गेला तवा दौंडी देवा नामदेवा
paṇḍharapurāta cōrī hōtī javhā tavhā
janīcā gēlā tavā dauṇḍī dēvā nāmadēvā
Thefts take place in Pandharpur from time to time
Jani’s iron plate is stolen, Namdev*, proclaim in the whole village
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(चोरी)(होती)(जव्हा)(तव्हा)
▷ (जनीचा) has_gone (तवा)(दौंडी)(देवा)(नामदेवा)
pas de traduction en français
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.12i (B06-02-12i) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Theft in Jani’s house

B:VI-2.12ji (B06-02-12j01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal aspires to meet her

[5] id = 78402
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
साळीच्या भाताची लई आवड देवाला
गंगा उतरुन जातो जनीच्या गावाला
sāḷīcyā bhātācī laī āvaḍa dēvālā
gaṅgā utaruna jātō janīcyā gāvālā
God is very fond of sali variety of rice
He crosses the river and goes to Jani’s village
▷ (साळीच्या)(भाताची)(लई)(आवड)(देवाला)
▷  The_Ganges (उतरुन) goes (जनीच्या)(गावाला)
pas de traduction en français

B:VI-2.12r (B06-02-12r) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[48] id = 40873
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठलाचे पाय रुक्मीन दाबे रागंरागं
खरं सांगा देवा जनी तुमची कोण लागं
viṭhṭhalācē pāya rukmīna dābē rāgaṇrāgaṁ
kharaṁ sāṅgā dēvā janī tumacī kōṇa lāgaṁ
Rukmini* presses Vitthal*’s feet with anger in her mind
Tell me the truth, God, how is Jani related to you
▷ (विठ्ठलाचे)(पाय)(रुक्मीन)(दाबे)(रागंरागं)
▷ (खरं) with (देवा)(जनी)(तुमची) who (लागं)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[49] id = 40874
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठलाच्या पाई रुक्मीण लोणी लावी
खरं सांगा देवा जनीचं नातं काही
viṭhṭhalācyā pāī rukmīṇa lōṇī lāvī
kharaṁ sāṅgā dēvā janīcaṁ nātaṁ kāhī
Rukmin* massages butter on Vitthal*’s feet
Tell me the truth, God, how is Jani related to you
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(पाई)(रुक्मीण)(लोणी)(लावी)
▷ (खरं) with (देवा)(जनीचं)(नातं)(काही)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[81] id = 61525
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल बसला जेवाया पोळी ठेवीली काढुनी
उठा रुखमीनी द्यावा जनीला धाडुनी
viṭhṭhala basalā jēvāyā pōḷī ṭhēvīlī kāḍhunī
uṭhā rukhamīnī dyāvā janīlā dhāḍunī
Vitthal* sits for his meal, he keeps aside one flattened bread
Get up, Rukhmini*, take and send it to Jana*
▷  Vitthal (बसला)(जेवाया)(पोळी)(ठेवीली)(काढुनी)
▷ (उठा)(रुखमीनी)(द्यावा)(जनीला)(धाडुनी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
JanaSaint Janabai
[88] id = 49604
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठलाच्या पायाला रुखमीण लावी लोणी
खर सांगा देवा जनीच नात काय
viṭhṭhalācyā pāyālā rukhamīṇa lāvī lōṇī
khara sāṅgā dēvā janīca nāta kāya
Rukmini* applies butter to Vitthal*’s feet
Tell me the truth, God, how is Jani related to you
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(पायाला)(रुखमीण)(लावी)(लोणी)
▷ (खर) with (देवा)(जनीच)(नात) why
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[163] id = 61526
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठलाचे पाय रुखमीण दाबे रागराग
खर सांगा देवा जनी तुमची कोण लाग
viṭhṭhalācē pāya rukhamīṇa dābē rāgarāga
khara sāṅgā dēvā janī tumacī kōṇa lāga
Rukhmin* presses Vitthal*’s feet with anger in her mind
Tell me the truth, God, how is Jani related to you
▷ (विठ्ठलाचे)(पाय)(रुखमीण)(दाबे)(रागराग)
▷ (खर) with (देवा)(जनी)(तुमची) who (लाग)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[230] id = 79009
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल म्हणीतो जनी मपली लेकरु
राणी रुखमीणी नको राग तिचा करु
viṭhṭhala mhaṇītō janī mapalī lēkaru
rāṇī rukhamīṇī nakō rāga ticā karu
Vitthal* says, Jani is my child
Queen Rukhmini*, don’t be angry with her
▷  Vitthal (म्हणीतो)(जनी)(मपली)(लेकरु)
▷ (राणी)(रुखमीणी) not (राग)(तिचा)(करु)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[268] id = 85848
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जेवतो विठ्ठल पोळी ठेविली काढुन
सांगतो रुखमीणी जनीला देवा वाढुन
jēvatō viṭhṭhala pōḷī ṭhēvilī kāḍhuna
sāṅgatō rukhamīṇī janīlā dēvā vāḍhuna
Vitthal* is having his meal, he keeps a flattened bread aside
He says to Rukhmini*, go and serve it to Jani
▷ (जेवतो) Vitthal (पोळी)(ठेविली)(काढुन)
▷ (सांगतो)(रुखमीणी)(जनीला)(देवा)(वाढुन)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.12r (B06-02-12r) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[48] id = 40873
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठलाचे पाय रुक्मीन दाबे रागंरागं
खरं सांगा देवा जनी तुमची कोण लागं
viṭhṭhalācē pāya rukmīna dābē rāgaṇrāgaṁ
kharaṁ sāṅgā dēvā janī tumacī kōṇa lāgaṁ
Rukmini* presses Vitthal*’s feet with anger in her mind
Tell me the truth, God, how is Jani related to you
▷ (विठ्ठलाचे)(पाय)(रुक्मीन)(दाबे)(रागंरागं)
▷ (खरं) with (देवा)(जनी)(तुमची) who (लागं)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[49] id = 40874
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठलाच्या पाई रुक्मीण लोणी लावी
खरं सांगा देवा जनीचं नातं काही
viṭhṭhalācyā pāī rukmīṇa lōṇī lāvī
kharaṁ sāṅgā dēvā janīcaṁ nātaṁ kāhī
Rukmin* massages butter on Vitthal*’s feet
Tell me the truth, God, how is Jani related to you
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(पाई)(रुक्मीण)(लोणी)(लावी)
▷ (खरं) with (देवा)(जनीचं)(नातं)(काही)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[81] id = 61525
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल बसला जेवाया पोळी ठेवीली काढुनी
उठा रुखमीनी द्यावा जनीला धाडुनी
viṭhṭhala basalā jēvāyā pōḷī ṭhēvīlī kāḍhunī
uṭhā rukhamīnī dyāvā janīlā dhāḍunī
Vitthal* sits for his meal, he keeps aside one flattened bread
Get up, Rukhmini*, take and send it to Jana*
▷  Vitthal (बसला)(जेवाया)(पोळी)(ठेवीली)(काढुनी)
▷ (उठा)(रुखमीनी)(द्यावा)(जनीला)(धाडुनी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
JanaSaint Janabai
[88] id = 49604
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठलाच्या पायाला रुखमीण लावी लोणी
खर सांगा देवा जनीच नात काय
viṭhṭhalācyā pāyālā rukhamīṇa lāvī lōṇī
khara sāṅgā dēvā janīca nāta kāya
Rukmini* applies butter to Vitthal*’s feet
Tell me the truth, God, how is Jani related to you
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(पायाला)(रुखमीण)(लावी)(लोणी)
▷ (खर) with (देवा)(जनीच)(नात) why
pas de traduction en français
Rukmini(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[163] id = 61526
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठलाचे पाय रुखमीण दाबे रागराग
खर सांगा देवा जनी तुमची कोण लाग
viṭhṭhalācē pāya rukhamīṇa dābē rāgarāga
khara sāṅgā dēvā janī tumacī kōṇa lāga
Rukhmin* presses Vitthal*’s feet with anger in her mind
Tell me the truth, God, how is Jani related to you
▷ (विठ्ठलाचे)(पाय)(रुखमीण)(दाबे)(रागराग)
▷ (खर) with (देवा)(जनी)(तुमची) who (लाग)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[230] id = 79009
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
विठ्ठल म्हणीतो जनी मपली लेकरु
राणी रुखमीणी नको राग तिचा करु
viṭhṭhala mhaṇītō janī mapalī lēkaru
rāṇī rukhamīṇī nakō rāga ticā karu
Vitthal* says, Jani is my child
Queen Rukhmini*, don’t be angry with her
▷  Vitthal (म्हणीतो)(जनी)(मपली)(लेकरु)
▷ (राणी)(रुखमीणी) not (राग)(तिचा)(करु)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[268] id = 85848
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
जेवतो विठ्ठल पोळी ठेविली काढुन
सांगतो रुखमीणी जनीला देवा वाढुन
jēvatō viṭhṭhala pōḷī ṭhēvilī kāḍhuna
sāṅgatō rukhamīṇī janīlā dēvā vāḍhuna
Vitthal* is having his meal, he keeps a flattened bread aside
He says to Rukhmini*, go and serve it to Jani
▷ (जेवतो) Vitthal (पोळी)(ठेविली)(काढुन)
▷ (सांगतो)(रुखमीणी)(जनीला)(देवा)(वाढुन)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.16 (B06-02-16) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Narad

[15] id = 70924
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरपुरात काय वेड्यानी पाहिल
नारदमुनीच देऊळ पाण्यात राहिल
paṇḍharapurāta kāya vēḍyānī pāhila
nāradamunīca dēūḷa pāṇyāta rāhila
He went to Pandharpur, what did the simpleton see
He didn’t even see Naradmuni’s temple in the river water
▷ (पंढरपुरात) why (वेड्यानी)(पाहिल)
▷ (नारदमुनीच)(देऊळ)(पाण्यात)(राहिल)
pas de traduction en français
[46] id = 89380
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरीला गेला काय येड्यान पाहिल
नारद मनीच देवळ पाण्यात राहिल
paṇḍharīlā gēlā kāya yēḍyāna pāhila
nārada manīca dēvaḷa pāṇyāta rāhila
He went to Pandharpur, what did the simpleton see
He didn’t even see Naradmuni’s temple in the river water
▷ (पंढरीला) has_gone why (येड्यान)(पाहिल)
▷ (नारद)(मनीच)(देवळ)(पाण्यात)(राहिल)
pas de traduction en français

B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11o (B06-02-11o) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women
B:VI-2.9e (B06-02-09e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Rich household
B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
B:VI-2.10c (B06-02-10c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Sansāra prapañca
B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments
B:VI-2.7b35 ???
B:VI-2.7c23 ???
B:VI-2.70 ???
B:VI-2.98 ???
B:VI-2.182 ???
B:VI-2.9f24 ???
[171] id = 72473
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
इथुन दिसती पंढरीची ढवळी माती
जनी पोचरीती राऊळाच्या उभ्या भिती
ithuna disatī paṇḍharīcī ḍhavaḷī mātī
janī pōcarītī rāūḷācyā ubhyā bhitī
From here, we can see the white soil of Pandhari
Jani is plastering the walls of the temple
▷ (इथुन)(दिसती)(पंढरीची)(ढवळी)(माती)
▷ (जनी)(पोचरीती)(राऊळाच्या)(उभ्या)(भिती)
pas de traduction en français
[172] id = 72474
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरी पंढरी आवघी पंढरी सोन्याची
कवलारु माडी देवा विठ्ठल वाण्याची
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī āvaghī paṇḍharī sōnyācī
kavalāru māḍī dēvā viṭhṭhala vāṇyācī
Pandhari, Pandhari, the whole Pandhari is of gold
God Vitthal*’s temple has roofs made of tiles
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(आवघी)(पंढरी)(सोन्याची)
▷ (कवलारु)(माडी)(देवा) Vitthal (वाण्याची)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[173] id = 72475
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
इथुन दिसती पंढरी निळी निळी
देवा सावळ्यानं लावल्यात सोनकेळी
ithuna disatī paṇḍharī niḷī niḷī
dēvā sāvaḷyānaṁ lāvalyāta sōnakēḷī
Pandhari appears blue from here
Dark-complexioned God has planted Sonkeli*
▷ (इथुन)(दिसती)(पंढरी)(निळी)(निळी)
▷ (देवा)(सावळ्यानं)(लावल्यात)(सोनकेळी)
pas de traduction en français
SonkeliA variety of banana
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.1b (B06-02-01b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Description of the road
[209] id = 78548
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरी पंढरी आधी होत लहान खेड
आले साधुसंत मग झाले देवठान
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī ādhī hōta lahāna khēḍa
ālē sādhusanta maga jhālē dēvaṭhāna
Pandhari was a small village before
Varkaris* came and made it a sacred holy place
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी) before (होत)(लहान)(खेड)
▷  Here_comes (साधुसंत)(मग) become (देवठान)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
[214] id = 78554
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरी पंढरी विठुरायाची नगरी
रुखमीणी बाईन भरल्या बुक्यानी घागरी
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī viṭhurāyācī nagarī
rukhamīṇī bāīna bharalyā bukyānī ghāgarī
Pandhari is the city of Vithuraya
Rukhmini* filled vessels with fragrant bukka*
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(विठुरायाची)(नगरी)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(बाईन)(भरल्या)(बुक्यानी)(घागरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances
[306] id = 85476
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
येथुन दिसती पंढरी हिरवीगार
देवा विठ्ठलाच्या तुळशीला आला बार
yēthuna disatī paṇḍharī hiravīgāra
dēvā viṭhṭhalācyā tuḷaśīlā ālā bāra
From here, Pandhari appears lush green
God Vitthal*’s tulasi* plants are in full bloom
▷ (येथुन)(दिसती)(पंढरी)(हिरवीगार)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(तुळशीला) here_comes (बार)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.1b (B06-02-01b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Description of the road

B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11o (B06-02-11o) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women
B:VI-2.9e (B06-02-09e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Rich household
B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
B:VI-2.10c (B06-02-10c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Sansāra prapañca
B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments
B:VI-2.7b35 ???
B:VI-2.7c23 ???
B:VI-2.70 ???
B:VI-2.98 ???
B:VI-2.182 ???
B:VI-2.9f24 ???
[171] id = 72473
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
इथुन दिसती पंढरीची ढवळी माती
जनी पोचरीती राऊळाच्या उभ्या भिती
ithuna disatī paṇḍharīcī ḍhavaḷī mātī
janī pōcarītī rāūḷācyā ubhyā bhitī
From here, we can see the white soil of Pandhari
Jani is plastering the walls of the temple
▷ (इथुन)(दिसती)(पंढरीची)(ढवळी)(माती)
▷ (जनी)(पोचरीती)(राऊळाच्या)(उभ्या)(भिती)
pas de traduction en français
[172] id = 72474
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरी पंढरी आवघी पंढरी सोन्याची
कवलारु माडी देवा विठ्ठल वाण्याची
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī āvaghī paṇḍharī sōnyācī
kavalāru māḍī dēvā viṭhṭhala vāṇyācī
Pandhari, Pandhari, the whole Pandhari is of gold
God Vitthal*’s temple has roofs made of tiles
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(आवघी)(पंढरी)(सोन्याची)
▷ (कवलारु)(माडी)(देवा) Vitthal (वाण्याची)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[173] id = 72475
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
इथुन दिसती पंढरी निळी निळी
देवा सावळ्यानं लावल्यात सोनकेळी
ithuna disatī paṇḍharī niḷī niḷī
dēvā sāvaḷyānaṁ lāvalyāta sōnakēḷī
Pandhari appears blue from here
Dark-complexioned God has planted Sonkeli*
▷ (इथुन)(दिसती)(पंढरी)(निळी)(निळी)
▷ (देवा)(सावळ्यानं)(लावल्यात)(सोनकेळी)
pas de traduction en français
SonkeliA variety of banana
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.1b (B06-02-01b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Description of the road
[209] id = 78548
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरी पंढरी आधी होत लहान खेड
आले साधुसंत मग झाले देवठान
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī ādhī hōta lahāna khēḍa
ālē sādhusanta maga jhālē dēvaṭhāna
Pandhari was a small village before
Varkaris* came and made it a sacred holy place
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी) before (होत)(लहान)(खेड)
▷  Here_comes (साधुसंत)(मग) become (देवठान)
pas de traduction en français
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
[214] id = 78554
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरी पंढरी विठुरायाची नगरी
रुखमीणी बाईन भरल्या बुक्यानी घागरी
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī viṭhurāyācī nagarī
rukhamīṇī bāīna bharalyā bukyānī ghāgarī
Pandhari is the city of Vithuraya
Rukhmini* filled vessels with fragrant bukka*
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(विठुरायाची)(नगरी)
▷ (रुखमीणी)(बाईन)(भरल्या)(बुक्यानी)(घागरी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances
[306] id = 85476
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
येथुन दिसती पंढरी हिरवीगार
देवा विठ्ठलाच्या तुळशीला आला बार
yēthuna disatī paṇḍharī hiravīgāra
dēvā viṭhṭhalācyā tuḷaśīlā ālā bāra
From here, Pandhari appears lush green
God Vitthal*’s tulasi* plants are in full bloom
▷ (येथुन)(दिसती)(पंढरी)(हिरवीगार)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलाच्या)(तुळशीला) here_comes (बार)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.1b (B06-02-01b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Along the road / Description of the road

B:VI-2.19cvi (B06-02-19c06) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Washing cloths

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11fiv (B06-02-11f04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Washing
[7] id = 86285
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
भरली चंद्रभागा पाणी दिसत पिवळ
सतीभामा धुण धूती रुखमीच सवळ
bharalī candrabhāgā pāṇī disata pivaḷa
satībhāmā dhuṇa dhūtī rukhamīca savaḷa
Chandrabhaga* is full, the water looks dirty
Satyabhama is washing Rukhmini*’s silk sari
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) water, (दिसत)(पिवळ)
▷ (सतीभामा)(धुण)(धूती)(रुखमीच)(सवळ)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.11fiv (B06-02-11f04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Washing

B:VI-2.19cvii (B06-02-19c07) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Māher

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10bi (B06-02-10b01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Māhēra
[4] id = 86287
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
भरली चंद्रभागा माझ निसरती बोट
मला हात द्यावा विठ्ठलाची जनी उठ
bharalī candrabhāgā mājha nisaratī bōṭa
malā hāta dyāvā viṭhṭhalācī janī uṭha
Chandrabhaga* is full, my feet are slipping
Vitthal*’s Jani gets up to give me a hand
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) my (निसरती)(बोट)
▷ (मला) hand (द्यावा) of_Vitthal (जनी)(उठ)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[8] id = 86286
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
भरली चंद्रभागा माझी निसरती पाई
मजला हात द्यावा विठ्ठलाची जनाबाई
bharalī candrabhāgā mājhī nisaratī pāī
majalā hāta dyāvā viṭhṭhalācī janābāī
Chandrabhaga* is full, my foot is slipping
Give me your hand, Vitthal*’s Janabai*
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) my (निसरती)(पाई)
▷ (मजला) hand (द्यावा) of_Vitthal (जनाबाई)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
JanabaiSaint Janabai

B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini

Cross-references:B:VI-2.15 (B06-02-15) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Pundalik
B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik
B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself
B:VI-2.19cii (B06-02-19c02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / The boat on the river
[58] id = 92264
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
भरली चंद्रभागा नावा लागल्या बुडायाला
राही रुक्मीण गेल्या नारळ फोडायाला
bharalī candrabhāgā nāvā lāgalyā buḍāyālā
rāhī rukmīṇa gēlyā nāraḷa phōḍāyālā
Chandrabhaga* is full, boats have started drowning
Rahi and Rukhmin* have gone to break a coconut
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(नावा)(लागल्या)(बुडायाला)
▷  Stays (रुक्मीण)(गेल्या)(नारळ)(फोडायाला)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[115] id = 86291
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
भरली चंद्रभागा पाणी लागल लिंबाला
विठ्ठलाची रुखमीण उभी गरुड खांबाला
bharalī candrabhāgā pāṇī lāgala limbālā
viṭhṭhalācī rukhamīṇa ubhī garuḍa khāmbālā
Chandrabhaga* is full, water has reached the Neem tree
Vitthal*’s Rukhmin* is standing near Garud Khamb*
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) water, (लागल)(लिंबाला)
▷  Of_Vitthal (रुखमीण) standing (गरुड)(खांबाला)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex

B:VI-2.19cxvii (B06-02-19c17) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / In spate

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik
B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini
B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself
[39] id = 86293
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
भरली चंद्रभागा जणु थाळीयाची पाठ
अंभड गंगुबाई हिची उसळती लाट
bharalī candrabhāgā jaṇu thāḷīyācī pāṭha
ambhaḍa gaṅgubāī hicī usaḷatī lāṭa
Chandrabhaga* is full, she is as smooth as the back of a plate
Gangubai is mischievous, she is causing waves to rise
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा)(जणु)(थाळीयाची)(पाठ)
▷ (अंभड)(गंगुबाई)(हिची)(उसळती)(लाट)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

B:VI-2.19f (B06-02-19f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Marvellous happenings

[42] id = 71581
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरपुरात नवल झाल बहु
देवाच्या रथाला वडारी दोघ भाऊ
paṇḍharapurāta navala jhāla bahu
dēvācyā rathālā vaḍārī dōgha bhāū
In Pandharpur, a most remarkable thing happened
Two Vadari* brothers were given the honour to pull God’s chariot
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(नवल)(झाल)(बहु)
▷ (देवाच्या)(रथाला)(वडारी)(दोघ) brother
pas de traduction en français
Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters
[52] id = 78573
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरात नवल झाल बहु
देवाच्या रथाला वडारी दोघे भाऊ
paṇḍharapurāta navala jhāla bahu
dēvācyā rathālā vaḍārī dōghē bhāū
In Pandharpur, a most remarkable thing happened
Two Vadari* brothers were given the honour to pull God’s chariot
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(नवल)(झाल)(बहु)
▷ (देवाच्या)(रथाला)(वडारी)(दोघे) brother
pas de traduction en français
Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters
[53] id = 78574
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरात एक नवल झाल
देवाच्या रथाला लक्ष माणुस गुंतल
paṇḍharapurāta ēka navala jhāla
dēvācyā rathālā lakṣa māṇusa guntala
In Pandharpur, a most remarkable thing happened
One lakh* people were there to pull God’s chariot
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(एक)(नवल)(झाल)
▷ (देवाच्या)(रथाला)(लक्ष)(माणुस)(गुंतल)
pas de traduction en français
lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand
[77] id = 93799
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरात कोणी कोणीशी बोलना
वडार्यावाचुनी रथ देवाचा हलना
paṇḍharapurāta kōṇī kōṇīśī bōlanā
vaḍāryāvācunī ratha dēvācā halanā
In Pandharpur, nobody was talking to each other
Without Vadaris*, God’s chariot would not move
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(कोणी)(कोणीशी) say
▷ (वडार्यावाचुनी)(रथ)(देवाचा)(हलना)
pas de traduction en français
Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters
[83] id = 39895
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठल बोलतो रुक्मीनीला राग कशाचा आला
आपल्या रथाचा मान वडार्याला दिला
viṭhṭhala bōlatō rukmīnīlā rāga kaśācā ālā
āpalyā rathācā māna vaḍāryālā dilā
Vitthal* says, why is Rukhmini* so angry
I gave the honour of pulling our chariot to Vadari*
▷  Vitthal says (रुक्मीनीला)(राग)(कशाचा) here_comes
▷ (आपल्या)(रथाचा)(मान)(वडार्याला)(दिला)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.19f (B06-02-19f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Marvellous happenings
B:VI-2.11gvii (B06-02-11g07) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / Husband is given away by other wives

B:VI-2.19f (B06-02-19f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Marvellous happenings

[42] id = 71581
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पंढरपुरात नवल झाल बहु
देवाच्या रथाला वडारी दोघ भाऊ
paṇḍharapurāta navala jhāla bahu
dēvācyā rathālā vaḍārī dōgha bhāū
In Pandharpur, a most remarkable thing happened
Two Vadari* brothers were given the honour to pull God’s chariot
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(नवल)(झाल)(बहु)
▷ (देवाच्या)(रथाला)(वडारी)(दोघ) brother
pas de traduction en français
Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters
[52] id = 78573
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरात नवल झाल बहु
देवाच्या रथाला वडारी दोघे भाऊ
paṇḍharapurāta navala jhāla bahu
dēvācyā rathālā vaḍārī dōghē bhāū
In Pandharpur, a most remarkable thing happened
Two Vadari* brothers were given the honour to pull God’s chariot
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(नवल)(झाल)(बहु)
▷ (देवाच्या)(रथाला)(वडारी)(दोघे) brother
pas de traduction en français
Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters
[53] id = 78574
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरात एक नवल झाल
देवाच्या रथाला लक्ष माणुस गुंतल
paṇḍharapurāta ēka navala jhāla
dēvācyā rathālā lakṣa māṇusa guntala
In Pandharpur, a most remarkable thing happened
One lakh* people were there to pull God’s chariot
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(एक)(नवल)(झाल)
▷ (देवाच्या)(रथाला)(लक्ष)(माणुस)(गुंतल)
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lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand
[77] id = 93799
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पंढरपुरात कोणी कोणीशी बोलना
वडार्यावाचुनी रथ देवाचा हलना
paṇḍharapurāta kōṇī kōṇīśī bōlanā
vaḍāryāvācunī ratha dēvācā halanā
In Pandharpur, nobody was talking to each other
Without Vadaris*, God’s chariot would not move
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(कोणी)(कोणीशी) say
▷ (वडार्यावाचुनी)(रथ)(देवाचा)(हलना)
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Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters
[83] id = 39895
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
विठ्ठल बोलतो रुक्मीनीला राग कशाचा आला
आपल्या रथाचा मान वडार्याला दिला
viṭhṭhala bōlatō rukmīnīlā rāga kaśācā ālā
āpalyā rathācā māna vaḍāryālā dilā
Vitthal* says, why is Rukhmini* so angry
I gave the honour of pulling our chariot to Vadari*
▷  Vitthal says (रुक्मीनीला)(राग)(कशाचा) here_comes
▷ (आपल्या)(रथाचा)(मान)(वडार्याला)(दिला)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
Vadari ➡ VadarisA wandering tribe of stone-splitters
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.19f (B06-02-19f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Marvellous happenings
B:VI-2.11gvii (B06-02-11g07) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Mutual love of Viṭṭhal, Rukhmini / Husband is given away by other wives

B:VI-16 (B06-16) - Rememberance of different gods

[4] id = 79004
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
ममईची मम्मादेवी पुण्याची पारवती
नगरच्या गणपतीची शिड्या लावुनी पुजा होती
mamaīcī mammādēvī puṇyācī pāravatī
nagaracyā gaṇapatīcī śiḍyā lāvunī pujā hōtī
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▷ (ममईची)(मम्मादेवी)(पुण्याची)(पारवती)
▷ (नगरच्या)(गणपतीची)(शिड्या)(लावुनी) worship (होती)
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B:VII-1.1c (B07-01-01c) - Sun and moon / Sun himself / Sun revolves, looks upon the earth

[71] id = 106779
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
उगवल सुर्य बसला गावकुशी
बघतो चित्तचाळा दुनिया वापरती कशी
ugavala surya basalā gāvakuśī
baghatō cittacāḷā duniyā vāparatī kaśī
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▷ (उगवल)(सुर्य)(बसला)(गावकुशी)
▷ (बघतो)(चित्तचाळा)(दुनिया)(वापरती) how
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B:VII-1.2a (B07-01-02a) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Sun and pandurang, Rukhmini

[66] id = 84473
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
उगवला नारायण माझ्या दरवाजाच्या कोणी
हात जोडीते त्याला दोनी
ugavalā nārāyaṇa mājhyā daravājācyā kōṇī
hāta jōḍītē tyālā dōnī
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▷ (उगवला)(नारायण) my (दरवाजाच्या)(कोणी)
▷  Hand (जोडीते)(त्याला)(दोनी)
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B:VII-1.2d (B07-01-02d) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Women broom the courtyard for him at dawn

[135] id = 107024
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सकाळी उठुनी झाडीत होते अंगण वटा
माझ्या दारावरुन सुर्यनारायणाच्या वाटा
sakāḷī uṭhunī jhāḍīta hōtē aṅgaṇa vaṭā
mājhyā dārāvaruna suryanārāyaṇācyā vāṭā
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▷  Morning (उठुनी)(झाडीत)(होते)(अंगण)(वटा)
▷  My (दारावरुन)(सुर्यनारायणाच्या)(वाटा)
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[138] id = 111213
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सकाळी उठुनी झाडझुड करतेबाई
पारुश्या कचर्यावर देव टाकीनात पायी
sakāḷī uṭhunī jhāḍajhuḍa karatēbāī
pāruśyā kacaryāvara dēva ṭākīnāta pāyī
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▷  Morning (उठुनी)(झाडझुड)(करतेबाई)
▷ (पारुश्या)(कचर्यावर)(देव)(टाकीनात)(पायी)
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B:VII-1.2g (B07-01-02g) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Singers confident of his support

[31] id = 88616
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
उगवला नारायण उगव माझ्या दारी
दह्या दुधाची कर न्यारी मग प्रीथमी धुंड सारी
ugavalā nārāyaṇa ugava mājhyā dārī
dahyā dudhācī kara nyārī maga prīthamī dhuṇḍa sārī
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▷ (उगवला)(नारायण)(उगव) my (दारी)
▷ (दह्या)(दुधाची) doing (न्यारी)(मग)(प्रीथमी)(धुंड)(सारी)
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B:VII-1.3c (B07-01-03c) - Sun and moon / Son associated to sūryanārāyaṅ, god sun / Son takes darshan

[12] id = 73053
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
उगवला सुर्य उगवता लाल लाल
सांगते बाळा तुला याला राम राम घाल
ugavalā surya ugavatā lāla lāla
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā yālā rāma rāma ghāla
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▷ (उगवला)(सुर्य)(उगवता)(लाल)(लाल)
▷  I_tell child to_you (याला) Ram Ram (घाल)
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[13] id = 74795
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
उगवला नारायण दरवाज्याच्या नीट
बाळा दर्शनाला उठ
ugavalā nārāyaṇa daravājyācyā nīṭa
bāḷā darśanālā uṭha
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▷ (उगवला)(नारायण)(दरवाज्याच्या)(नीट)
▷  Child (दर्शनाला)(उठ)
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B:VII-2.1a (B07-02-01a) - Basil / Brought at home, protected / She is without parents

[47] id = 62016
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुळस म्हणती मला नाही मायबाप
काळ्या मातीवरी उगवला माझ रोप
tuḷasa mhaṇatī malā nāhī māyabāpa
kāḷyā mātīvarī ugavalā mājha rōpa
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▷ (तुळस)(म्हणती)(मला) not (मायबाप)
▷ (काळ्या)(मातीवरी)(उगवला) my (रोप)
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B:VII-2.1b (B07-02-01b) - Basil / Brought at home, protected / She is planted at the door

[115] id = 62018
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुळसबाई नको हिंडु रानीवनी
बस माझ्या वाड्या जागा देते इंद्रावनी
tuḷasabāī nakō hiṇḍu rānīvanī
basa mājhyā vāḍyā jāgā dētē indrāvanī
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▷ (तुळसबाई) not (हिंडु)(रानीवनी)
▷ (बस) my (वाड्या)(जागा) give (इंद्रावनी)
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[116] id = 62019
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुळश्याबाई नको हिंडु जंगलात
बस माझ्या वाड्या जागा देते अंगणात
tuḷaśyābāī nakō hiṇḍu jaṅgalāta
basa mājhyā vāḍyā jāgā dētē aṅgaṇāta
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▷ (तुळश्याबाई) not (हिंडु)(जंगलात)
▷ (बस) my (वाड्या)(जागा) give (अंगणात)
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B:VII-2.2b (B07-02-02b) - Basil / Basil and gods, ascetics / Viṭṭhal

[42] id = 39767
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
तूळशा गं बाई तूझं खोड काय झालं
देवा विठ्ठलानं नेलं, बसायला पिढं केलं
tūḷaśā gaṁ bāī tūjhaṁ khōḍa kāya jhālaṁ
dēvā viṭhṭhalānaṁ nēlaṁ, basāyalā piḍhaṁ kēlaṁ
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▷ (तूळशा)(गं) woman (तूझं)(खोड) why (झालं)
▷ (देवा)(विठ्ठलानं)(नेलं)(,)(बसायला)(पिढं)(केलं)
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[109] id = 61995
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुळशीचा पाला वार्ययानी गेला
देवा त्या विठ्ठलानी आवडीने गोळा केला
tuḷaśīcā pālā vāryayānī gēlā
dēvā tyā viṭhṭhalānī āvaḍīnē gōḷā kēlā
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▷ (तुळशीचा)(पाला)(वार्ययानी) has_gone
▷ (देवा)(त्या)(विठ्ठलानी)(आवडीने)(गोळा) did
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B:VII-2.3a (B07-02-03a) - Basil / Basil and bhakti / Worship, reading of pothi

[79] id = 89060
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पडतो पाऊस फळी धरली नेमाची
तुळशीच्या बनी पोथी भिजली रामाची
paḍatō pāūsa phaḷī dharalī nēmācī
tuḷaśīcyā banī pōthī bhijalī rāmācī
no translation in English
▷  Falls rain (फळी)(धरली)(नेमाची)
▷ (तुळशीच्या)(बनी) pothi (भिजली) of_Ram
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B:VII-2.6 (B07-02-06) - Basil / Basil and son

Cross-references:D:X-1.1cii (D10-01-01c02) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Pounding, cooking or serving rice / Rice with milk and sugar
D:X-1.5 ???
D:X-1 (D10-01-01) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son
D:X-1.1ciii (D10-01-01c03) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Pounding, cooking or serving rice / Rice with curds
D:X-1.2 (D10-01-02) - Mother’s concern for son / Other services
D:XI-2.3avi (D11-02-03a06) - Son’s prosperous farm / Munificent Lakṣmī / Lakṣmī enters the house / Lakṣmī inquires about son’s house
D:XI-2.5 (D11-02-05) - Son’s prosperous farm / Prosperous household
D:XI-2.7 ???
[29] id = 39787
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पाणी घालू घालू तूळशिना केला डेरा
तुझ्या सावलीला खेळला माझा हिरा
pāṇī ghālū ghālū tūḷaśinā kēlā ḍērā
tujhyā sāvalīlā khēḷalā mājhā hirā
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▷  Water, (घालू)(घालू)(तूळशिना) did (डेरा)
▷  Your (सावलीला)(खेळला) my (हिरा)
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B:VII-3 (B07-03) - Plantain / She delivers without intercourse with man

Cross-references:A:II-4.3c (A02-04-03c) - Puberty, the decisive factor / Nubility / Protective secrecy
C:VIII-7 (C08-07) - Mother / Her concern for children / Mother’s concern for children
D:X-1-1m ???
[43] id = 111260
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
माळ्याच्या मळ्यात नको जाऊ मुसलमाना
केळी बाई बाळंतीन घात केला दुश्मना
māḷyācyā maḷyāta nakō jāū musalamānā
kēḷī bāī bāḷantīna ghāta kēlā duśmanā
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▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्यात) not (जाऊ)(मुसलमाना)
▷  Shouted woman (बाळंतीन)(घात) did (दुश्मना)
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B:VII-4.6b (B07-04-06b) - Mūmbādevī / Vow / Fulfilled

[11] id = 111263
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
ममईची मंबादेवी कोण्या राज्याला पावली
सोन्याचा कळस धज मोतीयाची लावली
mamaīcī mambādēvī kōṇyā rājyālā pāvalī
sōnyācā kaḷasa dhaja mōtīyācī lāvalī
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▷ (ममईची)(मंबादेवी)(कोण्या)(राज्याला)(पावली)
▷  Of_gold (कळस)(धज)(मोतीयाची)(लावली)
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B:VII-5.2b (B07-05-02b) - Surrounding Nature / Village / Pride of ones village

[321] id = 108992
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
धुळे झाल जुन नाशिक टोलेजंग
कोण्या हौशाने दिला ममईला रंग
dhuḷē jhāla juna nāśika ṭōlējaṅga
kōṇyā hauśānē dilā mamaīlā raṅga
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▷ (धुळे)(झाल)(जुन)(नाशिक)(टोलेजंग)
▷ (कोण्या)(हौशाने)(दिला)(ममईला)(रंग)
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[322] id = 108993
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
खोकर खोकर लिपनी कारे गाव
सत्याचा सांगते वडाळ्याचा महादेव
khōkara khōkara lipanī kārē gāva
satyācā sāṅgatē vaḍāḷyācā mahādēva
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▷ (खोकर)(खोकर)(लिपनी)(कारे)(गाव)
▷ (सत्याचा) I_tell (वडाळ्याचा)(महादेव)
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B:VII-5.3b (B07-05-03b) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / The rain falls

Cross-references:A:II-2.5j (A02-02-05j) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home
A:II-2.9b (A02-02-09b) - Woman’s social identity / Arrogance of wealth / Significative attitudes
[171] id = 89059
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पडतो पाऊस नको म्हणु आला आला
बोल धरणी माता पती माझा दृष्टावला
paḍatō pāūsa nakō mhaṇu ālā ālā
bōla dharaṇī mātā patī mājhā dṛaṣṭāvalā
no translation in English
▷  Falls rain not say here_comes here_comes
▷  Says (धरणी)(माता)(पती) my (दृष्टावला)
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B:VII-5.3c (B07-05-03c) - Surrounding Nature / Rains / The king-rain

[88] id = 107006
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
पावुस राजानी अंगणी मांडीला धिंगाणा
आजुक येईना राजा धरतरीच्या मनी
pāvusa rājānī aṅgaṇī māṇḍīlā dhiṅgāṇā
ājuka yēīnā rājā dharatarīcyā manī
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▷ (पावुस)(राजानी)(अंगणी)(मांडीला)(धिंगाणा)
▷ (आजुक)(येईना) king (धरतरीच्या)(मनी)
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B:VII-9.7 (B07-09-07) - Religious institutions / Guru / Nāngribābā

[8] id = 57234
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तांब्याच घंगाळ याला मोत्याची चुंबळ
नागरीबाबाची सुर्यासमुख अंघोळ
tāmbyāca ghaṅgāḷa yālā mōtyācī cumbaḷa
nāgarībābācī suryāsamukha aṅghōḷa
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▷ (तांब्याच)(घंगाळ)(याला)(मोत्याची)(चुंबळ)
▷ (नागरीबाबाची)(सुर्यासमुख)(अंघोळ)
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[9] id = 57235
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बेटच भांडण याची तारीक औरंगाबादला
नागीरबाबा साधू गेले किर्तनाला
bēṭaca bhāṇḍaṇa yācī tārīka auraṅgābādalā
nāgīrabābā sādhū gēlē kirtanālā
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▷ (बेटच)(भांडण)(याची)(तारीक)(औरंगाबादला)
▷ (नागीरबाबा)(साधू) has_gone (किर्तनाला)
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[10] id = 57236
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आळंदी जाया आड लागत चाकण
नागरीबाबाच रुप साधूच देखन
āḷandī jāyā āḍa lāgata cākaṇa
nāgarībābāca rupa sādhūca dēkhana
no translation in English
▷  Alandi (जाया)(आड)(लागत)(चाकण)
▷ (नागरीबाबाच) form (साधूच)(देखन)
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B:VII-9.12 (B07-09-12) - Religious institutions / Guru / Gangagīrbābā

[6] id = 57187
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गंगागीर बाबाचे सप्ते लागले व्हायला
सारक्या वारक्या जाऊ पहारा द्यायाला
gaṅgāgīra bābācē saptē lāgalē vhāyalā
sārakyā vārakyā jāū pahārā dyāyālā
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▷ (गंगागीर)(बाबाचे)(सप्ते)(लागले)(व्हायला)
▷ (सारक्या)(वारक्या)(जाऊ)(पहारा)(द्यायाला)
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[7] id = 57188
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गंगागीर बाबा गंगुबाईच्या येढीत
वाजतो चवघडा चांगदेवाच्या वाड्यात
gaṅgāgīra bābā gaṅgubāīcyā yēḍhīta
vājatō cavaghaḍā cāṅgadēvācyā vāḍyāta
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▷ (गंगागीर) Baba (गंगुबाईच्या)(येढीत)
▷ (वाजतो)(चवघडा)(चांगदेवाच्या)(वाड्यात)
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[8] id = 57189
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
साधुमध्ये साधु लय हिंडते बाजारी
गंगागीर बाबाची खुडची देवाच्या शेजारी
sādhumadhyē sādhu laya hiṇḍatē bājārī
gaṅgāgīra bābācī khuḍacī dēvācyā śējārī
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▷ (साधुमध्ये)(साधु)(लय)(हिंडते)(बाजारी)
▷ (गंगागीर)(बाबाची)(खुडची)(देवाच्या)(शेजारी)
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[9] id = 57190
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गंगागीर बाबा लय दिसाचा म्हातारा
वर्षाची वर्षभरा याची भरती जतरा
gaṅgāgīra bābā laya disācā mhātārā
varṣācī varṣabharā yācī bharatī jatarā
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▷ (गंगागीर) Baba (लय)(दिसाचा)(म्हातारा)
▷ (वर्षाची)(वर्षभरा)(याची)(भरती)(जतरा)
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[10] id = 57191
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जुन्या गंगामधी दिंडी का म्हणू थोपयली
गंगागीर बाबाची तार विण्याची तुटयली
junyā gaṅgāmadhī diṇḍī kā mhaṇū thōpayalī
gaṅgāgīra bābācī tāra viṇyācī tuṭayalī
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▷ (जुन्या)(गंगामधी)(दिंडी)(का) say (थोपयली)
▷ (गंगागीर)(बाबाची) wire (विण्याची)(तुटयली)
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[11] id = 57192
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
साधूमधे साधू गंगागीर बाबाचे मोहन
साखरेचे लाडू टाळकर्याला जेवण
sādhūmadhē sādhū gaṅgāgīra bābācē mōhana
sākharēcē lāḍū ṭāḷakaryālā jēvaṇa
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▷ (साधूमधे)(साधू)(गंगागीर)(बाबाचे)(मोहन)
▷ (साखरेचे)(लाडू)(टाळकर्याला)(जेवण)
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[12] id = 57193
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
इथून दिसती बाय सोन्याची हयली (हवेली)
गंगाागीर बाबानी जाई ढेर्यात लावयली
ithūna disatī bāya sōnyācī hayalī (havēlī)
gaṅgāāgīra bābānī jāī ḍhēryāta lāvayalī
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▷ (इथून)(दिसती)(बाय)(सोन्याची)(हयली) ( (हवेली) )
▷ (गंगाागीर)(बाबानी)(जाई)(ढेर्यात)(लावयली)
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[13] id = 57194
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जुन्या गंगामधी तापली केवळ वाळू (बारीक)
गंगागीर बाबाची दिंडी चाले हळूहळू
junyā gaṅgāmadhī tāpalī kēvaḷa vāḷū (bārīka)
gaṅgāgīra bābācī diṇḍī cālē haḷūhaḷū
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▷ (जुन्या)(गंगामधी)(तापली)(केवळ)(वाळू) ( (बारीक) )
▷ (गंगागीर)(बाबाची)(दिंडी)(चाले)(हळूहळू)
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[14] id = 57195
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
इथून दिसतो गंगागीर बाबाचा लोलक
गंगागीर बाबा झाले गादीला मालक
ithūna disatō gaṅgāgīra bābācā lōlaka
gaṅgāgīra bābā jhālē gādīlā mālaka
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▷ (इथून)(दिसतो)(गंगागीर) of_Baba_(Ambedkar) (लोलक)
▷ (गंगागीर) Baba become (गादीला)(मालक)
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[15] id = 57196
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आयानो बायानो आज न्हायाच धुयाच
गंगागीर बाबाच्या मला दर्शना जायाच
āyānō bāyānō āja nhāyāca dhuyāca
gaṅgāgīra bābācyā malā darśanā jāyāca
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▷ (आयानो)(बायानो)(आज)(न्हायाच)(धुयाच)
▷ (गंगागीर)(बाबाच्या)(मला)(दर्शना)(जायाच)
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[16] id = 57197
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
खांदील्यात पाया वर काढील्यात भिती
ऐकू येती मला गंगागीरीची पोथी
khāndīlyāta pāyā vara kāḍhīlyāta bhitī
aikū yētī malā gaṅgāgīrīcī pōthī
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▷ (खांदील्यात)(पाया)(वर)(काढील्यात)(भिती)
▷ (ऐकू)(येती)(मला)(गंगागीरीची) pothi
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[17] id = 57198
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बेटाच भांडण तारीक लांबून लेयाची (द्येयाची)
संन्याश्याची गादी नई कोणाला व्हायाची
bēṭāca bhāṇḍaṇa tārīka lāmbūna lēyācī (dyēyācī)
sannyāśyācī gādī naī kōṇālā vhāyācī
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▷ (बेटाच)(भांडण)(तारीक)(लांबून)(लेयाची) ( (द्येयाची) )
▷ (संन्याश्याची)(गादी)(नई)(कोणाला)(व्हायाची)
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[24] id = 60277
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
काढीत्यात कमानी वर काढीला कळस
गंगागीर बाबाचा नही मला आळस
kāḍhītyāta kamānī vara kāḍhīlā kaḷasa
gaṅgāgīra bābācā nahī malā āḷasa
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▷ (काढीत्यात)(कमानी)(वर)(काढीला)(कळस)
▷ (गंगागीर) of_Baba_(Ambedkar) not (मला)(आळस)
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[52] id = 85444
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
न्हावुनी धुवुनी नार कावरी बावरी
गंगागीर बाबा साधु आपल्या निवारी
nhāvunī dhuvunī nāra kāvarī bāvarī
gaṅgāgīra bābā sādhu āpalyā nivārī
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▷ (न्हावुनी)(धुवुनी)(नार)(कावरी)(बावरी)
▷ (गंगागीर) Baba (साधु)(आपल्या)(निवारी)
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[57] id = 57186
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गंगागीर बाबा माणसाचा देव झाला
यालाच पहायला राजा इंद्राचा आला
gaṅgāgīra bābā māṇasācā dēva jhālā
yālāca pahāyalā rājā indrācā ālā
no translation in English
▷ (गंगागीर) Baba (माणसाचा)(देव)(झाला)
▷ (यालाच)(पहायला) king (इंद्राचा) here_comes
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C:VIII-1.2 (C08-01-02) - Mother / Throes of child birth / Nine months nine days

[82] id = 109876
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मोडला काटा कळ लागली पायाला
नऊ महिने वझ काय म्हणु बयाला
mōḍalā kāṭā kaḷa lāgalī pāyālā
naū mahinē vajha kāya mhaṇu bayālā
She is getting the same shooting pain in her legs like the pricking of a thorn
Nine months she carried me in her womb, how much can I admire my mother
▷ (मोडला)(काटा)(कळ)(लागली)(पायाला)
▷ (नऊ)(महिने)(वझ) why say (बयाला)
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C:VIII-3.2 (C08-03-02) - Mother / Offspring and Fulfilment / They are the lamp of the lineage

[38] id = 107562
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
एकुलता एक जसा पाण्यातील लहु (लव्हाळा)
वाणीच्या बाळाला किती खालवर पाहु
ēkulatā ēka jasā pāṇyātīla lahu (lavhāḷā)
vāṇīcyā bāḷālā kitī khālavara pāhu
My only son is like a reed in the water
My dear son, I can go on looking at you, (still I won’t be satisfied)
▷ (एकुलता)(एक)(जसा)(पाण्यातील)(लहु) ( (लव्हाळा) )
▷ (वाणीच्या)(बाळाला)(किती)(खालवर)(पाहु)
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C:VIII-6.6 (C08-06-06) - Mother / Respect for her / One feels inflamed by abuses on mother’s name

[20] id = 97561
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आईवुन शिव्या नको देवु तु जावया
शंकर शेवया तिथ जातील जेवाया
āīvuna śivyā nakō dēvu tu jāvayā
śaṅkara śēvayā titha jātīla jēvāyā
Son-in-law, don’t give immoral abuses, using foul language concerning mother
You will be going there to eat sugar vermicelli sometime or the other
▷ (आईवुन)(शिव्या) not (देवु) you (जावया)
▷ (शंकर)(शेवया)(तिथ)(जातील)(जेवाया)
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C:VIII-8.1e (C08-08-01e) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Sugar Phutana

[14] id = 67931
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आई म्हणुन आई खडीसाखर फुटाणा
आईचे शब्द गोड मला उठुशी वाटाना
āī mhaṇuna āī khaḍīsākhara phuṭāṇā
āīcē śabda gōḍa malā uṭhuśī vāṭānā
I keep saying mother, mother, mother is like a sugarcoated Phutana
My mother’s talk is so sweet and soothing, I don’t feel like getting up
▷ (आई)(म्हणुन)(आई)(खडीसाखर)(फुटाणा)
▷ (आईचे)(शब्द)(गोड)(मला)(उठुशी)(वाटाना)
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C:VIII-8.2 (C08-08-02) - Mother / Feelings and representations / One can not pay back mothers loan

Cross-references:C:VIII-8.9e (C08-08-09e) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / One can not pay back mothers loan
[20] id = 67930
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेजीच उसन उसन आधुली पायली
बाईच उसन याद कुणाला राहिली
śējīca usana usana ādhulī pāyalī
bāīca usana yāda kuṇālā rāhilī
What I borrow from my neighbour woman is in Adhuli, Payali (a measure of weight)
What I get from my mother, who remembers how much
▷ (शेजीच)(उसन)(उसन)(आधुली)(पायली)
▷ (बाईच)(उसन)(याद)(कुणाला)(राहिली)
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[22] id = 67944
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेजीच उसन किती देवु किती घेवु
बाईच उसन कितीक भोळ्या जावु
śējīca usana kitī dēvu kitī ghēvu
bāīca usana kitīka bhōḷyā jāvu
What I borrow from my neighbour woman, I give her back the same quantity
But my mother’s obligation, whatever quantity I give her, it cannot be repaid
▷ (शेजीच)(उसन)(किती)(देवु)(किती)(घेवु)
▷ (बाईच)(उसन)(कितीक)(भोळ्या)(जावु)
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C:VIII-8.5 (C08-08-05) - Mother / Feelings and representations / She is open-minded, considerate

[35] id = 67941
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मायलेकीच भांडण आली दुधाला उकळी
लेक धरीती आबोला माता मनाची मोकळी
māyalēkīca bhāṇḍaṇa ālī dudhālā ukaḷī
lēka dharītī ābōlā mātā manācī mōkaḷī
Quarrel between mother and daughter is like boiling milk
Daughter stops talking, mother is open-minded and considerate
▷ (मायलेकीच)(भांडण) has_come (दुधाला)(उकळी)
▷ (लेक)(धरीती)(आबोला)(माता)(मनाची)(मोकळी)
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[36] id = 67942
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मायलेकीच भांडण दुधाला आली साई
बोलती माई माघारी बोलु नाही
māyalēkīca bhāṇḍaṇa dudhālā ālī sāī
bōlatī māī māghārī bōlu nāhī
Quarrel between mother and daughter is like cream gathering on boiling milk
Mother says, you should not backanswer
▷ (मायलेकीच)(भांडण)(दुधाला) has_come (साई)
▷ (बोलती)(माई)(माघारी)(बोलु) not
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[37] id = 67943
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मायलेकीच भांडण दुधाला इरजन
हाळु बोल लेकी तुला परघर आल जाण
māyalēkīca bhāṇḍaṇa dudhālā irajana
hāḷu bōla lēkī tulā paraghara āla jāṇa
Quarrel between mother and daughter is like putting curds in milk
Talk softly, daughter, you have to go to your in-laws’ family
▷ (मायलेकीच)(भांडण)(दुधाला)(इरजन)
▷ (हाळु) says (लेकी) to_you (परघर) here_comes (जाण)
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[42] id = 71249
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
मायलेकीचे भांडण जशी दुधाची उकळी
लेक धरी अबुला माता मनाची मोकळी
māyalēkīcē bhāṇḍaṇa jaśī dudhācī ukaḷī
lēka dharī abulā mātā manācī mōkaḷī
Quarrel between mother and daughter is like boiling milk
Daughter stops talking, mother is open-minded and considerate
▷ (मायलेकीचे)(भांडण)(जशी)(दुधाची)(उकळी)
▷ (लेक)(धरी)(अबुला)(माता)(मनाची)(मोकळी)
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C:VIII-8.9c (C08-08-09c) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / Mother gives food

This Section speaks about the comparison of the feelings and representations of sister-in-law (brother’s wife) and neighbour woman with those of mother. What sister-in-law and neighbour woman do is more for showing off to other people rather than with any friendly or any warm feelings. What mother does is with love, affection and the happiness she derives from feeding her daughter to her heart’s content. And she does it away from people’s gaze.She always gives her good, tasty food. Sister-in-law and neighbour woman give her little quantity of food, food lacking in nutrition, left overs, burnt food, etc. They give food just for the sake of it. This Section highlights these points showing the difference.
[43] id = 67940
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेजी घाली जेवु वाढती ताकाचा निथाळा
बाई घाली जेवु भात साळीचा मोकळा
śējī ghālī jēvu vāḍhatī tākācā nithāḷā
bāī ghālī jēvu bhāta sāḷīcā mōkaḷā
Neighbour woman serves me watery buttermilk (little quantity of water used for rinsing the pot of buttermilk before emptying it for washing)
My mother serves me sali variety of cooked rice with separated grains
▷ (शेजी)(घाली)(जेवु)(वाढती)(ताकाचा)(निथाळा)
▷  Woman (घाली)(जेवु)(भात)(साळीचा)(मोकळा)
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[45] id = 67937
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेजी घाली जेवु इसाम करीती पोटी
बया घाली जेवु पोळी विरघळणे ताटी
śējī ghālī jēvu isāma karītī pōṭī
bayā ghālī jēvu pōḷī viraghaḷaṇē tāṭī
Neighbour woman serves me food, calculating the quantity in her mind
Mother serves me food, she doesn’t count the number of chapatis/flattened wheat bread
▷ (शेजी)(घाली)(जेवु)(इसाम) asks_for (पोटी)
▷ (बया)(घाली)(जेवु)(पोळी)(विरघळणे)(ताटी)
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[46] id = 67938
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेजी घाली जेवु वाढीती उली उली
बाई घाली जेवु थाळीयाला शिग आली
śējī ghālī jēvu vāḍhītī ulī ulī
bāī ghālī jēvu thāḷīyālā śiga ālī
Neighbour woman serves me very little quantity of food
My mother serves me heaps of food in my thala*
▷ (शेजी)(घाली)(जेवु)(वाढीती)(उली)(उली)
▷  Woman (घाली)(जेवु)(थाळीयाला)(शिग) has_come
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thalaA round plate with a broad edge
[55] id = 75705
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेजी घाली जेवु इसाम करीती मनाला
बया घाली जेवु दिसुन देईना कोणाला
śējī ghālī jēvu isāma karītī manālā
bayā ghālī jēvu disuna dēīnā kōṇālā
Neighbour woman serves me food, but her intention is to undermine me
My mother serves me food, she doesn’t let the whole world know how much she serves
▷ (शेजी)(घाली)(जेवु)(इसाम) asks_for (मनाला)
▷ (बया)(घाली)(जेवु)(दिसुन)(देईना)(कोणाला)
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C:VIII-8.11 (C08-08-11) - Mother / Feelings and representations / No affection parallel to mothers love

Cross-references:C:VIII-7 (C08-07) - Mother / Her concern for children / Mother’s concern for children
[50] id = 106075
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आई म्हणु आई संसाराची आई
जिथ मोडल काटा तिथ होईल तुझी सई
āī mhaṇu āī sansārācī āī
jitha mōḍala kāṭā titha hōīla tujhī saī
I keep saying mother, mother, you are the mother of the whole world
Whenever I suffer and my sorrow and suffering pricks like a thorn, mother, I remember you
▷ (आई) say (आई)(संसाराची)(आई)
▷ (जिथ)(मोडल)(काटा)(तिथ)(होईल)(तुझी)(सई)
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C:IX-2.4 (C09-02-04) - Baby / Attachment / Baby is crying

[34] id = 97554
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
रडत तान्ह बाळ याच कोणी काही नेल
अंतरी करी शोक काजळ याचा वाया गेल
raḍata tānha bāḷa yāca kōṇī kāhī nēla
antarī karī śōka kājaḷa yācā vāyā gēla
The little child is crying, what has someone taken from him
It is feeling sad in its heart, its Kajal (black eyeliner) is washed away (with tears)
▷ (रडत)(तान्ह) son (याच)(कोणी)(काही)(नेल)
▷ (अंतरी)(करी)(शोक)(काजळ)(याचा)(वाया) gone
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C:IX-2.17 (C09-02-17) - Baby / Attachment / Baby compared to gold, milk sweet, yellow flower

[30] id = 97553
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
चाला त्याला चालु द्यावा रांगते ते रांगु द्यावा
तान्ह्या बाळाला कड उचलुनी घ्यावा
cālā tyālā cālu dyāvā rāṅgatē tē rāṅgu dyāvā
tānhyā bāḷālā kaḍa ucalunī ghyāvā
The child who can walk, let him walk, the child who can crawl, let him crawl
The little baby, pick him up and carry him
▷  Let_us_go (त्याला)(चालु)(द्यावा)(रांगते)(ते)(रांगु)(द्यावा)
▷ (तान्ह्या)(बाळाला)(कड)(उचलुनी)(घ्यावा)
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C:IX-4.1 (C09-04-01) - Baby / The dear one to uncle and aunt / Maternal uncle, aunty, who bring presents

[122] id = 87976
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
अंगड टोपड कुची चालली लोळत
मामाच्या वाड्याला बाळा चालला खेळत
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa kucī cālalī lōḷata
māmācyā vāḍyālā bāḷā cālalā khēḷata
Dress, bonnet and cape rolling on the ground
My little son is going to his maternal uncle’s house happily, jumping and playing
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड)(कुची)(चालली)(लोळत)
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (वाड्याला) child (चालला)(खेळत)
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[123] id = 87977
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
अंगड टोपड बाळ चालल नटूनी
मावशी मारी हाका तुला साहेब म्हणूनी
aṅgaḍa ṭōpaḍa bāḷa cālala naṭūnī
māvaśī mārī hākā tulā sāhēba mhaṇūnī
New dress and bonnet, the little child is going all dressed up
His maternal aunt (mother’s sister) calls him Saheb
▷ (अंगड)(टोपड) son (चालल)(नटूनी)
▷  Maternal_aunt (मारी)(हाका) to_you (साहेब)(म्हणूनी)
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C:IX-5.3 (C09-05-03) - Baby / And husband / Singer asks husband to play with baby

[5] id = 97555
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लेकुरवाळीच्या जेवनात माती
पाळण्याची दोरी दिली भरताराच्या हाती
lēkuravāḷīcyā jēvanāta mātī
pāḷaṇyācī dōrī dilī bharatārācyā hātī
The woman with a baby, who is about to die
Gives the cord of the cradle in her husband’s hand (hands over the responsibility)
▷ (लेकुरवाळीच्या)(जेवनात)(माती)
▷ (पाळण्याची)(दोरी)(दिली)(भरताराच्या)(हाती)
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D:X-1.1g (D10-01-01g) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Serving clarified butter, ghee

[6] id = 113171
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बेटाच भांडण कुलपा घेतली लावुनी
सरकार डोंगेत (नाव) बसना पाणी गंगाच पाहुनी
bēṭāca bhāṇḍaṇa kulapā ghētalī lāvunī
sarakāra ḍōṅgēta (nāva) basanā pāṇī gaṅgāca pāhunī
There is a dispute regarding the land on the island, so it is kept locked
The government official giving judgement was to come by boat refuses as he sees the water in the river
▷ (बेटाच)(भांडण)(कुलपा)(घेतली)(लावुनी)
▷ (सरकार)(डोंगेत) ( (नाव) ) (बसना) water, (गंगाच)(पाहुनी)
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D:X-2.3a (D10-02-03a) - Mother worries for son / Dangers of exposure to sun / Hard sun of summer

[36] id = 72026
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
उन्हाळ्या दिसात उन लागतं गालाला
बाळाला तरी माझ्या छत्री वडती लालाला
unhāḷyā disāta una lāgataṁ gālālā
bāḷālā tarī mājhyā chatrī vaḍatī lālālā
In summer, the heat of the sun is beating down the cheeks
My dear son looks nice carrying an umbrella
▷ (उन्हाळ्या)(दिसात)(उन)(लागतं)(गालाला)
▷ (बाळाला)(तरी) my (छत्री)(वडती)(लालाला)
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D:X-2.5bii (D10-02-05b02) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Mother anxiously waits for son

Cross-references:D:X-2.5c (D10-02-05c) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Mother anxiously waiting for him
D:X-2.5bxvii (D10-02-05b17) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Milk, curds, etc. go waste
[71] id = 78945
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गावाला गेला माझ्या नथीचा आकडा
अजुन येईना भांग टोपीचा वाकडा
gāvālā gēlā mājhyā nathīcā ākaḍā
ajuna yēīnā bhāṅga ṭōpīcā vākaḍā
My nose-ring (my son) has gone to another village
The one whose parting of the hair is slanting and who also wears his cap slanting, is still not coming
▷ (गावाला) has_gone my (नथीचा)(आकडा)
▷ (अजुन)(येईना)(भांग)(टोपीचा)(वाकडा)
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D:X-2.5bvi (D10-02-05b06) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / “Plant tree of your height”

[12] id = 102237
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मनीचा मोहन मया लावु गेला गावा
याच्या सुरतीच झाड अंगणी लावा
manīcā mōhana mayā lāvu gēlā gāvā
yācyā suratīca jhāḍa aṅgaṇī lāvā
My dearest son has gone to another village, showering so much affection on me
Plant a tree which will be like his presence in the courtyard
▷ (मनीचा)(मोहन)(मया) apply has_gone (गावा)
▷  Of_his_place (सुरतीच)(झाड)(अंगणी) put
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D:X-2.5bx (D10-02-05b10) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Given handkerchief to wave

[14] id = 99386
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गावाला गेला कुण्या सांगुन गेला मालनीला
जरीचा रुमाल खुण केली वलनीला
gāvālā gēlā kuṇyā sāṅguna gēlā mālanīlā
jarīcā rumāla khuṇa kēlī valanīlā
He has gone to some village, he told my friend before going
He kept his brocade scarf as a mark on the line
▷ (गावाला) has_gone (कुण्या)(सांगुन) has_gone (मालनीला)
▷ (जरीचा)(रुमाल)(खुण) shouted (वलनीला)
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D:X-2.5f (D10-02-05f) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / “Passer by, give me news of my son”

Cross-references:D:X-2.5bxv (D10-02-05b15) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / Out of station / Waiting anxiously
[22] id = 100248
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
वाटच्या वाटसरा वाटन जारे उगा
लावनीचा आंबा नाही तुझ्या हाता जोगा
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā vāṭana jārē ugā
lāvanīcā āmbā nāhī tujhyā hātā jōgā
Passer-by, go on the road quietly
Grafted mango tree, you won’t be able to reach it with your hand
▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा)(वाटन)(जारे)(उगा)
▷ (लावनीचा)(आंबा) not your hand (जोगा)
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Notes =>When she says the passer-by will not be able to reach the grafted mango, the singer wants to tell the passer-by in clear terms that she is not a tree on the road whom anybody can tamper with. She is from a respectable family. She will not come in his net. So, he better go his way quietly

D:X-2.11ciii (D10-02-11c03) - Mother worries for son / Son struck by bad eye / Things required to repel bad eye / Neem leaves

[5] id = 65168
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दृष्ट झाली बाई माझी तालीम ताल्याला
घेते वाटची माती जाते लिंबाच्या पाल्याला
dṛaṣṭa jhālī bāī mājhī tālīma tālyālā
ghētē vāṭacī mātī jātē limbācyā pālyālā
My wrestler son has come under the influence of an evil eye
I pick up the soil on the way and go to fetch a branch of Neem tree
▷ (दृष्ट) has_come woman my (तालीम)(ताल्याला)
▷ (घेते)(वाटची)(माती) am_going (लिंबाच्या)(पाल्याला)
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D:X-3.2cv (D10-03-02c05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son keeps cows / Cow-keeping suits him

[39] id = 100874
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गवळयाच्या वाड्या सोडी गवळ्याच्या म्हसी
कशायाच्या म्हसी राही तुझ्या पलंगापासी
gavaḷayācyā vāḍyā sōḍī gavaḷyācyā mhasī
kaśāyācyā mhasī rāhī tujhyā palaṅgāpāsī
Cowherd’s buffaloes, he leaves them in the cowshed
What can you do with your buffaloes, your wife Rahi is near your bed
▷ (गवळयाच्या)(वाड्या)(सोडी)(गवळ्याच्या)(म्हसी)
▷ (कशायाच्या)(म्हसी) stays your (पलंगापासी)
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[40] id = 100875
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गवळ्याच्या वाड्या सोडी गवळ्याचे वासर
कशाच वासर याला निमित दुसर
gavaḷyācyā vāḍyā sōḍī gavaḷyācē vāsara
kaśāca vāsara yālā nimita dusara
Cowherd leaves the calf in the cowshed
What does he have to do with the calf, he needs another pretext
▷ (गवळ्याच्या)(वाड्या)(सोडी)(गवळ्याचे)(वासर)
▷ (कशाच)(वासर)(याला)(निमित)(दुसर)
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D:X-4.2di (D10-04-02d01) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Serving her / Helping her during illness

[77] id = 102432
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला सुन गंगेमधी उभी
अजुन येईना लेक संसाराची लोभी
jīva mājhā gēlā suna gaṅgēmadhī ubhī
ajuna yēīnā lēka sansārācī lōbhī
Life has left me, daughter-in-law stands in the river
My daughter, so engrossed in her family affairs, is still not coming
▷  Life my has_gone (सुन)(गंगेमधी) standing
▷ (अजुन)(येईना)(लेक)(संसाराची)(लोभी)
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[78] id = 102433
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जीव माझा गेला माझ्या मरणाचा रंग
सावळी माझी मैना टाकी धरणीला अंग
jīva mājhā gēlā mājhyā maraṇācā raṅga
sāvaḷī mājhī mainā ṭākī dharaṇīlā aṅga
Life has left me, the atmosphere around suddenly changed
My wheat-complexioned daughter Maina* throws herself on the floor
▷  Life my has_gone my (मरणाचा)(रंग)
▷  Wheat-complexioned my Mina (टाकी)(धरणीला)(अंग)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

D:XI-1.1c (D11-01-01c) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / “May rains come!” Rain falls

[207] id = 101488
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पडतो पाउस फळी मधास मध्यस
खांद्यावर फास कुणबी भिजले राजस
paḍatō pāusa phaḷī madhāsa madhyasa
khāndyāvara phāsa kuṇabī bhijalē rājasa
It is raining non-stop
Rope on the shoulder, farmer is rejoicing getting wet in the rain
▷  Falls rain (फळी)(मधास)(मध्यस)
▷ (खांद्यावर)(फास)(कुणबी)(भिजले)(राजस)
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D:XI-1.1g (D11-01-01g) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Cultivator’s son becomes a gardener

[92] id = 107102
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
माळ्याच्या मळ्या उभ माळ्याच लेकरु
पिकला अजेंरु झड घालीतो पाखरु
māḷyācyā maḷyā ubha māḷyāca lēkaru
pikalā ajēṇru jhaḍa ghālītō pākharu
In the gardener’s plantation, gardener’s son is standing
Figs are ripe, birds swoop down on the tree to eat the fruit
▷ (माळ्याच्या)(मळ्या) standing (माळ्याच)(लेकरु)
▷ (पिकला)(अजेंरु)(झड)(घालीतो)(पाखरु)
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D:XI-2.1e (D11-02-01e) - Son’s prosperous farm / Land in plenty / “In which field should I go and find you?”

[32] id = 107104
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेताशेजारी शेत ओळखु येईना तुझ बोल
नेनंता बाळ माझा गोण्या उचल्या चल
śētāśējārī śēta ōḷakhu yēīnā tujha bōla
nēnantā bāḷa mājhā gōṇyā ucalyā cala
One field after the other, I cannot recognise your voice
My young son carrying sacks, let’s go
▷ (शेताशेजारी)(शेत)(ओळखु)(येईना) your says
▷  Younger son my (गोण्या)(उचल्या) let_us_go
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D:XI-2.4 (D11-02-04) - Son’s prosperous farm / Son enjoys god’s support

[48] id = 102765
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
माझ्या शेताच्या कडला धामीणबाई तुझ ठाण
जीव लाव बाई चार बैल माझ तान्ह
mājhyā śētācyā kaḍalā dhāmīṇabāī tujha ṭhāṇa
jīva lāva bāī cāra baila mājha tānha
Dhamin (a snake, referred to as a woman by the singer), you stay on the side of the field
Woman, you take good care of the four bullocks and my son
▷  My (शेताच्या)(कडला)(धामीणबाई) your (ठाण)
▷  Life put woman (चार)(बैल) my (तान्ह)
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[49] id = 102766
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
माझ्या शेताच्या कडला धामीणबाई तुझ घर
जीव लाव बाई चारी बैल माझा दिर
mājhyā śētācyā kaḍalā dhāmīṇabāī tujha ghara
jīva lāva bāī cārī baila mājhā dira
Dhamin (a snake, referred to as a woman by the singer), your hole is on the side of my field
Woman, you take good care of the four bullocks and my brother-in-law
▷  My (शेताच्या)(कडला)(धामीणबाई) your house
▷  Life put woman (चारी)(बैल) my (दिर)
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[50] id = 102767
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
माझ्या शेताच्या कडला धामीणबाईचा वाडा
जीव लाव बाई चारी बैल माझा चुडा
mājhyā śētācyā kaḍalā dhāmīṇabāīcā vāḍā
jīva lāva bāī cārī baila mājhā cuḍā
Dhamin (a snake, referred to as a woman by the singer), your hole is on the side of my field
Woman, you take good care of the four bullocks and my husband
▷  My (शेताच्या)(कडला)(धामीणबाईचा)(वाडा)
▷  Life put woman (चारी)(बैल) my (चुडा)
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[55] id = 107097
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
कोणाला कोणी मजला भगवान
शेवटाला न्यावा देवा माझा आभिमान
kōṇālā kōṇī majalā bhagavāna
śēvaṭālā nyāvā dēvā mājhā ābhimāna
Each one has someone, for me there is God
God, let my pride and self-respect last all my life
▷ (कोणाला)(कोणी)(मजला)(भगवान)
▷ (शेवटाला)(न्यावा)(देवा) my (आभिमान)
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[58] id = 107103
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
वार नाही वावदान कन्हेरा कशान हालतो
माझ्या मळ्यामधी देव गोसावी खेळतो
vāra nāhī vāvadāna kanhērā kaśāna hālatō
mājhyā maḷyāmadhī dēva gōsāvī khēḷatō
There is no strong wind, with what is the Kanhera tree shaking
God Gosavi* is playing in my plantation
▷ (वार) not (वावदान)(कन्हेरा)(कशान) moves
▷  My (मळ्यामधी)(देव)(गोसावी)(खेळतो)
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GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.
[59] id = 107105
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेतीच्या माऊलाया झुडपाखाली झोपी गेला
माझ्या नेनंत्या हरीनी शेला टाकुन जागा केला
śētīcyā māūlāyā jhuḍapākhālī jhōpī gēlā
mājhyā nēnantyā harīnī śēlā ṭākuna jāgā kēlā
Deities in the field went to sleep under a bush
My young son Hari* threw a stole and woke them up
▷ (शेतीच्या)(माऊलाया)(झुडपाखाली)(झोपी) has_gone
▷  My (नेनंत्या)(हरीनी)(शेला)(टाकुन)(जागा) did
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HariName of God Vishnu

D:XII-3.4 (D12-03-04) - Son, a man in society / Male precedence / Son performs ritual to ancestors

[40] id = 108444
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
माझ्या या पिंडाला शिव कावळा चंडाळा
यमुनेच्या तेरी (काठ) गजरा (गोंधळ) बाईन मांडीला
mājhyā yā piṇḍālā śiva kāvaḷā caṇḍāḷā
yamunēcyā tērī (kāṭha) gajarā (gōndhaḷa) bāīna māṇḍīlā
You, evil crow, come and touch my Pind*
On the banks of Yamuna river, my daughter is wailing loudly
▷  My (या)(पिंडाला)(शिव)(कावळा)(चंडाळा)
▷ (यमुनेच्या)(तेरी) ( (काठ) ) (गजरा) ( (गोंधळ) ) (बाईन)(मांडीला)
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PindA ritual observed on the tenth day of mourning, when a rice cake is kept in the open and if a crow touches it, it is believed that the soul is liberated and no wish of the dead person is remaining behind. If a crow doesn’t touch the rice cake, close relatives come forward and one by one say they will fulfill his/her wish which they think has remained unfulfilled or about which the soul is worried.

D:XII-4.1a (D12-04-01a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Rituals performed by bridegroom / Applying turmeric on the whole body

[99] id = 106465
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
आयानों बयानों तूम्हा हात पालवीते
बाळाच्या माझ्या हळदीला बोलाविते
āyānōṁ bayānōṁ tūmhā hāta pālavītē
bāḷācyā mājhyā haḷadīlā bōlāvitē
Women from the neighbourhood, I wave my hand to call you
I call you for my sons, the bridegroom’s haldi* ceremony
▷ (आयानों)(बयानों)(तूम्हा) hand (पालवीते)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my (हळदीला)(बोलाविते)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[100] id = 106466
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
आयानों बयानों तूम्हा येते काकुळती
बाळाच्या माझ्या हळदीची वेळ जाती
āyānōṁ bayānōṁ tūmhā yētē kākuḷatī
bāḷācyā mājhyā haḷadīcī vēḷa jātī
Women from the neighbourhood, I beg of you to come
The auspicious time for my son’s, the bridegroom’s, haldi* ceremony is getting over
▷ (आयानों)(बयानों)(तूम्हा)(येते)(काकुळती)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my (हळदीची)(वेळ) caste
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[101] id = 108344
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
हळदीच्या दिवशी हळदी कुंकवाचा नाश
आनंदाची घडी नाही येत बारुमास
haḷadīcyā divaśī haḷadī kuṅkavācā nāśa
ānandācī ghaḍī nāhī yēta bārumāsa
On the day of haldi* ceremony, big quantity of haldi* and kunku* are wasted
A happy occasion does not come all the year round
▷ (हळदीच्या)(दिवशी) turmeric (कुंकवाचा)(नाश)
▷ (आनंदाची)(घडी) not (येत)(बारुमास)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

D:XII-4.4 (D12-04-04) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Inviting various gods for the marriage

[58] id = 78990
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लिहिली पत्रिका दिली ब्राम्हणाच्या हाती
द्वारकेच्या तुम्ही यावा रातोराती
lihilī patrikā dilī brāmhaṇācyā hātī
dvārakēcyā tumhī yāvā rātōrātī
I wrote the marriage invitation and sent it with Brahman
God Hari* of Dwaraka, please come immediately at night
▷ (लिहिली)(पत्रिका)(दिली)(ब्राम्हणाच्या)(हाती)
▷ (द्वारकेच्या)(तुम्ही)(यावा)(रातोराती)
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HariName of God Vishnu

D:XII-4.10ai (D12-04-10a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s distinction:reknown lineage / He is son of an eminent person

[43] id = 53649
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मोठ्याचा नवरदेव मारवतीला पाव्हणा
धजा धरायाला याचा वडील मेव्हणा
mōṭhyācā navaradēva māravatīlā pāvhaṇā
dhajā dharāyālā yācā vaḍīla mēvhaṇā
Bridegroom from a rich family is God Maruti*’s guest
His elder brother-in-law is there to hold the flag on his head
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरदेव)(मारवतीला)(पाव्हणा)
▷ (धजा)(धरायाला)(याचा)(वडील) brother-in-law
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
Notes =>Maruti’s guest - The wedding generally takes place in the bride’s village. The bridegroom is taken to Maruti temple in that village for Maruti’s darshan*. Maruti is supposed to be the protector god of the village. For God Maruti, bridegroom who has come from another village is a guest and so It is now Maruti’s responsibility.
[96] id = 88539
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मोठ्याचा नवरदेव परण्या निघतो द्वापारा
याच्या करवल्या चतुर लिंबा टाकिते उतारा
mōṭhyācā navaradēva paraṇyā nighatō dvāpārā
yācyā karavalyā catura limbā ṭākitē utārā
Bridegroom from an eminent family left for his marriage at noon
His Karavalis* are clever, they wave a lemon around him to ward off the influence of the evil eye
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरदेव)(परण्या)(निघतो)(द्वापारा)
▷  Of_his_place (करवल्या)(चतुर)(लिंबा)(टाकिते)(उतारा)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[118] id = 99246
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मोठ्याचा नवरदेव परण्या मारवतीच्या देवळी
याच्या कलवर्या नटण्या याला बांधते मंडवळी
mōṭhyācā navaradēva paraṇyā māravatīcyā dēvaḷī
yācyā kalavaryā naṭaṇyā yālā bāndhatē maṇḍavaḷī
Bridegroom from a rich family is going to Maruti* temple before proceeding for his marriage
His Kalavari*’s are tying Mundavalya to his forehead
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरदेव)(परण्या)(मारवतीच्या)(देवळी)
▷  Of_his_place (कलवर्या)(नटण्या)(याला)(बांधते)(मंडवळी)
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MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu
KalavariBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[139] id = 107179
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
नवरा नवरी दोही लहानले बाळ
यांच्या शेंवतीला आणा कवळे नारळ
navarā navarī dōhī lahānalē bāḷa
yāñcyā śēmvatīlā āṇā kavaḷē nāraḷa
Bride and bridegroom both are small children
Bring tender coconuts for their Shevanti ritual
▷ (नवरा)(नवरी)(दोही)(लहानले) son
▷ (यांच्या)(शेंवतीला)(आणा)(कवळे)(नारळ)
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Notes =>Shevanti - When the bridegroom’s marriage party comes to the bride’s place, it is a practice to do the Simantapujan* which is the same as Shevanti, in the Maruti temple. On this occasion, the bridegroom is dressed in new clothes. He is given betel leaves and areca nut in hand and he is brought to the marriage pandal accompanied by the band.

E:XIII-1.3i (E13-01-03i) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter, the dear one

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.2 (E13-01-02) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Daughter’s eating
[148] id = 73808
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लाडक्या लेकीच नाव ठेवीते द्रौपदी
शिंदेशाही तोडे जोते माझे हादरते
lāḍakyā lēkīca nāva ṭhēvītē draupadī
śindēśāhī tōḍē jōtē mājhē hādaratē
no translation in English
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीच)(नाव)(ठेवीते)(द्रौपदी)
▷ (शिंदेशाही)(तोडे)(जोते)(माझे)(हादरते)
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[153] id = 73813
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लाडक्या लेकीच नाव ठेवीते मी सुंदर
सोन्याच इंदुर (गजर) त्याला चांदीच घुंगर
lāḍakyā lēkīca nāva ṭhēvītē mī sundara
sōnyāca indura (gajara) tyālā cāndīca ghuṅgara
no translation in English
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीच)(नाव)(ठेवीते) I (सुंदर)
▷  Of_gold (इंदुर) ( (गजर) ) (त्याला)(चांदीच)(घुंगर)
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[227] id = 102822
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लाडक्या लेकी खाऊ मागती खायाला
शिंगारीले वारु बेलापुरला जायाला
lāḍakyā lēkī khāū māgatī khāyālā
śiṅgārīlē vāru bēlāpuralā jāyālā
no translation in English
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकी)(खाऊ)(मागती)(खायाला)
▷ (शिंगारीले)(वारु)(बेलापुरला)(जायाला)
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[240] id = 105203
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लाडक्या लेकीच नाव ठेवीते मी कल्याबाई
चांद सुर्य येही सुख निघाले जावई
lāḍakyā lēkīca nāva ṭhēvītē mī kalyābāī
cānda surya yēhī sukha nighālē jāvaī
no translation in English
▷ (लाडक्या)(लेकीच)(नाव)(ठेवीते) I (कल्याबाई)
▷ (चांद)(सुर्य)(येही)(सुख)(निघाले)(जावई)
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E:XIII-1.3k (E13-01-03k) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter to be married in the same village

[33] id = 108392
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सारवल घर बाया गेल श्यान (शेण)
लेकीया सारख नाही जावायाच मन
sāravala ghara bāyā gēla śyāna (śēṇa)
lēkīyā sārakha nāhī jāvāyāca mana
no translation in English
▷ (सारवल) house (बाया) gone (श्यान) ( (शेण) )
▷ (लेकीया)(सारख) not (जावायाच)(मन)
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E:XIII-1.4m (E13-01-04m) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter’s righteousness

[29] id = 102885
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लग्नाची लग्नतिथ नको बदलु बामणा
मैना माझी बया नवरी आहे चांगुलपणाला
lagnācī lagnatitha nakō badalu bāmaṇā
mainā mājhī bayā navarī āhē cāṅgulapaṇālā
The auspicious day for the wedding, don’t change it, Brahman
My Maina*, the bride, is a righteous girl
▷ (लग्नाची)(लग्नतिथ) not (बदलु) Brahmin
▷  Mina my (बया)(नवरी)(आहे)(चांगुलपणाला)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIII-2.1ai (E13-02-01a01) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / Mother weaps, sad, worried

[132] id = 86198
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लेक जाती सासर्याला आईला येत रडु
काळजाचा घडु गेला डोंगराच्या अडू
lēka jātī sāsaryālā āīlā yēta raḍu
kāḷajācā ghaḍu gēlā ḍōṅgarācyā aḍū
no translation in English
▷ (लेक) caste (सासर्याला)(आईला)(येत)(रडु)
▷ (काळजाचा)(घडु) has_gone (डोंगराच्या)(अडू)
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[133] id = 86199
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लेक जाती सासर्याला आई उभी गाव कुशी
आईची वेडी माया पदराने डोळे पूसी
lēka jātī sāsaryālā āī ubhī gāva kuśī
āīcī vēḍī māyā padarānē ḍōḷē pūsī
no translation in English
▷ (लेक) caste (सासर्याला)(आई) standing (गाव)(कुशी)
▷ (आईची)(वेडी)(माया)(पदराने)(डोळे)(पूसी)
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E:XIII-2.1aiii (E13-02-01a03) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / Daughter went out of flock

[40] id = 102158
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लेक जाती सासर्याला आई बघते परसातुन
मैना माझी हरण चालली कळपातुन
lēka jātī sāsaryālā āī baghatē parasātuna
mainā mājhī haraṇa cālalī kaḷapātuna
no translation in English
▷ (लेक) caste (सासर्याला)(आई)(बघते)(परसातुन)
▷  Mina my (हरण)(चालली)(कळपातुन)
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E:XIII-2.1ax (E13-02-01a10) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / Daughter and father

[34] id = 86200
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लेक जाती सासर्याला बापाला येत हसु
मैनाची माझ्या सखी मावळण सासु
lēka jātī sāsaryālā bāpālā yēta hasu
mainācī mājhyā sakhī māvaḷaṇa sāsu
no translation in English
▷ (लेक) caste (सासर्याला)(बापाला)(येत)(हसु)
▷ (मैनाची) my (सखी)(मावळण)(सासु)
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E:XIII-2.1axi (E13-02-01a11) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Daughter leaves home and goes to in-laws’ house / Relatives, neghbour, relatives grieved

[13] id = 67037
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
साळु चालली नांदायला आया बायाची लांबन
दुरल्या देशाची चांदण
sāḷu cālalī nāndāyalā āyā bāyācī lāmbana
duralyā dēśācī cāndaṇa
Daughter Salu* is leaving for her in-laws’house, many women from the neighborhood have gathered
She is now going far away
▷ (साळु)(चालली)(नांदायला)(आया)(बायाची)(लांबन)
▷ (दुरल्या)(देशाची)(चांदण)
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SaluProper name of a girl

E:XIV-1.2c (E14-01-02c) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts

Cross-references:E:XIV-1.1d (E14-01-01d) - Relatives attached to daughter / Father / Daughter demanding ornaments, cow, cart, orchard
D:XII-4.6a (D12-04-06a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī
[88] id = 107052
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
लग्नाच्या दिशी नको येऊ तू पावसा
कन्यादान ओती माझ्या मैनाचा मावसा
lagnācyā diśī nakō yēū tū pāvasā
kanyādāna ōtī mājhyā mainācā māvasā
no translation in English
▷ (लग्नाच्या)(दिशी) not (येऊ) you (पावसा)
▷ (कन्यादान)(ओती) my of_Mina (मावसा)
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E:XIV-1.3k (E14-01-03k) - Relatives attached to daughter / Mother, daughter and daughter’s husband / Son-in-law gets angry

[11] id = 39979
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
रुसला जावई घोडं बांधिलं उन्हात
मैनाच्या माझ्या नव्हतं जायचं मनात
rusalā jāvaī ghōḍaṁ bāndhilaṁ unhāta
mainācyā mājhyā navhataṁ jāyacaṁ manāta
Son-in-law is sulking, the horse is tied in the sun
My Maina* did not want to go with him
▷ (रुसला)(जावई)(घोडं)(बांधिलं)(उन्हात)
▷  Of_Mina my (नव्हतं)(जायचं)(मनात)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIV-2.1b (E14-02-01b) - Daughter’s marriage / Marriage is arranged / Maternal uncle takes lead

[80] id = 70593
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
मैनाला मागण गंगापलीकडले जोशी
बापानी दिली लेक मामा देईना भाशी
mainālā māgaṇa gaṅgāpalīkaḍalē jōśī
bāpānī dilī lēka māmā dēīnā bhāśī
Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, my daughter, from Joshi family beyond the river
Her father agrees, her maternal uncle is not ready to give his niece
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(गंगापलीकडले)(जोशी)
▷ (बापानी)(दिली)(लेक) maternal_uncle (देईना)(भाशी)
pas de traduction en français
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[81] id = 70594
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
मैनाला मागण वस्ता भरुन परत
सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा बसले घरात
mainālā māgaṇa vastā bharuna parata
sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā basalē gharāta
Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, with big round plateful of gifts
Her maternal uncle sits inside the house, insists on a gold necklace
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(वस्ता)(भरुन)(परत)
▷  Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (बसले)(घरात)
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MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter
[84] id = 70597
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
मैनाला मागण वस्ता भरुन बंगळ
सोन्याच्या सरीसाठी मामा करीना आंघोळ
mainālā māgaṇa vastā bharuna baṅgaḷa
sōnyācyā sarīsāṭhī māmā karīnā āṅghōḷa
Demand for marriage has come for Maina*, vessels full of gifts
Her maternal uncle is insisting on a gold necklace, he is not going for his bath
▷  For_Mina (मागण)(वस्ता)(भरुन)(बंगळ)
▷  Of_gold (सरीसाठी) maternal_uncle (करीना)(आंघोळ)
pas de traduction en français
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

E:XIV-2.2a (E14-02-02a) - Daughter’s marriage / Rituals / Applying turmeric paste on the whole body

[33] id = 80098
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जाते इसवरा तुला सुपारी बांधली
मैनाला माझ्या नवरीला हाळद लागली
jātē isavarā tulā supārī bāndhalī
mainālā mājhyā navarīlā hāḷada lāgalī
God grindmill, I have tied you an areca nut
My daughter, Mina, Haldi (turmeric paste) has been applied on your body
▷  Am_going (इसवरा) to_you (सुपारी)(बांधली)
▷  For_Mina my (नवरीला)(हाळद)(लागली)
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E:XIV-2.3d (E14-02-03d) - Daughter’s marriage / Articles and requirements / Shed on poles

[48] id = 106198
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
वाजतो बेंडबाजा तुम्ही वाजता राहु द्या
मैनाला माझ्या नाव नवर्याच घेऊ द्या
vājatō bēṇḍabājā tumhī vājatā rāhu dyā
mainālā mājhyā nāva navaryāca ghēū dyā
The band is playing, stop it for a while
Let Mina, my daughter, take her husband’s name
▷ (वाजतो)(बेंडबाजा)(तुम्ही)(वाजता)(राहु)(द्या)
▷  For_Mina my (नाव)(नवर्याच)(घेऊ)(द्या)
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E:XIV-2.5a (E14-02-05a) - Daughter’s marriage / Bride’s father / He spends a lot

[76] id = 103308
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लगनाची लगनतिथ बामण शोधीतो कवाची
मैना माझी बाई नवरी अवघड नावाची
laganācī laganatitha bāmaṇa śōdhītō kavācī
mainā mājhī bāī navarī avaghaḍa nāvācī
Brahman is searching for an auspicious day for marriage
My daughter, the bride, she has an unfamiliar name
▷ (लगनाची)(लगनतिथ) Brahmin (शोधीतो)(कवाची)
▷  Mina my daughter (नवरी)(अवघड)(नावाची)
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[90] id = 106202
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
नवरीच्या बापाच तोंड केविल वाण झाल
भाऊलाग माझ्या पहिल कार्य जड गेल
navarīcyā bāpāca tōṇḍa kēvila vāṇa jhāla
bhāūlāga mājhyā pahila kārya jaḍa gēla
Bride’s father was looking pitiable
My brother, he found it difficult to spend for the first event of marriage in his family
▷  Of_bride of_father (तोंड)(केविल)(वाण)(झाल)
▷  Brother my (पहिल)(कार्य)(जड) gone
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E:XIV-2.5d (E14-02-05d) - Daughter’s marriage / Bride’s father / Bath

[13] id = 106200
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
माझ्या भाऊच्या दारी चिखुल कसायाचा झाला
मैना माझ्या नवरीचा बाप न्हाला
mājhyā bhāūcyā dārī cikhula kasāyācā jhālā
mainā mājhyā navarīcā bāpa nhālā
Why has it become so muddy at the entrance of my brother’s door
Mina’s, my bride’s father had a bath
▷  My (भाऊच्या)(दारी)(चिखुल)(कसायाचा)(झाला)
▷  Mina my of_bride father (न्हाला)
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E:XIV-2.5e (E14-02-05e) - Daughter’s marriage / Bride’s father / Performance of rituals

[14] id = 108250
टेमक सुभद्रा - Temak Subhadra
लग्नाच्या दिशी नवरी बहुल येंगाना
बाळाच्या माझ्या कानपिळ्याचा धिंगाना
lagnācyā diśī navarī bahula yēṅgānā
bāḷācyā mājhyā kānapiḷyācā dhiṅgānā
On the day of the marriage, the bride, is refusing to climb the marriage altar
My son, the Kanpilaya, is having fun
▷ (लग्नाच्या)(दिशी)(नवरी)(बहुल)(येंगाना)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my (कानपिळ्याचा)(धिंगाना)
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E:XIV-2.6 (E14-02-06) - Daughter’s marriage / Bride’s mother and grand-mother

[10] id = 106201
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मांडवाच्या दारी चिखुल नही चिखलाई
मैनाच्या माझ्या न्हाली नवरीची आई
māṇḍavācyā dārī cikhula nahī cikhalāī
mainācyā mājhyā nhālī navarīcī āī
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, there is a river of mud
My Mina’s, my daughter’s, the bride’s mother had a bath
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(चिखुल) not (चिखलाई)
▷  Of_Mina my (न्हाली)(नवरीची)(आई)
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E:XIV-3.3 (E14-03-03) - Mother: daughter and son in law / Son-in-law speeks agressively

[8] id = 36540
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
जावयाची जात जसी हुलग्याची पेरणी
आला बाणीवरी याची उगीर बोलणी
jāvayācī jāta jasī hulagyācī pēraṇī
ālā bāṇīvarī yācī ugīra bōlaṇī
He happens to be a son-in-law, he is like the sowing of Hulga
True to his natue, he speaks in strong aggressive words
▷ (जावयाची) class (जसी)(हुलग्याची)(पेरणी)
▷  Here_comes (बाणीवरी)(याची)(उगीर)(बोलणी)
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[46] id = 79669
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जावायाची जात जशी कुलथ्याची पेरणी
पोटीची देवुन याची उगीर बोलनी
jāvāyācī jāta jaśī kulathyācī pēraṇī
pōṭīcī dēvuna yācī ugīra bōlanī
He happens to be a son-in-law, he is like the sowing of Kulith
I have given him my own daughter, still he speaks in strong aggressive words
▷ (जावायाची) class (जशी)(कुलथ्याची)(पेरणी)
▷ (पोटीची)(देवुन)(याची)(उगीर)(बोलनी)
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F:XV-1.1e (F15-01-01e) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With wheat preparation

[51] id = 103714
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊ आला पाव्हणा पुर्या तळीते झारीने
सांगते भाऊ तुला लाडु दुसर्या भारीन
bhāū ālā pāvhaṇā puryā taḷītē jhārīnē
sāṅgatē bhāū tulā lāḍu dusaryā bhārīna
My brother has come as a guest, I remove puffed bread with a spoon
I tell you, brother, I shall make bundi (a special sweet) next time
▷  Brother here_comes (पाव्हणा)(पुर्या)(तळीते)(झारीने)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (लाडु)(दुसर्या)(भारीन)
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F:XV-1.1j (F15-01-01j) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With wheaten flour, rava, soji, vermicelli

[61] id = 103609
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेजारणी बाई उसणी घाल सोजी
माशावर जेवणार शिर्यावर केला राजी
śējāraṇī bāī usaṇī ghāla sōjī
māśāvara jēvaṇāra śiryāvara kēlā rājī
Neighbour woman, lend me some semolina
He, who is fond of fish, I made him agree to sweet semolina
▷ (शेजारणी) woman (उसणी)(घाल)(सोजी)
▷ (माशावर)(जेवणार)(शिर्यावर) did (राजी)
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[65] id = 103699
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊ पाव्हणा जेवन करते शिरापुरी
दारु या गांज्याची चाल नाही माझ्या घरी
bhāū pāvhaṇā jēvana karatē śirāpurī
dāru yā gāñjyācī cāla nāhī mājhyā gharī
My brother is the guest in my house, I make puffed bread and sweet semolina
As a rule, no liquor or opium in my house
▷  Brother (पाव्हणा)(जेवन)(करते)(शिरापुरी)
▷ (दारु)(या)(गांज्याची) let_us_go not my (घरी)
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[67] id = 103713
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊ पाव्हणा शेजी का म्हणुन कोड
तांदळाची केली खिर तुपाची धार सोडा
bhāū pāvhaṇā śējī kā mhaṇuna kōḍa
tāndaḷācī kēlī khira tupācī dhāra sōḍā
Neighbour woman, brother is the guest, what is the problem
I made rice pudding and poured a little ghee* on it
▷  Brother (पाव्हणा)(शेजी)(का)(म्हणुन)(कोड)
▷ (तांदळाची) shouted (खिर)(तुपाची)(धार)(सोडा)
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gheeclarified butter

F:XV-1.1l (F15-01-01l) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With milk, sweet, purified butter

Cross-references:F:XVII-2.15 (F17-02-15) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Sweet mutual relation
[58] id = 97399
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेजारीणीबाई उसन दे ग दही
भावा संग भाचा पिवळी डाळ खात नाही
śējārīṇībāī usana dē ga dahī
bhāvā saṅga bhācā pivaḷī ḍāḷa khāta nāhī
Neighbour woman, lend me some curds
Nephew and my brother, they do not eat yellow pulses
▷ (शेजारीणीबाई)(उसन)(दे) * (दही)
▷  Brother with (भाचा)(पिवळी)(डाळ)(खात) not
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F:XV-1.1p (F15-01-01p) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With sweets prepared for Diwali festival

[113] id = 103715
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
तुझ्या जीवासाठी माझ्या जीवाचा गोंधळ
भिजाया घातले अनारसाला तांदुळ
tujhyā jīvāsāṭhī mājhyā jīvācā gōndhaḷa
bhijāyā ghātalē anārasālā tānduḷa
For your sake, I am confused as to what to make
I soaked rice for Anarasa (a special Diwali* sweet)
▷  Your (जीवासाठी) my (जीवाचा)(गोंधळ)
▷ (भिजाया)(घातले)(अनारसाला)(तांदुळ)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“

F:XV-2.5 (F15-02-05) - Sister worries for brother / Brothers quarrel among themselves

[77] id = 85334
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भांडतात भाऊ भाऊ नका जाऊ अंगावरी
आब्यांची आंबराई धाकल्याच्या बांधावरी
bhāṇḍatāta bhāū bhāū nakā jāū aṅgāvarī
ābyāñcī āmbarāī dhākalyācyā bāndhāvarī
Brothers are quarrelling, don’t start a fist fight
Mango grove is on the field bund of the younger one
▷ (भांडतात) brother brother (नका)(जाऊ)(अंगावरी)
▷ (आब्यांची)(आंबराई)(धाकल्याच्या)(बांधावरी)
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[78] id = 86638
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भावा भांवाच भांडण भांडण गेले सरकारात
आंब्याची अंबराई धाकल्याच्या नंबरात
bhāvā bhāmvāca bhāṇḍaṇa bhāṇḍaṇa gēlē sarakārāta
āmbyācī ambarāī dhākalyācyā nambarāta
Brothers are quarrelling, the matter has gone to the court
The mango grove is in the younger one’s share
▷  Brother (भांवाच)(भांडण)(भांडण) has_gone (सरकारात)
▷ (आंब्याची)(अंबराई)(धाकल्याच्या)(नंबरात)
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F:XV-2.11 (F15-02-11) - Sister worries for brother / Brother struck by bad eye

Cross-references:F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest
[121] id = 105836
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आवड लागली मला मोराच्या पखाची
भाऊला झाली दृष्ट कापड गल्लीच्या लोकाची
āvaḍa lāgalī malā mōrācyā pakhācī
bhāūlā jhālī dṛaṣṭa kāpaḍa gallīcyā lōkācī
I am very fond of a peacock feather
Brother came under the influence of an evil eye of people from Kapad lane
▷ (आवड)(लागली)(मला)(मोराच्या)(पखाची)
▷ (भाऊला) has_come (दृष्ट)(कापड)(गल्लीच्या)(लोकाची)
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F:XV-3.2c (F15-03-02c) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Many sisters and brothers

[34] id = 104057
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सहाजन भाऊ मला बारा जण भाचे
गावाच्या गावात वाघ गरजते जसे
sahājana bhāū malā bārā jaṇa bhācē
gāvācyā gāvāta vāgha garajatē jasē
I have six brothers and twelve nephews
They roar in the village like tigers
▷ (सहाजन) brother (मला)(बारा)(जण)(भाचे)
▷ (गावाच्या)(गावात)(वाघ)(गरजते)(जसे)
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[41] id = 104372
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
चौघीजणी बहिणी एकल्या बंधवाला
वेल कारल्याचा गरदी झाली मांडवाला
caughījaṇī bahiṇī ēkalyā bandhavālā
vēla kāralyācā garadī jhālī māṇḍavālā
The only brother has four sisters
The bitter gourd creeper (sisters) is crowding the bamboo frame
▷ (चौघीजणी)(बहिणी)(एकल्या)(बंधवाला)
▷ (वेल)(कारल्याचा)(गरदी) has_come (मांडवाला)
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F:XV-3.2e (F15-03-02e) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Both brother and sister looks alike

[10] id = 40007
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
बहिण भावंड दोन्ही गेले सांगायला
राघु माझ्या घरी मैना गेली नांदायला
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa dōnhī gēlē sāṅgāyalā
rāghu mājhyā gharī mainā gēlī nāndāyalā
Brother and sister both look alike
Raghu*, my son, is in my house, Mynah, my daughter is married
▷  Sister brother both has_gone (सांगायला)
▷ (राघु) my (घरी) Mina went (नांदायला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[11] id = 40008
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
बहिण भावंड दोन्ही चालले देवाला
पाठीवर वेणी बहिण सोबती भावाला
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa dōnhī cālalē dēvālā
pāṭhīvara vēṇī bahiṇa sōbatī bhāvālā
Brother and sister, both are going to the temple
A plait on her back, sister gives company to her brother
▷  Sister brother both (चालले)(देवाला)
▷ (पाठीवर)(वेणी) sister (सोबती)(भावाला)
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F:XV-3.2k (F15-03-02k) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother likes sister’s singing

[66] id = 104318
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गाण मी म्हणते गाण्या गाण्याची पैन (पैज)
सांगते बाई तुला भजना वाल्याची बहिण
gāṇa mī mhaṇatē gāṇyā gāṇyācī paina (paija)
sāṅgatē bāī tulā bhajanā vālyācī bahiṇa
I sing a song, there is a singing competition
I tell you, woman, I am the sister of a bhajan* singer
▷ (गाण) I (म्हणते)(गाण्या)(गाण्याची)(पैन) ( (पैज) )
▷  I_tell woman to_you (भजना)(वाल्याची) sister
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bhajan ➡ bhajansReligious songs or hymns to be sung in praise of God

F:XV-3.2m (F15-03-02m) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother of sister-in-law

[45] id = 104724
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
जाव तुझा भाव मला पुसतो आडनावु
चल माझ्या वाड्या तुझी बहिण माझी जावु
jāva tujhā bhāva malā pusatō āḍanāvu
cala mājhyā vāḍyā tujhī bahiṇa mājhī jāvu
Sister-in-law, your brother asks me my surname
Now my brother, your sister in my sister-in-law
▷ (जाव) your brother (मला) asks (आडनावु)
▷  Let_us_go my (वाड्या)(तुझी) sister my (जावु)
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F:XV-3.3ai (F15-03-03a01) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Sister’s frustrations / Brother forgets sister / As quickly as rain vanishes

[12] id = 103862
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पाऊस पडतो पडुनी विसरला
भावाला झाल्या लेकी मग बहिणी विसरल्या
pāūsa paḍatō paḍunī visaralā
bhāvālā jhālyā lēkī maga bahiṇī visaralyā
It is raining, it has rained and it has stopped
Now that brother has daughters, he has forgotten his own sisters
▷  Rain falls (पडुनी)(विसरला)
▷ (भावाला)(झाल्या)(लेकी)(मग)(बहिणी)(विसरल्या)
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F:XV-3.3j (F15-03-03j) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Sister’s frustrations / Brother has no love left for sister

[12] id = 104169
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
ज्याला नही माया त्याला मया लावुन नही
डोंगरी पाशान वाट त्याची पाहु नये
jyālā nahī māyā tyālā mayā lāvuna nahī
ḍōṅgarī pāśāna vāṭa tyācī pāhu nayē
It is useless to love him, he who does not have any affection
He is like a mountain rock, it’s no use waiting for him
▷ (ज्याला) not (माया)(त्याला)(मया)(लावुन) not
▷ (डोंगरी)(पाशान)(वाट)(त्याची)(पाहु) don't
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[13] id = 104170
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बंधु म्हणु बंधु त्याला मया लावु नई
डोंगरी पाशान वाट याची पाहु नये
bandhu mhaṇu bandhu tyālā mayā lāvu naī
ḍōṅgarī pāśāna vāṭa yācī pāhu nayē
It is useless to love him, he who does not have any affection
He is like a mountain rock, it’s no use waiting for him
▷  Brother say brother (त्याला)(मया) apply (नई)
▷ (डोंगरी)(पाशान)(वाट)(याची)(पाहु) don't
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F:XV-4.1d (F15-04-01d) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / His presence is noticeable in village assemblies

[26] id = 103734
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शहरा गावात रेडिओ वाजे राहु राहु
ठाव नाही मला सरपंच माझा भाऊ
śaharā gāvāta rēḍiō vājē rāhu rāhu
ṭhāva nāhī malā sarapañca mājhā bhāū
In Shahara village, the radio is on all the time
I don’t know anything, my brother is a Sarpanch*
▷ (शहरा)(गावात)(रेडिओ)(वाजे)(राहु)(राहु)
▷ (ठाव) not (मला)(सरपंच) my brother
pas de traduction en français
SarpanchAn elected head of the village-level statutory institution of local self-government called the panchayat (village government)
[27] id = 103735
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
गावाची पंचायत भल्या भल्यानी केली
भाऊन माझ्या सभा सावलीला नेली
gāvācī pañcāyata bhalyā bhalyānī kēlī
bhāūna mājhyā sabhā sāvalīlā nēlī
Big personalities have participated in deciding the issues in Panchayat* (village council)
My brother led the meeting to an amicable end
▷ (गावाची)(पंचायत)(भल्या)(भल्यानी) shouted
▷ (भाऊन) my (सभा)(सावलीला)(नेली)
pas de traduction en français
Panchayat“Assembly“ (ayat) of five (panch). Traditionally panchayats consist of wise and respected elders chosen and accepted by the local community.

F:XV-4.2aii (F15-04-02a02) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s work and fields / Rain falls

[96] id = 103637
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पाऊस पडतो वल्ले होती दगड
भाऊचे माझ्या शेती चालले मोगड
pāūsa paḍatō vallē hōtī dagaḍa
bhāūcē mājhyā śētī cālalē mōgaḍa
It is raining, let the stones become wet
Sowing has started in my brother’s field
▷  Rain falls (वल्ले)(होती)(दगड)
▷ (भाऊचे) my furrow (चालले)(मोगड)
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F:XV-4.2f (F15-04-02f) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Ploughing

[18] id = 66855
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
शेताच्या कडाला धामीनी तुझ धाव
पेरणी करीते चार नंदी माझे भाव
śētācyā kaḍālā dhāmīnī tujha dhāva
pēraṇī karītē cāra nandī mājhē bhāva
Dhamin (a poisonous female serpent), you lie on the side of the field
My brother with his four bullocks (for the plough) is sowing the field
▷ (शेताच्या)(कडाला)(धामीनी) your (धाव)
▷ (पेरणी) I_prepare (चार)(नंदी)(माझे) brother
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[19] id = 66856
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
शेताच्या कडाला धामीणी तुझा वाडा
पेरणी करीते चारी नंदी माझा चडा
śētācyā kaḍālā dhāmīṇī tujhā vāḍā
pēraṇī karītē cārī nandī mājhā caḍā
Dhamin (a poisonous female serpent), you lie on the side of the field
My husband is sowing there with four bullocks
▷ (शेताच्या)(कडाला)(धामीणी) your (वाडा)
▷ (पेरणी) I_prepare (चारी)(नंदी) my (चडा)
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F:XV-4.2g (F15-04-02g) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s orchard

[14] id = 103794
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आंब्याची आंबराई उसा तुझ हलका नावु
सांगते भाऊ तुला बाग मोसंब्याचा लावु
āmbyācī āmbarāī usā tujha halakā nāvu
sāṅgatē bhāū tulā bāga mōsambyācā lāvu
Mango grove is highly valued, sugarcane is less valued
I tell you, brother, plant oranges in your orchard
▷ (आंब्याची)(आंबराई)(उसा) your (हलका)(नावु)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (बाग)(मोसंब्याचा) apply
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F:XV-4.2h (F15-04-02h) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s large field

[40] id = 104202
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शेता शेजारी शेत ओळखु येईना नंबर
पाठीचा बंधु बोल लावु बांधाला उंबर
śētā śējārī śēta ōḷakhu yēīnā nambara
pāṭhīcā bandhu bōla lāvu bāndhālā umbara
Field next to field, I cannot recognise which one is yours
My younger brother says I will plant ficus trees on the bund
▷ (शेता)(शेजारी)(शेत)(ओळखु)(येईना)(नंबर)
▷ (पाठीचा) brother says apply (बांधाला)(उंबर)
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F:XV-4.2i (F15-04-02i) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother gets good crop

[102] id = 103796
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पिकला पिकला माझ्या दादाचा भरड
खंडीभर झाला गहु मापी लागली करड (करडई)
pikalā pikalā mājhyā dādācā bharaḍa
khaṇḍībhara jhālā gahu māpī lāgalī karaḍa (karaḍaī)
Jowar* millet stocks left in my brother’s field are ripe
Wheat crop has yielded hundreds of kilos, Kardai (oilseeds) crop is so abundant, he cannot even measure it
▷ (पिकला)(पिकला) my (दादाचा)(भरड)
▷ (खंडीभर)(झाला)(गहु)(मापी)(लागली)(करड) ( (करडई) )
pas de traduction en français
jowarA variety of millet
[103] id = 103797
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
इकला पिकला माझ्या दादाचा लसुन
डांगी गेला उस पाणी भरीते बसुन
ikalā pikalā mājhyā dādācā lasuna
ḍāṅgī gēlā usa pāṇī bharītē basuna
My brother’s garlic crop is ripe
Sugarcane has grown tall, (the crop is so much) I can water the field leisurely
▷ (इकला)(पिकला) my (दादाचा)(लसुन)
▷ (डांगी) has_gone (उस) water, (भरीते)(बसुन)
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F:XV-4.2k (F15-04-02k) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Sister extolls brother’s work in the field

[99] id = 103795
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
काय करतो भाऊ तुझ्या उसाच्या चोईला
आंब्याची आंबराई फांद्या लोळती भुईला
kāya karatō bhāū tujhyā usācyā cōīlā
āmbyācī āmbarāī phāndyā lōḷatī bhuīlā
Brother, what will you do with your sugarcane
Branches laden with fruit in the mango grove are touching the ground
▷  Why (करतो) brother your (उसाच्या)(चोईला)
▷ (आंब्याची)(आंबराई)(फांद्या)(लोळती)(भुईला)
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F:XV-4.2o (F15-04-02o) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Many bullocks in brother’s stable

[38] id = 103793
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बारा बैलाची कशी आसामी बैलगाडी
भाऊला माझ्या शेती जाया मोटार
bārā bailācī kaśī āsāmī bailagāḍī
bhāūlā mājhyā śētī jāyā mōṭāra
He is prosperous, he has twelve bullocks and a bullock-cart
My brother also has a car to go to the fields
▷ (बारा)(बैलाची) how (आसामी)(बैलगाडी)
▷ (भाऊला) my furrow (जाया)(मोटार)
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F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1k (F15-01-01k) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With pulses and gram
[146] id = 48732
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊ पाव्हणा शेजी पुसती दाटुनी
भाऊला होईल दृष्ट घेते कवाड लावूनी
bhāū pāvhaṇā śējī pusatī dāṭunī
bhāūlā hōīla dṛaṣṭa ghētē kavāḍa lāvūnī
no translation in English
▷  Brother (पाव्हणा)(शेजी)(पुसती)(दाटुनी)
▷ (भाऊला)(होईल)(दृष्ट)(घेते)(कवाड)(लावूनी)
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[147] id = 48733
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊ आला पाव्हणा काय करु मी येळला (वेळेला)
मळ्याच्या मळ्यात हरण (मुलगी) धाडली केळाला
bhāū ālā pāvhaṇā kāya karu mī yēḷalā (vēḷēlā)
maḷyācyā maḷyāta haraṇa (mulagī) dhāḍalī kēḷālā
no translation in English
▷  Brother here_comes (पाव्हणा) why (करु) I (येळला) ( (वेळेला) )
▷ (मळ्याच्या)(मळ्यात)(हरण) ( (मुलगी) ) (धाडली)(केळाला)
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F:XVI-3.6 (F16-03-06) - Expectations of sister at in-laws’, sāsurvāsin / Brother lends his ear to her difficulties

[13] id = 40094
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
बहिणीचा सासूरवास भाऊ ऐकतो नदीला
जाऊन सांगतो आईला लई जाचनी बाईला
bahiṇīcā sāsūravāsa bhāū aikatō nadīlā
jāūna sāṅgatō āīlā laī jācanī bāīlā
Sister’s sasurvas*, brother hears about it near the river
He goes and tells his mother, sister suffers too much harassment
▷  Of_sister (सासूरवास) brother (ऐकतो)(नदीला)
▷ (जाऊन)(सांगतो)(आईला)(लई)(जाचनी)(बाईला)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[49] id = 97263
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बहिणीचा सासुरवास भाऊ रडतो नईला (नदीला)
जाऊन सांगतो आईला लई जाचणी बाईला
bahiṇīcā sāsuravāsa bhāū raḍatō naīlā (nadīlā)
jāūna sāṅgatō āīlā laī jācaṇī bāīlā
Sister’s sasurvas*, brother weeps near the river
He goes and tells mother, in-laws harass sister too much
▷  Of_sister (सासुरवास) brother (रडतो)(नईला) ( (नदीला) )
▷ (जाऊन)(सांगतो)(आईला)(लई)(जाचणी)(बाईला)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[76] id = 85329
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बहिणाला सासुरवास भाऊ ऐकतो चोरुनी
भाऊ देखिले दुरुन आली नेत्र भरुनी
bahiṇālā sāsuravāsa bhāū aikatō cōrunī
bhāū dēkhilē duruna ālī nētra bharunī
Sister’s sasurvas*, brother hears it, hiding
Brother saw it from a distance, his eyes were filled with tears
▷ (बहिणाला)(सासुरवास) brother (ऐकतो)(चोरुनी)
▷  Brother (देखिले)(दुरुन) has_come (नेत्र)(भरुनी)
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

F:XVI-4.1 (F16-04-01) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Brother goes to fetch her at in-laws’

[4] id = 40011
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
जाशीन मुराळ्या खूण सांगते लिंबाची
आडी चौकट भिंगाची मैना वाकडी भागांची
jāśīna murāḷyā khūṇa sāṅgatē limbācī
āḍī caukaṭa bhiṅgācī mainā vākaḍī bhāgāñcī
You will go as murali*, I tell you the Neem tree is the landmark
The doorframe is decorated with mirrors, the parting of sister’s hair is crooked
▷ (जाशीन)(मुराळ्या)(खूण) I_tell (लिंबाची)
▷ (आडी)(चौकट)(भिंगाची) Mina (वाकडी)(भागांची)
pas de traduction en français
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVI-4.2 (F16-04-02) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Mother sends him

[116] id = 85327
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शालुच्या पदरी भाकरी बांधीते दुमती
मैनाला आणाया करते राघुची इंनती
śālucyā padarī bhākarī bāndhītē dumatī
mainālā āṇāyā karatē rāghucī innatī
I tie a folded flat bread in the end of your stole
Go and bring your sister, I request her brother
▷ (शालुच्या)(पदरी)(भाकरी)(बांधीते)(दुमती)
▷  For_Mina (आणाया)(करते)(राघुची)(इंनती)
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[117] id = 85328
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
शालुच्या पदरी भाकरी बांधीते तिळगुळ
सांगते भाऊ तुला जाय बहिणीला मुळ
śālucyā padarī bhākarī bāndhītē tiḷaguḷa
sāṅgatē bhāū tulā jāya bahiṇīlā muḷa
I tie sesame sweets in the end of your stole
I tell you, brother, go and bring your sister
▷ (शालुच्या)(पदरी)(भाकरी)(बांधीते)(तिळगुळ)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (जाय) to_sister children
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F:XVI-4.6 (F16-04-06) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Mūrāli as a young child

[16] id = 40009
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
नादान मुराळी नको नको धाडू आई
मला पाहून मिरगाचा पाणी पनाळी माई
nādāna murāḷī nakō nakō dhāḍū āī
malā pāhūna miragācā pāṇī panāḷī māī
Mother, don’t send my little brother as murali*
He starts crying when he sees me
▷ (नादान)(मुराळी) not not (धाडू)(आई)
▷ (मला)(पाहून)(मिरगाचा) water, (पनाळी)(माई)
pas de traduction en français
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
[17] id = 40010
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
नादान मुराळी वसरी झोपी गेला
साखरेचा लाडू खिशात भुगा झाला
nādāna murāḷī vasarī jhōpī gēlā
sākharēcā lāḍū khiśāta bhugā jhālā
My little brother, my murali* fell asleep in the veranda
Sugar sweet in his pocket got crushed
▷ (नादान)(मुराळी)(वसरी)(झोपी) has_gone
▷ (साखरेचा)(लाडू)(खिशात)(भुगा)(झाला)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
[53] id = 59227
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
नेंनत्या मुर्हाळी राहा म्हणताणा राहीना
आवकळ्या पाऊस पाणी चौकात माईना
nēnnatyā murhāḷī rāhā mhaṇatāṇā rāhīnā
āvakaḷyā pāūsa pāṇī caukāta māīnā
My little brother, my murali*, I am asking him to stay but he refuses
Unseasonal rains, water is flooding everywhere
▷ (नेंनत्या)(मुर्हाळी)(राहा)(म्हणताणा)(राहीना)
▷ (आवकळ्या) rain water, (चौकात) Mina
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home
[54] id = 59228
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
नेंनत्या मुर्हाळीची किती करु खटखट
सांगते भाऊ तुला पिड्यालरी बैस निट
nēnnatyā murhāḷīcī kitī karu khaṭakhaṭa
sāṅgatē bhāū tulā piḍyālarī baisa niṭa
How much can I run after my little brother, my murali*
I tell you, brother, sit properly on the stool, in one place
▷ (नेंनत्या)(मुर्हाळीची)(किती)(करु)(खटखट)
▷  I_tell brother to_you (पिड्यालरी)(बैस)(निट)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVI-4.7 (F16-04-07) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Sister waits for mūrāli

[61] id = 97208
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
रागुचे मुरहाळी बाई मी येशीन पाहिला
साळीच्या भाताला जाळ धनटया लाविला
rāgucē murahāḷī bāī mī yēśīna pāhilā
sāḷīcyā bhātālā jāḷa dhanaṭayā lāvilā
Raghu*, my murali*, I saw him near the village boundary
I lit a good fire under sali variety of rice
▷ (रागुचे)(मुरहाळी) woman I (येशीन)(पाहिला)
▷ (साळीच्या)(भाताला)(जाळ)(धनटया)(लाविला)
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RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVI-4.12 (F16-04-12) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Nephew as the mūrāli

[23] id = 45743
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
शेजारीन सखू उसना दे ना गुळ
भाऊची तारभळ भासा मला मूळ
śējārīna sakhū usanā dē nā guḷa
bhāūcī tārabhaḷa bhāsā malā mūḷa
Sakhu, my neighbour woman, lend me some jaggery*
My brother is busy, my nephew has come as murali*
▷ (शेजारीन)(सखू)(उसना)(दे) * (गुळ)
▷ (भाऊची)(तारभळ)(भासा)(मला) children
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jaggeryA traditional non-centrifugal cane sugar
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVII-2.1 (F17-02-01) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Brings stress on brother/sister relation

[64] id = 48731
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बहिण भावंड एक्या झाडाची संतर
आली भावजयी इन पाडील अंतर
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa ēkyā jhāḍācī santara
ālī bhāvajayī ina pāḍīla antara
Brother and sister are like oranges from the same tree
Sister-in-law came from another family, she caused the distance
▷  Sister brother (एक्या)(झाडाची)(संतर)
▷  Has_come (भावजयी)(इन)(पाडील)(अंतर)
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[158] id = 72336
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
बहिण भावंड एकाच झाडाचे संतर
आली परायाची इन पाडलं अंतर
bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍa ēkāca jhāḍācē santara
ālī parāyācī ina pāḍalaṁ antara
Brother and sister are like oranges from the same tree
Sister-in-law came from another family, she caused the distance
▷  Sister brother (एकाच)(झाडाचे)(संतर)
▷  Has_come (परायाची)(इन)(पाडलं)(अंतर)
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F:XVII-2.4 (F17-02-04) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Bhāujay resents serving husband’s sister, nananda

[82] id = 49610
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊच्या मनात घाल बहिणीची वेणी
बोलती भावजयी कावळ्यानी नेली फणी
bhāūcyā manāta ghāla bahiṇīcī vēṇī
bōlatī bhāvajayī kāvaḷyānī nēlī phaṇī
Brother says, tie my sister’s hair into a plait
Sister-in-law says, a crow took the comb away
▷ (भाऊच्या)(मनात)(घाल)(बहिणीची)(वेणी)
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(कावळ्यानी)(नेली)(फणी)
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[83] id = 49611
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊच्या मनात भर बहिणीची वटी
बोलती भावजयी उंदराने नेली वाटी (खोबर्याची)
bhāūcyā manāta bhara bahiṇīcī vaṭī
bōlatī bhāvajayī undarānē nēlī vāṭī (khōbaryācī)
My brother says, honour my sister by putting coconut and wheat in her lap
Sister-in-law says, a rat took away the dry coconut half
▷ (भाऊच्या)(मनात)(भर)(बहिणीची)(वटी)
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(उंदराने)(नेली)(वाटी) ( (खोबर्याची) )
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[84] id = 49612
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊच्या मनात वाढ बहिणीला दही
बोलती भावजयी दही विरजल नाही
bhāūcyā manāta vāḍha bahiṇīlā dahī
bōlatī bhāvajayī dahī virajala nāhī
Brother says, serve curds to my sister
Sister-in-law says, I did not make curds
▷ (भाऊच्या)(मनात)(वाढ) to_sister (दही)
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(दही)(विरजल) not
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[85] id = 49613
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊच्या मनात वाढ बहिणीला ताक
बोलती भावजयी डेर्याखाली गेला साप
bhāūcyā manāta vāḍha bahiṇīlā tāka
bōlatī bhāvajayī ḍēryākhālī gēlā sāpa
Brother says, serve my sister buttermilk
Sister-in-law says, a snake crossed under the earthen jar
▷ (भाऊच्या)(मनात)(वाढ) to_sister (ताक)
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(डेर्याखाली) has_gone (साप)
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[86] id = 49621
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
बोलतो भाऊ कर बहिणीला भात
बोलती भावजयी साळी लोटले पेवात
bōlatō bhāū kara bahiṇīlā bhāta
bōlatī bhāvajayī sāḷī lōṭalē pēvāta
Brother says, cook rice for my sister
Sister-in-law says, I have kept the rice back in the grain-cellar
▷  Says brother doing to_sister (भात)
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(साळी)(लोटले)(पेवात)
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[87] id = 49622
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊ मनात कर बहिणीला रोटी
बोलती भावजयी गहू जमिनीच्या पोटी
bhāū manāta kara bahiṇīlā rōṭī
bōlatī bhāvajayī gahū jaminīcyā pōṭī
Brother says, make flattened bread for sister
Sister-in-law says, wheat has not yet sprouted
▷  Brother (मनात) doing to_sister (रोटी)
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(गहू)(जमिनीच्या)(पोटी)
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[88] id = 49624
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊच्या मनात कर बहिणीला पोळ्या
बोलती भावजयी बहिणी तुमच्या लेकुरवाळ्या
bhāūcyā manāta kara bahiṇīlā pōḷyā
bōlatī bhāvajayī bahiṇī tumacyā lēkuravāḷyā
Brother says, make flattened bread for sister
Sister-in-law says, your sister has come with children
▷ (भाऊच्या)(मनात) doing to_sister (पोळ्या)
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(बहिणी)(तुमच्या)(लेकुरवाळ्या)
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[89] id = 49625
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊच्या मनात वाढ बहिणीला दूध
बोलती भावजयी वासरु पेल आज
bhāūcyā manāta vāḍha bahiṇīlā dūdha
bōlatī bhāvajayī vāsaru pēla āja
Brother says, serve milk to my sister
Sister-in-law says, calf drank cow’s milk today
▷ (भाऊच्या)(मनात)(वाढ) to_sister milk
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(वासरु)(पेल)(आज)
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F:XVII-2.5a (F17-02-05a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Blouse

[89] id = 38151
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊ घेतो चोळी भावजयी ती हासती
घाल शिप्या घडी चोळी बांडाची दिसती
bhāū ghētō cōḷī bhāvajayī tī hāsatī
ghāla śipyā ghaḍī cōḷī bāṇḍācī disatī
Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), sister-in-law smiles
Fold it up, tailor, the blouse seems to be made from a coarse cloth, (she says)
▷  Brother (घेतो) blouse (भावजयी)(ती)(हासती)
▷ (घाल)(शिप्या)(घडी) blouse (बांडाची)(दिसती)
Pli de sari
[90] id = 49623
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊ घेतो चोळी भावजयी तिथ गेली
रुपायाच खण पावली कमी केली
bhāū ghētō cōḷī bhāvajayī titha gēlī
rupāyāca khaṇa pāvalī kamī kēlī
Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), sister-in-law went there
The price of the blouse-piece was one rupee, she reduced it by four annas*
▷  Brother (घेतो) blouse (भावजयी)(तिथ) went
▷ (रुपायाच)(खण)(पावली)(कमी) shouted
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anna ➡ annasancient monetary unit. 4 annas = 25 cents

F:XVII-2.5e (F17-02-05e) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Any present

[4] id = 69326
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भाऊच्या मनात कर बहिणीला नाटी (लुगड)
बोलती भावजयी घ्यावी चोळी लावा वाटी
bhāūcyā manāta kara bahiṇīlā nāṭī (lugaḍa)
bōlatī bhāvajayī ghyāvī cōḷī lāvā vāṭī
Brother thinks of giving a sari to his sister
Sister-in-law says, buy her a blouse and send her away
▷ (भाऊच्या)(मनात) doing to_sister (नाटी) ( (लुगड) )
▷ (बोलती)(भावजयी)(घ्यावी) blouse put (वाटी)
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F:XVII-2.8 (F17-02-08) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Brother compared to his wife

[37] id = 48734
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भावजयी खोटी पायाने पिड लोटी
पोटी घालवीते अन्याय भाऊ तुझ्यासाठी
bhāvajayī khōṭī pāyānē piḍa lōṭī
pōṭī ghālavītē anyāya bhāū tujhyāsāṭhī
Wicked sister-in-law pushes the small stool with her foot
I bear with injustice for the sake of my brother
▷ (भावजयी)(खोटी)(पायाने)(पिड)(लोटी)
▷ (पोटी)(घालवीते)(अन्याय) brother (तुझ्यासाठी)
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F:XVII-4.5 (F17-04-05) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Uncle teaches nephew

[82] id = 105119
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
वाघ मारीला वाघजळी ससा मारीला बसुनी
नैनंता माझा हरी सांगते मामाला हासुनी
vāgha mārīlā vāghajaḷī sasā mārīlā basunī
nainantā mājhā harī sāṅgatē māmālā hāsunī
He killed a tiger in the thicket, and a rabbit in the bushes
He shouts to his maternal uncle
▷ (वाघ)(मारीला)(वाघजळी)(ससा)(मारीला)(बसुनी)
▷ (नैनंता) my (हरी) I_tell (मामाला)(हासुनी)
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[83] id = 105120
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
वाघ मारीला वाघजळी ससा मारीला जाळी
टाक मामाला आरोळी
vāgha mārīlā vāghajaḷī sasā mārīlā jāḷī
ṭāka māmālā ārōḷī
He killed a tiger in the thicket, and a rabbit in the bushes
He shouts to his maternal uncle
▷ (वाघ)(मारीला)(वाघजळी)(ससा)(मारीला)(जाळी)
▷ (टाक)(मामाला)(आरोळी)
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F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle

[30] id = 112316
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भावाच्या परीस मला भाचीयाची गोडी
नाजुक केवड्याला कणस आली चढाओढी
bhāvācyā parīsa malā bhācīyācī gōḍī
nājuka kēvaḍyālā kaṇasa ālī caḍhāōḍhī
More than my nephew, I am fond of my niece
For the delicate pandanus* (niece), a corn (nephew) has come to compete
▷ (भावाच्या)(परीस)(मला)(भाचीयाची)(गोडी)
▷ (नाजुक)(केवड्याला)(कणस) has_come (चढाओढी)
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pandanusName of a flower

F:XVII-5.6 (F17-05-06) - Children of brother / Nephew the dear one

[165] id = 108518
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
चिकन सुपारी जोक वाढीनी आणिक
नैनंत्या माझ्या भाचा जावई खाणिक
cikana supārī jōka vāḍhīnī āṇika
nainantyā mājhyā bhācā jāvaī khāṇika
Chikani* variety of areca nut, give him more
My young nephew, my son-in-law likes to eat it
▷ (चिकन)(सुपारी)(जोक)(वाढीनी)(आणिक)
▷ (नैनंत्या) my (भाचा)(जावई)(खाणिक)
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chikaniA variety of areca nut

F:XVII-7.1 (F17-07-01) - Guru-Bhāū / More intimate relation than with brother

[87] id = 105002
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सका भाऊ होता म्या गुरु भाऊ केला
मांडवाच्या दारी आहेर चढाओढी झाला
sakā bhāū hōtā myā guru bhāū kēlā
māṇḍavācyā dārī āhēra caḍhāōḍhī jhālā
I had a real brother, but still I made a Guru bhau*
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, they competed with each other for aher*
▷ (सका) brother (होता)(म्या)(गुरु) brother did
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(आहेर)(चढाओढी)(झाला)
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Guru bhau ➡ Guru bhausMale disciple of the same Guru, considered as brother
aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.

F:XVIII-5.4 (F18-05-04) - Sister’s children / Close relation

[71] id = 97587
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
वळणाच पाणी वळणाला जात
भाऊ तुझ बाळ आत्या म्हणु माग येत
vaḷaṇāca pāṇī vaḷaṇālā jāta
bhāū tujha bāḷa ātyā mhaṇu māga yēta
Flowing water went its own way
Brother’s child came behind me, called me paternal aunt
▷ (वळणाच) water, (वळणाला) class
▷  Brother your son (आत्या) say (माग)(येत)
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[81] id = 40197
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
आपल तूपल कस लावल देवान
बहिणीच बाळ कड घेतल भावान
āpala tūpala kasa lāvala dēvāna
bahiṇīca bāḷa kaḍa ghētala bhāvāna
How God has made us close relatives
Brother picked up his sister’s son
▷ (आपल)(तूपल) how (लावल)(देवान)
▷  Of_sister son (कड)(घेतल)(भावान)
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G:XIX-1.1bi (G19-01-01b01) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Box of kuṅku, karaṅḍā / Box full of kuṅku

[10] id = 109674
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
पाटलाच्या नारी बसत्यात घरोघरी
कुकाचा करंडा उचल चौगुलचे नारी
pāṭalācyā nārī basatyāta gharōgharī
kukācā karaṇḍā ucala caugulacē nārī
Women from the reputed family go on a visit to many houses
Woman from Chougule family, pick up the box of kunku*
▷ (पाटलाच्या)(नारी)(बसत्यात)(घरोघरी)
▷ (कुकाचा)(करंडा)(उचल)(चौगुलचे)(नारी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-1.1j (G19-01-01j) - Wife with a living husband / Kuṅku / Kuṅku is equivalent to ornaments

[57] id = 109693
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
पुतळ्याची माळ गाव गावी जायला
कुंकु कपाळीच नित्य दागीना लेयाला
putaḷyācī māḷa gāva gāvī jāyalā
kuṅku kapāḷīca nitya dāgīnā lēyālā
A necklace with gold coins is while going to another village
Kunku* on the forehead is a new ornament every day
▷ (पुतळ्याची)(माळ)(गाव)(गावी)(जायला)
▷  Kunku of_forehead (नित्य)(दागीना)(लेयाला)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-5.1 (G19-05-01) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Husband stands behind wife like a shadow

[115] id = 85138
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भरताराच सुख मैना सांगती गोतात
शंकर शेल्याची केली सावली शेतात
bharatārāca sukha mainā sāṅgatī gōtāta
śaṅkara śēlyācī kēlī sāvalī śētāta
Maina* tells about her happy married life to her relatives
Her simple and kind husband made a shade with his stole for her in the field
▷ (भरताराच)(सुख) Mina (सांगती)(गोतात)
▷ (शंकर)(शेल्याची) shouted wheat-complexioned (शेतात)
pas de traduction en français
MainaThe name of a bird. Commonly used as a term of endearment for the dear daughter

G:XIX-5.9b (G19-05-09b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband / Rich parents versus poor husband

[59] id = 86621
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दुबळा भरतार नको म्हणुन मेला मेला
आयबाप सम्रत शेवट नाही झाला
dubaḷā bharatāra nakō mhaṇuna mēlā mēlā
āyabāpa samrata śēvaṭa nāhī jhālā
Husband is poor, but don’t keep abusing him
Parents are rich, but they are not going to take care of you all your life
▷ (दुबळा)(भरतार) not (म्हणुन)(मेला)(मेला)
▷ (आयबाप)(सम्रत)(शेवट) not (झाला)
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G:XIX-5.9c (G19-05-09c) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband / Wife contented only with kuṅku, black beads

[30] id = 86622
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दुबळ्या भरताराची नार करिती हेळना
कपाळीच कुंकू सोन दिल्यान मिळना
dubaḷyā bharatārācī nāra karitī hēḷanā
kapāḷīca kuṅkū sōna dilyāna miḷanā
The woman humiliates her poor husband because he is poor
Kunku* on the forehead, you cannot buy it even by paying gold
▷ (दुबळ्या)(भरताराची)(नार) asks_for (हेळना)
▷  Of_forehead kunku gold (दिल्यान)(मिळना)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

G:XIX-5.10a (G19-05-10a) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī / When they live in peace, Lakṣmī stays

[49] id = 85149
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

अस्तुरी पुरुष जशी मेव्हणा मेव्हणी
बोलती लक्ष्मी तिथ जाईन पाव्हणी
asturī puruṣa jaśī mēvhaṇā mēvhaṇī
bōlatī lakṣmī titha jāīna pāvhaṇī
Husband and wife, where their relation is like brother-in-law and sister-in-law (friendly and sporting)
Goddess Lakshmi says, I will go there as a guest
▷ (अस्तुरी) man (जशी) brother-in-law (मेव्हणी)
▷ (बोलती) Lakshmi (तिथ)(जाईन)(पाव्हणी)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

G:XIX-5.10b (G19-05-10b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī / When they quarrel, Lakṣmī leaves

[46] id = 85150
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

अस्तुरी पुरुष दोहीचा उभा दावा
बोलती लक्ष्मी उगीच आले देवा
asturī puruṣa dōhīcā ubhā dāvā
bōlatī lakṣmī ugīca ālē dēvā
no translation in English
▷ (अस्तुरी) man (दोहीचा) standing (दावा)
▷ (बोलती) Lakshmi (उगीच) here_comes (देवा)
pas de traduction en français
Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

G:XIX-6.4 (G19-06-04) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Husband is like a serpent

[50] id = 85135
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भरताराच सुख कोण सांगती निलट
जसा पेटाडीच नाग घडोघडी उलट
bharatārāca sukha kōṇa sāṅgatī nilaṭa
jasā pēṭāḍīca nāga ghaḍōghaḍī ulaṭa
What are you saying about your happy married life, you caring and considerate woman
He is like a cobra in the chest who pounces again and again
▷ (भरताराच)(सुख) who (सांगती)(निलट)
▷ (जसा)(पेटाडीच)(नाग)(घडोघडी)(उलट)
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G:XIX-7.1 (G19-07-01) - Wife’s death before husband / Received with pomp and ceremony in heaven

Cross-references:B:VII-9.1g (B07-09-01g) - Religious institutions / Guru / Support
[199] id = 109329
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आहेव मेली सरगी सोनीयाची झाली
बालक (बाळ) होऊनी पोटी भरताराच्या आली
āhēva mēlī saragī sōnīyācī jhālī
bālaka (bāḷa) hōūnī pōṭī bharatārācyā ālī
The woman died as an Ahev*, she became gold in heaven
She was born again as her husband’s child
▷ (आहेव)(मेली)(सरगी)(सोनीयाची) has_come
▷ (बालक) ( son ) (होऊनी)(पोटी)(भरताराच्या) has_come
pas de traduction en français
AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.3a (G19-07-03a) - Wife’s death before husband / Husband is aggrieved / Triumph and enjoyment

[15] id = 86609
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
दुबळा भरतार रोज आणी भाजीची गाठ
सांगते बाई तुला हासुनी गाड सोड
dubaḷā bharatāra rōja āṇī bhājīcī gāṭha
sāṅgatē bāī tulā hāsunī gāḍa sōḍa
Husband is poor, he brings a bundle of vegetables every day
I tell you, woman, open the knot with a smile
▷ (दुबळा)(भरतार)(रोज)(आणी)(भाजीची)(गाठ)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (हासुनी)(गाड)(सोड)
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[63] id = 109729
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आहेव नार मेली गेली नवरी होऊयनी
सासु ग काय म्हणी
āhēva nāra mēlī gēlī navarī hōūyanī
sāsu ga kāya mhaṇī
The woman died as an Ahev*, she was treated like a bride
What can the mother-in-law say now
▷ (आहेव)(नार)(मेली) went (नवरी)(होऊयनी)
▷ (सासु) * why (म्हणी)
pas de traduction en français
AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.3d (G19-07-03d) - Wife’s death before husband / Husband is aggrieved / Weak husband

[12] id = 109731
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आहेव मेली चला तिच्या वाड्या जावु
शिरावरी भर्तार तिची बोळवन पाहु
āhēva mēlī calā ticyā vāḍyā jāvu
śirāvarī bhartāra ticī bōḷavana pāhu
The woman died as an Ahev*, come, let’s go to her house
Her husband walks ahead, let’s go to see the final farewell
▷ (आहेव)(मेली) let_us_go (तिच्या)(वाड्या)(जावु)
▷ (शिरावरी)(भर्तार)(तिची)(बोळवन)(पाहु)
pas de traduction en français
AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.3f (G19-07-03f) - Wife’s death before husband / Husband is aggrieved / Decorates her corpse

[16] id = 86619
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आहेव मरण सोमवारी रात्र थोडी
चंदन माझा चुडा दिवट्या लावुनी बेल तोडी
āhēva maraṇa sōmavārī rātra thōḍī
candana mājhā cuḍā divaṭyā lāvunī bēla tōḍī
Death as an Ahev* woman came late on Monday night
My good and kind husband cuts Bel* wood in torchlight
▷ (आहेव)(मरण)(सोमवारी)(रात्र)(थोडी)
▷ (चंदन) my (चुडा)(दिवट्या)(लावुनी)(बेल)(तोडी)
pas de traduction en français
AhevAn unwidowed woman
BelName of a tree

G:XIX-7.9 (G19-07-09) - Wife’s death before husband / The death should happen on Monday night

[106] id = 84930
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आहेव मरण मला सोमवारी यावा
जावा करतील सेवा दिर वजतरी लावा (वाजंत्री)
āhēva maraṇa malā sōmavārī yāvā
jāvā karatīla sēvā dira vajatarī lāvā (vājantrī)
Death as an Ahev* woman, it should come to me on a Monday
Sisters-in-law will take care of me, brother-in-law will play the band for me
▷ (आहेव)(मरण)(मला)(सोमवारी)(यावा)
▷ (जावा)(करतील)(सेवा)(दिर)(वजतरी) put ( (वाजंत्री) )
pas de traduction en français
AhevAn unwidowed woman

G:XIX-7.10 (G19-07-10) - Wife’s death before husband / Corpse decorated with symbols of fortune saubhagya

[79] id = 84922
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
आहेव मेली चला तिच्या वाड्या जावु
तळहातावरी कुंकू तिचा वान आपण घेवु
āhēva mēlī calā ticyā vāḍyā jāvu
taḷahātāvarī kuṅkū ticā vāna āpaṇa ghēvu
no translation in English
▷ (आहेव)(मेली) let_us_go (तिच्या)(वाड्या)(जावु)
▷ (तळहातावरी) kunku (तिचा)(वान)(आपण)(घेवु)
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G:XX-1.3 (G20-01-03) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law

[155] id = 92565
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सासु सासरे दोही देव्हार्याचे देवु
पडते यांच्या पाया मना नही दुजाभावु
sāsu sāsarē dōhī dēvhāryācē dēvu
paḍatē yāñcyā pāyā manā nahī dujābhāvu
Mother-in-law and father-in-law are both like gods in the shrine
I bow and touch their feet, they don’t have any double feelings, they don’t think of me as an outsider
▷ (सासु)(सासरे)(दोही)(देव्हार्याचे)(देवु)
▷ (पडते)(यांच्या)(पाया)(मना) not (दुजाभावु)
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G:XX-2.5a (G20-02-05a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Singer’s husband, mother-in-law’s son / “I got mother-in-law’s son”

[61] id = 109516
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सासु ना आत्याबाई तुम्हीच्या सोनीयीच घोळ
तुमच्या हाताखाली आम्ही परायाच बाळ
sāsu nā ātyābāī tumhīcyā sōnīyīca ghōḷa
tumacyā hātākhālī āmhī parāyāca bāḷa
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, your shelter is worth gold
We, coming from another family, work under you
▷ (सासु) * (आत्याबाई)(तुम्हीच्या)(सोनीयीच)(घोळ)
▷ (तुमच्या)(हाताखाली)(आम्ही)(परायाच) son
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G:XX-2.7b (G20-02-07b) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Nice behavior with each other / Like mother and daughter

Cross-references:A:I-1.9b (A01-01-09b) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī is a castrating mother
[34] id = 85360
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही वसरीला बसा
चुकलेल काम मला लेकीवाणी पुसा
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī vasarīlā basā
cukalēla kāma malā lēkīvāṇī pusā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you sit near the hearth
Whatever I have done wrongly, tell me to do like your daughter
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(वसरीला)(बसा)
▷ (चुकलेल)(काम)(मला)(लेकीवाणी) enquire
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G:XX-2.8 (G20-02-08) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Intimate relationship

Cross-references:A:II-2.5d (A02-02-05d) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Pride of a thriving household
[13] id = 46575
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सासू आत्याबाई बोलू नका काही
सासूरवासाचा अनूभव मला नाही
sāsū ātyābāī bōlū nakā kāhī
sāsūravāsācā anūbhava malā nāhī
Mother-in-law, dear paternal aunt, don’t say anything
I don’t have any experience of sasurvas*
▷ (सासू)(आत्याबाई)(बोलू)(नका)(काही)
▷ (सासूरवासाचा)(अनूभव)(मला) not
pas de traduction en français
sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.
[42] id = 84854
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सासु आत्याबाई दिवाळी शेतात
सणाला मला जाऊ द्या गन गोतात
sāsu ātyābāī divāḷī śētāta
saṇālā malā jāū dyā gana gōtāta
Paternal aunt, my mother-in-law, do I spend Diwali* in the field
For Diwali* festival, let me go to my family (in maher*)
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(दिवाळी)(शेतात)
▷ (सणाला)(मला)(जाऊ)(द्या)(गन)(गोतात)
pas de traduction en français
DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
maherA married woman’s parental home

G:XX-2.15a (G20-02-15a) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law quarrels / Retorts angrily

[53] id = 92597
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही कवाशीक गेल्या
कमराच्या किल्या तूम्ही कोणापाशी दिल्या
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī kavāśīka gēlyā
kamarācyā kilyā tūmhī kōṇāpāśī dilyā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, when did you die
The keys tucked at your waist, to whom did you give them
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(कवाशीक)(गेल्या)
▷ (कमराच्या)(किल्या)(तूम्ही)(कोणापाशी)(दिल्या)
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G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side

Cross-references:A:II-5.3qi (A02-05-03q01) - Labour / Grinding / Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law / Anger and blame
[17] id = 45234
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
सासू सुनचं भांडण ल्योक ऐकतो दारी
उगी बस नारी म्हतारीला तोंड भारी
sāsū sunacaṁ bhāṇḍaṇa lyōka aikatō dārī
ugī basa nārī mhatārīlā tōṇḍa bhārī
The quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, son hears it at the door
Wife, you keep quiet, that old woman is very abusive
▷ (सासू)(सुनचं)(भांडण)(ल्योक)(ऐकतो)(दारी)
▷ (उगी)(बस)(नारी)(म्हतारीला)(तोंड)(भारी)
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[21] id = 45238
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
सासु सुनांच भांडण ल्योक चौकात उभा
अस्तुरीला देतो मुभा कर म्हातारीचा भुगा
sāsu sunāñca bhāṇḍaṇa lyōka caukāta ubhā
asturīlā dētō mubhā kara mhātārīcā bhugā
Mother-in-law’s and daughter-in-law’s fight, son is standing in the open space in the house
He gives his wife permission, says, beat the old woman as much as you like
▷ (सासु)(सुनांच)(भांडण)(ल्योक)(चौकात) standing
▷ (अस्तुरीला)(देतो)(मुभा) doing (म्हातारीचा)(भुगा)
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[61] id = 85359
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
सासुसुनाच भांडण लेक एकत दुरुन
टाक म्हतारी मारुन
sāsusunāca bhāṇḍaṇa lēka ēkata duruna
ṭāka mhatārī māruna
Mother-in-law’s and daughter-in-law’s fight, son hears it from a distance
(He tells his wife), beat her
▷ (सासुसुनाच)(भांडण)(लेक)(एकत)(दुरुन)
▷ (टाक)(म्हतारी)(मारुन)
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G:XX-3.4c (G20-03-04c) - With husband’s brother / Pride taken in him / He is the one who manages, karta

[8] id = 68119
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
शेताच्या कडाला धामनी तुझ घर
पेरणी करते चारही नंदी माझे दिर
śētācyā kaḍālā dhāmanī tujha ghara
pēraṇī karatē cārahī nandī mājhē dira
On the side of the field, Dhaman (a species of snakes), you have your hole
My brother-in-law is sowing with all the four bullocks (attached to the plough)
▷ (शेताच्या)(कडाला)(धामनी) your house
▷ (पेरणी)(करते)(चारही)(नंदी)(माझे)(दिर)
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G:XX-4.2b (G20-04-02b) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Close relationship / Remaining together despite husbands’ quarrel

[49] id = 95534
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भावाभावाचं भांडण जावा जेवत्यात एका ताटी
आपुण परायाचे बाळ अबोला कशासाठी
bhāvābhāvācaṁ bhāṇḍaṇa jāvā jēvatyāta ēkā tāṭī
āpuṇa parāyācē bāḷa abōlā kaśāsāṭhī
Brothers are quarreling, sisters-nin-law eat from the same plate
We, coming from different families, why should we not talk to each other
▷ (भावाभावाचं)(भांडण)(जावा)(जेवत्यात)(एका)(ताटी)
▷ (आपुण)(परायाचे) son (अबोला)(कशासाठी)
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[50] id = 95535
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
भावाभावाचं भांडण गल्ल्या घेतल्या वाटुनी
सांगते जाऊबाई घालु पान्ह्या खेटुनी
bhāvābhāvācaṁ bhāṇḍaṇa gallayā ghētalyā vāṭunī
sāṅgatē jāūbāī ghālu pānhyā khēṭunī
Brothers quarrel, divide the lane
I tell you, sister-in-law, we shall keep our water vessels touching each other
▷ (भावाभावाचं)(भांडण)(गल्ल्या)(घेतल्या)(वाटुनी)
▷  I_tell (जाऊबाई)(घालु)(पान्ह्या)(खेटुनी)
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G:XX-4.4b (G20-04-04b) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Going together to attend marriage / Sweet quarrels

[46] id = 106009
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
मांडवाच्या दारी जावा जावांचा रुसवा
भाऊच पातळ जाऊबाईला नेसवा
māṇḍavācyā dārī jāvā jāvāñcā rusavā
bhāūca pātaḷa jāūbāīlā nēsavā
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, sisters -in-law are having a mock quarrel
Make my sister-in-law wear the new sari given by my brother
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(जावा)(जावांचा)(रुसवा)
▷ (भाऊच)(पातळ)(जाऊबाईला)(नेसवा)
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[47] id = 108812
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
लग्नाच्या दिशी जावा बसल्या ताटुनी
आल्या भावजया चुली घेतल्या वाटुनी
lagnācyā diśī jāvā basalyā tāṭunī
ālyā bhāvajayā culī ghētalyā vāṭunī
On the wedding day, sisters-in-law sat sulking
My brother’s wives came, they had separated
▷ (लग्नाच्या)(दिशी)(जावा)(बसल्या)(ताटुनी)
▷ (आल्या)(भावजया)(चुली)(घेतल्या)(वाटुनी)
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G:XX-5.2 (G20-05-02) - With husband’s sister / Inviting her at home

[52] id = 101164
मोईन मथुरा - Moyin Mathura
माझ्या दाराची तोंडी चिमण्या पाणी पितात
हिरव्या पातळाच्या नंदा माझ्या तोंड धुत्यात
mājhyā dārācī tōṇḍī cimaṇyā pāṇī pitāta
hiravyā pātaḷācyā nandā mājhyā tōṇḍa dhutyāta
In my courtyard, sparrows are drinking water
My nanands, wearing a green sari, are washing their face
▷  My (दाराची)(तोंडी)(चिमण्या) water, (पितात)
▷ (हिरव्या)(पातळाच्या)(नंदा) my (तोंड)(धुत्यात)
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H:XXI-4 (H21-04) - Mahatma Gandhi

[14] id = 109219
औताडे सखुबाई शंकर - Autade Sakhu
कॉग्रेस कायदा नाव गांधीजीच ऐका
मत द्यायाला आल्या मोठ्याच्या बायका
kōgrēsa kāyadā nāva gāndhījīca aikā
mata dyāyālā ālyā mōṭhyācyā bāyakā
Congress’s ruling, listen to Gandhiji’s name
Wives of rich and important people came to vote
▷ (कॉग्रेस)(कायदा)(नाव)(गांधीजीच)(ऐका)
▷ (मत)(द्यायाला)(आल्या)(मोठ्याच्या)(बायका)
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H:XXI-5.1i (H21-05-01i) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Warfare images: tank, bomb

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.3d (H21-05-03d) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Bhim is the son-in-law of Brahmins
H:XXI-5.1f (H21-05-01f) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Ambedkar’s flag is raised
H:XXI-5.1o (H21-05-01o) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Birth anniversary, Jayanti
[26] id = 83030
औताडे हिरा - Autade Hira
आला आला रणगाडा रणगाड्याला साखळी
जनता भिमाची मोकळी
ālā ālā raṇagāḍā raṇagāḍyālā sākhaḷī
janatā bhimācī mōkaḷī
Here comes the tank, the tank has a chain
Babasaheb*’s people are liberated
▷  Here_comes here_comes (रणगाडा)(रणगाड्याला)(साखळी)
▷ (जनता)(भिमाची)(मोकळी)
Il arrive, il arrive le char, le tank a des chaînes
Le peuple de Bhīm est libéré.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Discovery in a furrow
  2. Sītā, a charming housewife
  3. Sītā offers to go with Rām
  4. Arrow and bow
  5. Rāvaṇ’s arrogance spells ruin
  6. Sītā suspects. questions the gosāvī
  7. Sītā gives alms
  8. Innocent Sītā is taken away
  9. Mandodarī tells Rāvaṇ
  10. Mandodarī’s communication with Sītā
  11. Mandodarī’s grief for Indrajīta
  12. Mandodarī’s rage
  13. Lakṣmaṇ injured
  14. Kuṅkū, nose-ring, saffron remembered
  15. Sītā weeps over her difficulties
  16. Rām laments over Sītā’s absence
  17. Kaikeyī is a castrating mother
  18. No dialogue between Rāma and Sītā
  19. Isolation:no communication
  20. No lamp in forest
  21. Mountain hardship
  22. Grass as bed, stone as pillow
  23. Sītā remembers Rām
  24. Delivered in the hut of sari
  25. Non-availability of things, person-ajwan (ovā), anise, comb, hair oil, black paste for eyes etc.
  26. Mārutī hands over Rām’s ring to Sītā
  27. Māruti attending Rām, Sītā and Lakṣmaṇ
  28. Father and sons’ recognition
  29. Sītā sends her exile to all women on earth
  30. Sītā complains about her Karma
  31. Sītā’s karma, singer’s denunciation
  32. Stories
  33. Rāghu and Mynah brother vs. sister
  34. Woman-race is foolish, crow is cunning
  35. Brother’s presence and rites
  36. Story of illness and death
  37. Daughter’s grief
  38. Husband’s role and grief
  39. Mother, father and sister’s grief
  40. Parents’ grief and inverted feelings
  41. Daughter foretold her ruin and disgrace
  42. Forsaken by her parents
  43. Scornful songs
  44. Unable to sing
  45. Maintained despite disapprobation
  46. Mutual fondness
  47. “Break your silence”
  48. Children play together
  49. Rite to dispel the bad eye
  50. Attractive songs
  51. “Evening” / “sterility”
  52. Whom to share one’s grief with?
  53. Mother teaches
  54. Father, mother, brother teach
  55. Come ō Viṭṭhal!
  56. Together with other gods, holy places
  57. Memory of Viṭṭhal, Rukminī, Jani
  58. Thankful recollection of several gods
  59. Other relatives
  60. Viṭṭhal grinding with Jani
  61. Sister remembers her brother
  62. Mother is coaching her daughter
  63. Within one’s heart
  64. In the morning
  65. Before setting to work
  66. Holy blessing
  67. Sugar, gūḷ, supārī, āmṛt
  68. Sinners disregard it
  69. Lakṣmaṇ kills Iṅdrajit
  70. Fighting
  71. Joy of birth
  72. Maternal uncles and aunts
  73. Yaśoda
  74. In the prison
  75. Stealing curd, milk, butter
  76. Stealing churning instruments
  77. Cow-women following one another
  78. Hanging pot for milk and butter
  79. While fetching water
  80. The dear one
  81. Support
  82. Festival
  83. Añjanābāī’s delivery pains
  84. Aṅjanābāī’s religious austerity
  85. First child
  86. Celibate
  87. Red powder, flag, cotton string
  88. Mārutī’s support to son
  89. Fullfilling vow
  90. Support to oneself
  91. Anusaya
  92. Vow
  93. Playing cards
  94. Mhāsobā
  95. Mothers to son
  96. Description of the road
  97. Parents
  98. Mother
  99. Brother
  100. Friends
  101. Ekadashi
  102. Meeting the couple Viṭṭhal, Rukminī
  103. Viṭṭhal’s invitation
  104. Ornaments
  105. Description
  106. Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
  107. Palanquin, chariot
  108. Visiting idols in temple
  109. Holy men come to temple
  110. Katha, Kirtan, Vina
  111. Sāsuravāsīṇa remembers Paṅḍharpur
  112. Viṭṭhal father
  113. Viṭṭhal’s daughter goes to in-laws, daughters come to māhēr
  114. Father and clan
  115. Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
  116. Rukhmini’s ornaments
  117. Rukhmini’s saris
  118. Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc
  119. Like a fire
  120. Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal
  121. Matching couple
  122. She suspects Viṭṭhal
  123. Rukhmini’s delivery
  124. Selling kuṅku black powder, other things with Viṭṭhal
  125. Sixteen, seventeen, three hundred sixty, thousand women etc
  126. Satyabhama
  127. Tuḷas
  128. Kanhopatra
  129. Differential treatment
  130. Jani’s bath
  131. Jani washes cloth
  132. Jani’s work
  133. Theft in Jani’s house
  134. Vīṭṭhal aspires to meet her
  135. Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani
  136. Narad
  137. Washing cloths
  138. Māher
  139. Rukhmini
  140. In spate
  141. Marvellous happenings
  142. Sun revolves, looks upon the earth
  143. Sun and pandurang, Rukhmini
  144. Women broom the courtyard for him at dawn
  145. Singers confident of his support
  146. Son takes darshan
  147. She is without parents
  148. She is planted at the door
  149. Viṭṭhal
  150. Worship, reading of pothi
  151. Basil and son
  152. She delivers without intercourse with man
  153. Fulfilled
  154. Pride of ones village
  155. The rain falls
  156. The king-rain
  157. Nāngribābā
  158. Gangagīrbābā
  159. Nine months nine days
  160. They are the lamp of the lineage
  161. One feels inflamed by abuses on mother’s name
  162. Sugar Phutana
  163. One can not pay back mothers loan
  164. She is open-minded, considerate
  165. Mother gives food
  166. No affection parallel to mothers love
  167. Baby is crying
  168. Baby compared to gold, milk sweet, yellow flower
  169. Maternal uncle, aunty, who bring presents
  170. Singer asks husband to play with baby
  171. Serving clarified butter, ghee
  172. Hard sun of summer
  173. Mother anxiously waits for son
  174. “Plant tree of your height”
  175. Given handkerchief to wave
  176. “Passer by, give me news of my son”
  177. Neem leaves
  178. Cow-keeping suits him
  179. Helping her during illness
  180. “May rains come!” Rain falls
  181. Cultivator’s son becomes a gardener
  182. “In which field should I go and find you?”
  183. Son enjoys god’s support
  184. Son performs ritual to ancestors
  185. Applying turmeric on the whole body
  186. Inviting various gods for the marriage
  187. He is son of an eminent person
  188. Daughter, the dear one
  189. Daughter to be married in the same village
  190. Daughter’s righteousness
  191. Mother weaps, sad, worried
  192. Daughter went out of flock
  193. Daughter and father
  194. Relatives, neghbour, relatives grieved
  195. He performs her kanyadan, other rituals, gives her gifts
  196. Son-in-law gets angry
  197. Maternal uncle takes lead
  198. Applying turmeric paste on the whole body
  199. Shed on poles
  200. He spends a lot
  201. Bath
  202. Performance of rituals
  203. Bride’s mother and grand-mother
  204. Son-in-law speeks agressively
  205. With wheat preparation
  206. With wheaten flour, rava, soji, vermicelli
  207. With milk, sweet, purified butter
  208. With sweets prepared for Diwali festival
  209. Brothers quarrel among themselves
  210. Brother struck by bad eye
  211. Many sisters and brothers
  212. Both brother and sister looks alike
  213. Brother likes sister’s singing
  214. Brother of sister-in-law
  215. As quickly as rain vanishes
  216. Brother has no love left for sister
  217. His presence is noticeable in village assemblies
  218. Rain falls
  219. Ploughing
  220. Brother’s orchard
  221. Brother’s large field
  222. Brother gets good crop
  223. Sister extolls brother’s work in the field
  224. Many bullocks in brother’s stable
  225. Brother comes as a guest
  226. Brother lends his ear to her difficulties
  227. Brother goes to fetch her at in-laws’
  228. Mother sends him
  229. Mūrāli as a young child
  230. Sister waits for mūrāli
  231. Nephew as the mūrāli
  232. Brings stress on brother/sister relation
  233. Bhāujay resents serving husband’s sister, nananda
  234. Blouse
  235. Any present
  236. Brother compared to his wife
  237. Uncle teaches nephew
  238. Niece, dear to maternal uncle
  239. Nephew the dear one
  240. More intimate relation than with brother
  241. Close relation
  242. Box full of kuṅku
  243. Kuṅku is equivalent to ornaments
  244. Husband stands behind wife like a shadow
  245. Rich parents versus poor husband
  246. Wife contented only with kuṅku, black beads
  247. When they live in peace, Lakṣmī stays
  248. When they quarrel, Lakṣmī leaves
  249. Husband is like a serpent
  250. Received with pomp and ceremony in heaven
  251. Triumph and enjoyment
  252. Weak husband
  253. Decorates her corpse
  254. The death should happen on Monday night
  255. Corpse decorated with symbols of fortune saubhagya
  256. Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law
  257. “I got mother-in-law’s son”
  258. Like mother and daughter
  259. Intimate relationship
  260. Retorts angrily
  261. Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side
  262. He is the one who manages, karta
  263. Remaining together despite husbands’ quarrel
  264. Sweet quarrels
  265. Inviting her at home
  266. Warfare images: tank, bomb
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